The series "City of Special Purpose": actors, roles, short story

The most popular television films, as a rule, belong to the genre of criminal. In the same style, the St. Petersburg series "City of Special Purpose" is sustained, whose actors cope in the frame with tasks that are beyond the power of the ordinary police. What is the new series from Channel 5 narrating about and who played the main roles in it?

The creators of the series

In 2014, specially for Channel 5, she shot the multi-part film The City of Special Purpose. Actors in the project were invited from St. Petersburg theaters. The first season premiered in October 2015.

special city actors

In the director's chair was Denis Neimand, who also shot the psycho "Tin", the mystical thriller "Tower", and in 2016 began shooting the detective "Uppercut for Hitler".

Five people were in the scenario group at once: Sergey Koscheev (“The Freud-2 Method”), Yuri Grechany (“The Freud-2 Method”), Alexander and Katerina Bachilo (“The Tower”), Igor Tkachenko (“A Man Without a Past”).

Behind the camera worked Pavel Fomintsev (“Inspector Cooper”, “Police Major”).

The producers were Gia Lordkipanidze (Touch the Sky, Stolen Wedding), Alexander Shein (Star, Inhabited Island), Dmitry Soshnikov (Major and Magic, Headhunter), Ilya Gavryutin.

Short story

The series "City of Special Purpose" is a story about a special unit called "City" and its work in a metropolis.

TV series Special Purpose

The “city” comes to the rescue of law enforcement agencies in the most difficult moments: when it is necessary to free hostages, hold talks with terrorists, detain and track down criminals in crowded places, and make it so that not a single innocent is hurt.

In the first series, the main characters of the film face hostage-taking in the spa. The situation is interesting in that among the captured people was one of the members of the unit "City".

In the second series, an emergency happened at a wedding: the young man rejected by the bride mined the hall and took all the guests hostage. His main condition was that from now on the wedding was celebrated, but he was in place of the groom.

The first season of the project included 12 episodes. The film never mentions the city in which the action takes place, although the shooting took place in St. Petersburg.

"City of Special Purpose": actors. Georgy Marishin in the role of "Uncle"

The role of the captain from the unit "City" went to St. Petersburg actor George Marishin. Filmography of George, a graduate of VVMIOLU them. Dzerzhinsky, has 72 projects.

Igor Sergeyev

Marishin first appeared on the screen in 2003, playing a number of episodic roles in the TV series Mongoose, Crime in the Modern Style, Streets of Broken Lights-5 and SOS. Usually, George was required to demonstrate his physical strength in the frame. Marishin was not difficult to do, because he is a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat and a candidate for master of sports in athletics.

George had to wait for the main role until 2015, until the "City of Special Purpose" was released, whose actors instantly became famous. Prior to that, Marishin was limited to episodes in such series as “The Shaman”, “Streets of Broken Lights”, “Pregnancy Test” and “Call Sign Flock”.

Mark Gavrilov as Rambo

Gavrilov Mark Vadimovich, a graduate of LGITMiK and a member of the troupe "Theater on Liteiny", received in the project "5 channels" the role of captain Alexander Prokofiev nicknamed Rambo.

The series "City of Special Purpose" is the only film in the filmography of Gavrilov, where he got the main role. Prior to this, the actor played only supporting roles and participated in episodes.

He has participated in the series “Streets of Broken Lights”, “NLS Agency”, “Niro Wolf and Archie Goodwin”, “Golden Bullet Agency”, “Time to Love” and others. The last work of the artist is the role of Bergman in the detective "Bounty Hunter" with Peter Kislov in the title role.

Maria Kapustinskaya as Masha

Maria Kapustinskaya, a graduate of SPbGATI, in the film "City of Special Purpose" was assigned the role of the psychologist of the group "City", senior lieutenant Maria Chernova.

mark gavrilov

Kapustinskaya began her career in 2000 with the series OBZh. In 2006, she played in one of the episodes of Sea Devils.

For the first time the main role went to the girl in 2011 in the series “Oncoming Current”: then Maria had the opportunity to play the senior police lieutenant Oksana Zatsepin. In 2014, the actress was entrusted with another major role: in the Nevsky project of the NTV channel, Kapustinskaya played the wife of Semenov.

In 2016, Maria will appear in two projects at once: “Ascent to Olympus” and “Runaways”.

Other role performers

The commander of the group "City" was played by actor Igor Sergeyev. Sergeyev has been in films since 1992. The main role was assigned to him only once - in the drama "Oatmeal". Igor Sergeyev also starred in the films “Streets of Broken Lights”, “Mole” and “Deadly Force”. In the series "Anna German", the actor got the role of the director of a bakery.

Maxim Belborodov appeared in the frame as Captain Konev. The artist has already appeared in 40 films, including “Police Station” and “Method”.

The operatives from the Gorod group were also played by Dmitry Tkachenko ("The Cop Wars"), Andrei Isaev ("Your Stranger") and Alexei Semenov ("Streets of Broken Lights").

Gesha Menshikov (The Bounty Hunter), Andrei Pynzaru (The Police Saga), and Eduard Sergienia (The Plague) appeared in the episodes .

Maxim Belborodov

TV series reviews

The film "Special Purpose City" definitely has its fans. On the kino-teatr website, the series is rated 7 out of 10 based on the reviews of 32 voters.

Mostly viewers praise the actors' play and the exciting plot. But for some members of the audience, certain scenario twists seem too "far-fetched." Perhaps the series will have a sequel, since the ratings of the first season were pretty good.

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