Loss of smell during a cold is a common occurrence. A person's ability to smell is lost if both nostrils are completely blocked. Living in a world devoid of aromas is not very fun, so everyone who suffers from this ailment would like to know how to restore their sense of smell with a cold.
Why does the smell disappear?
Before we learn how to return the sense of smell with a runny nose, let's talk about why it disappears.
The mucous membrane located in the nose is covered with the so-called neuroepithelium. When air enters its cilia, a signal is sent to the brain that is recognized by the nerve center responsible for it as one or another smell.
With a runny nose, the nasal passages are filled with secretions, and the nasal mucosa swells. This is a protective reaction of the body to the activity of viruses and bacteria. But these same discharge and swelling block the normal functioning of the neuroepithelium. As a result, the ability to smell is reduced and may even disappear altogether. In some cases, the sense of smell is not immediately restored even after the cure of the common cold.
To return the sense of smell, there are many tools related to both traditional and traditional medicine. However, before using them, it is better to consult a doctor. The body of each person is unique, and it is impossible to predict in advance what his reaction to this or that substance will be, whether it will cause allergies.
Medical facilities
How to return the smell and taste with a cold? First of all, the best solution is to see a doctor. Only he can find out the cause of the common cold. Depending on this, treatment will be prescribed.
To combat the common cold and its consequences, as well as to relieve swelling, various vasoconstrictor drugs are often used, such as Naphthyzine, Nafazolin, Galazolin and others.
Their instillation in the nose gives a quick but temporary effect. In addition, these funds should not be used for more than five consecutive days, otherwise getting used to them, and in the future they will act worse. Finally, such drugs with constant use lead to drying of the mucous membrane.
If the sense of smell has disappeared as a result of an allergic reaction, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, and if it is associated with the activity of bacteria, it will be antibacterial.
Before using the drops, it is advisable to rinse the nasal cavity to clean it of mucus. To do this, you can use saline or a decoction of chamomile.
How to quickly return the smell with a cold? One of the most effective ways is inhalation. The easiest option is to breathe over the steam of boiled potatoes. For inhalation also use:
- Soda solution. Its temperature should not be more than 30 about , otherwise soda loses its healing properties.
- Infusions of herbs. To restore the sense of smell, chamomile, linden, mint, eucalyptus, sage or calendula are best suited. For infusion, take one or two tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry grass and 0.5 l of boiling water.
- Essential oils. They are dripped a few drops. Oil of fir, juniper, peppermint and eucalyptus are used.
With any method of inhalation, steam should not burn the nasal mucosa, so boiling water should be slightly cooled beforehand. You need to breathe over the steam for 10 minutes, covering your head with a cloth. After inhalation, it is better to lie down, covered with a blanket, and in no case go out into the cold air.
How to return the smell after a cold? Helping him recover simple exercises. The nasal muscles should be strained for one minute and then relaxed. Repeat for ten minutes. During the day, you can perform 10-12 of these series.
In addition, massage of the wings of the nose works well.
Similar exercises are useful to prevent the loss of smell.
Warming up
How to return the smell during a cold? You can warm your nose with a regular desk lamp. It should be directed to the nose, positioning 25-30 cm from it. To protect the eyes, it is necessary to use dark glasses. The duration of the session should be 10-15 minutes.
Another way is to use salt calcined in a skillet. It is poured into a small bag, slightly cooled and applied to the nose. To restore the sense of smell, such warming is done for a week 3 times a day.
Finally, warming the nose with a boiled egg is common and beneficial. It should be applied to the bridge of the nose through a scarf, and keep it for 6-7 minutes.
Have you lost your sense of smell? What to do? Washing your nose can help you. It is carried out to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. You can perform it with a salt solution. It is better to use marine. If ordinary salt is used, then iodized should be taken. To prepare the solution, the ingredient (1/2 teaspoon) is dissolved in 0.5 l of water.
The washing itself is carried out using a syringe or syringe. The solution is administered in turn into each nostril, the procedure is repeated until the nose is free of mucus.
In addition to saline, for washing, you can use a solution based on a string or chamomile.
Another option for washing is to inhale the saline solution so that it is felt in the larynx. A solution for this is prepared, based on the calculation - a teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of water. The procedure itself should be approached carefully, take a breath in a hurry, and the dosage of salt in the solution should in no case be exceeded so as not to cause burns to the mucous membranes.
How to return the sense of smell with a cold? Drops prepared from a decoction of chamomile, sage and mint are considered the most effective. They are dripped into the nose up to 8 times a day, while the smell is usually restored within two days.
Another means of quickly returning the sense of smell is drops based on aloe juice. The cut leaf of the plant is left in the cold for 4-5 hours, then cut into small pieces and squeeze the juice. Drip should be 4 times a day. The course lasts 2-3 days.
There are several more effective formulations of drops to restore the sense of smell, which you can prepare yourself. For their preparation use:
- Menthol and camphor oil, taken in equal proportions.
- Beetroot juice with honey.
- Lemon juice.
- Fresh celandine juice diluted with water at the rate of a drop of juice per teaspoon of water.
- Onion juice (one drop per tablespoon of water).
These drops are used three times a day, for several days, until the result is achieved.
Cotton swabs
How to return the sense of smell with a cold? Vata is impregnated with the prepared composition and laid alternately in each nostril for twenty minutes. This procedure is preferably performed before bedtime. The composition is prepared on the basis of propolis with the addition of various ingredients:
- Propolis with butter and olive oil (ratio 1: 3: 3).
- Propolis, honey and peppermint oil (1: 1: 2 ratio).
- Propolis and butter mixed as 1: 2.
The components of the solutions are combined in a water bath.
To soak tampons, you can also use garlic juice (1 part to 10 parts of water). They are kept in the nose for 10 minutes up to three times a day.
other methods
As an additional therapy that helps to quickly restore the sense of smell, use the inhalation of the smell of wormwood, garlic or onions. Dry wormwood grass, garlic or onion husks are burned, and then they smell their smell for about five minutes. These sharply smelling substances contribute to the normalization of the perception of odors.
Good results are also obtained by lubricating the nasal passages with Zvezdochka balm.
Inside, you can take a decoction of sage. It is prepared from two tablespoons of dry grass per liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil and insisted for 2-3 hours. Drink half a glass three times a day.
By themselves, these methods will not restore the sense of smell, they are used in conjunction with inhalations, rinses and drops in the nose.