What is a drug like Kromofarm (eye drops)? The instructions, price and medicinal properties of this medication will be discussed below. You will also learn about the purpose for which this ophthalmic agent is prescribed to patients and whether it has contraindications.
Produced forms, composition, packaging, description
In what packaging is Kromofarm (eye drops) sold? User reviews claim that this ophthalmic medicine can be purchased in the form of a clear liquid (maybe a little yellowish) in 10 ml bottles of polyethylene, packaged in packs of paper.
The main therapeutic ingredient of this product is sodium cromoglycate. As for the auxiliary elements, these include disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, polysorbate 80, injection liquid, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, disodium edetate and benzalkonium chloride.
In what other form can I buy Kromofarm? Eye drops, the analogues of which are indicated below, are not the only form of the drug in question. It can also go on sale in the form of a nasal spray, which is a slightly yellowish (or colorless) clear liquid in 15 ml vials and cardboard packs, respectively.
The healing properties of the drug
What are Kromofarm eye drops? According to experts, this is a drug that is actively used in ophthalmic practice. What properties does it possess? This medication is an anti-allergic medicine, as well as a mast cell membrane stabilizer that can inhibit the release of leukotrienes, histamine, and other biological components from mast cells.
It can not be said that the agent in question well inhibits the migration of eosinophils, neutrophils and monocytes. Also, its use prevents the development of allergic reactions (both delayed and immediate type) that can occur after various allergens enter the body.
Kinetic ability of an ophthalmic preparation
Are eye drops absorbed from Kromofarm allergy? After instillation in the visual organs, this medication is very poorly absorbed into the systemic bloodstream (about 0.03%). Moreover, trace amounts of this drug (less than 0.01%) are found in aqueous humor and are almost completely eliminated within one day.
Indications for medication
Why are Kromofarm eye drops necessary? According to the instructions, the ophthalmic drug in question is prescribed to patients for:
- prevention and treatment of acute keratoconjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis;
- prevention and treatment of subacute keratoconjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis;
- prevention and treatment of chronic keratoconjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis;
- prevention and treatment of seasonal conjunctivitis.
As for the nasal spray with the same name, it is actively used in acute and chronic year-round or seasonal allergic rhinitis, as well as with hay fever.
Drug bans
In what cases is it forbidden to use the Kromofarm medication (eye drops)? The instruction states that the following conditions are contraindications to the use of this ophthalmic agent:
- pregnancy period;
- children under 2 years old;
- high sensitivity of the patient to individual components of the drug.
Ophthalmic agent "Kromofarm" (eye drops): instructions for use
How should I use the drug in question correctly? The method of use of this drug is described in detail in the attached instructions. It says that Kromofarm should be instilled in adult patients and children over 2 years of age in the amount of one drop in each eye up to four times a day.
In some cases (in the acute course of the disease), this medication can be instilled more often, that is, in the amount of one drop in each eye up to eight times a day. After a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition, the frequency of instillation is allowed to be reduced to the above.
With the development of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, treatment must be started immediately after the appearance of its first signs, or the drug should be used for prophylaxis before the pollen immediately appears.
The duration of use of this drug depends on the severity and type of disease.
Before using the drug in question, be sure to read the instructions. It says that before using drops, the cap of the bottle should never be tightened. This can be done only before the first use of the medication. The cap is screwed as much as possible, and the spike located on its inside should pierce the hole.
Right before use, the medication should be held in the palm of your hand for a while in order to warm it to the temperature of the human body. Next, the cap is unscrewed, removed and, slightly pressing on the body of the bottle, the contents are buried in the visual organs.
After using the drug, the cap is screwed again. In this form, it is stored in accordance with the recommendations specified in the attached instructions.
Negative Actions
What side effects can Kromofarm eye drops cause above? According to the instructions, the use of this tool contributes to the development of the following effects:
- Violation of the visual organs, in particular visual impairment, skin rash around the eyes, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, burning sensation, conjunctival hyperemia, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, lacrimation, blepharitis, dryness, conjunctival edema and tingling in the eyes.
As a rule, such adverse reactions pass independently after 1-3 minutes after using the drops and do not contribute to clinically significant deviations, as well as any changes in the conjunctiva.
- Respiratory disorders, in particular dyspnea.
In people with high sensitivity to the components of the drug, hypersensitivity reactions are possible.
As a preservative, the drug in question contains benzalkonium chloride. This substance can cause adverse reactions in the form of high sensitivity to the mentioned component, as well as a change in taste.
With the development of negative effects after the use of an ophthalmic agent, it is necessary to consult an experienced doctor.
With prolonged use of the drug, it is necessary to constantly monitor the functional state of the kidneys and liver.
Feeding and pregnancy
Can I use Kromofarm eye drops during pregnancy? According to the instructions, this tool is forbidden to use during the period of gestation. The maximum potential risk from using this medication is typical for the first trimester. It should be noted that if the benefits for the woman in labor from the use of eye drops will significantly exceed the probable risk to the fetus, then the doctor can still prescribe this medication to the woman.
The use of eye drops during lactation is possible. It should be noted that the active substance of this agent is mixed with breast milk in a small amount. Therefore, the risk of its harmful effects on the child’s body is practically absent.
Overdose cases
What symptoms of overdose do Cromopharm eye drops cause? To date, there is no sufficient information about an overdose of the antiallergic drug in question. However, it should be noted that with a significant excess of the recommended doses of the local drug, adverse reactions may intensify.
Interaction with other drugs
Is it possible to combine the drug “Kromofarm” (eye drops) with other medicines? The instruction reports that the simultaneous use of this drug with glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines, beta-adrenergic agonists and theophylline can enhance the effect of sodium cromoglycate.
If therapy with the mentioned eye drops is prescribed along with the administration of glucocorticosteroids, then the dosage of the latter is recommended to be reduced. By the way, in some cases their use is completely canceled.
Thus, it is necessary to reduce the dose of 10% per week of the total volume of the drug. In this case, constant monitoring of the attending doctor is required.
It can not be said that the use of anti-allergic ophthalmic drugs prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages during the entire period of treatment.
Special recommendations
What should I know before burying Kromofarm eye drops? The attached instructions say that in acute inflammation and during an exacerbation of the chronic process, the medication in question should be used simultaneously with antihistamines or corticosteroids.
To achieve a therapeutic result, Kromofarm must be used regularly. In this case, therapy should be started before direct contact with the allergen and continued throughout the duration of its active action.
Before using eye drops, hard contact lenses should be removed. You can use them again after ¼ hours.
Ingestion of Kromofarm (accidental) is safe. In this case, no special measures, except for careful medical supervision, are required.
If the integrity of the vial with the medicinal substance is impaired, or the solution is noticeably cloudy, then it should not be used.
After instillation of the drug into the eyes, it is necessary to refrain from performing work that requires increased attention, since the use of the solution in question can cause visual impairment (short-term).
Price, reviews, analogues
How much does the local Kromofarm medication (eye drops) cost? The price of this medicine is approximately 55-65 rubles (per bottle). If necessary, it can be replaced with such drugs as Eden, Agistam, Vigamox, Uniklofen, Primalan, Tobradex, Ifiral, Albutsid, Oftadek, Faurin, and Aktipol "and so on (only after consulting a doctor).
What do users say about this medicine? Patients report that the Kromofarm medication is very good eye drops that always save from the development of allergic reactions. They can be used not only for the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis, but also for the prevention of these conditions.
Also, the advantage of this medication is its relatively low cost. As for the negative sides, this drug has practically none. Although in some cases, patients still complain that the use of this local medicine caused them to develop adverse reactions, in particular, their vision was temporarily impaired, and sensations of a foreign body in the visual organs were also observed.