Bone marrow diseases: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Bone marrow is one of the most important organs that is responsible for blood-forming functions. With its help, the development of vital blood components occurs, of which the most important are:

  • white blood cells;
  • platelets;
  • red blood cells.

The names of bone marrow diseases , symptoms and their diagnosis are presented below. But first, you need to learn more about the components of the blood.

Red blood cells

The composition of red blood cells includes an important component called "hemoglobin", it is he who gives the blood a characteristic red color. The main goal of red blood cells is to transport oxygen throughout the body. The brain is most demanding on the constant delivery of new batches of oxygen, therefore, it is first of all felt its lack. This usually occurs in case of insufficient red blood cells. Because of this, a person turns pale and begins to experience headaches.

bone marrow disease symptoms

White blood cells

White blood cells are another essential component of blood produced by the bone marrow. These are white blood cells that guard the body and reflect the attacks of pathogenic microbes that try to disrupt the normal functioning of the body. For this, white blood cells produce special protective agents.

bone marrow disease in children


The third group of blood cells is considered to be blood platelets, also called platelets. They take care that bleeding stops immediately when a scratch appears. In this case, the blood becomes sticky, and the wound from damage instantly heals. It is important that the body does not lose a large amount of blood.

Therefore, even a small disturbance in its stable operation can lead to a slowdown and even stopping the production of new blood, in connection with which serious problems arise in the functioning of the body.


Unique stem cells are also located in the human bone marrow, which have the ability to turn into any cells necessary for the body. They are very actively studying and trying to apply in the latest methods of treating cancer.

There are two types of bone marrow cells:

  • red, which consists of hematopoietic tissue;
  • yellow, consisting of adipose tissue.

The nucleation of red cells occurs in the body during the embryonic development of the fetus. These cells appear in the second month in the clavicle, and then form in the bones of the arms and legs. At about the fifth and a half month of the baby’s development, the bone marrow becomes a full-fledged organ

With age, a person gradually changes from red to yellow tissue, which is accompanied by aging processes. The body loses its functions, in connection with which various bone marrow diseases occur. Since the formation of new blood cells takes place in the bone marrow, their mutations are likely to occur. Such cells are the cause of the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

bone marrow disease symptoms in adults

Aplastic anemia

Aplastic anemia is a disease that is associated with the loss of bone marrow ability to produce the right amount of all the main types of blood cells. The disease combines the signs of anemia (insufficient red blood cells, low hemoglobin level) and hemopoiesis aplasia (inhibition of the production of all blood cells).

The main symptom of bone marrow disease in children and adults is constant weakness and apathy, lack of strength.

This is a very rare disease: its frequency is about 2-6 cases per million inhabitants per year. It can occur at any age, but reaches a peak at a young (15-30 years) and elderly (over 60 years) age.


However, a truly terrible bone marrow disease is, of course, cancer. It has very confused and fuzzy symptoms, which make it rather difficult to detect in the early stages. And this is a vital action, since cancer can only be cured in the initial stages. The spread of painful metastases leads to painful death in 95% of cases. Therefore, you should pay attention to the signs of the disease as soon as possible and consult a doctor. Such simple actions can save the patient's life.

bone marrow disease symptoms and diagnosis

Causes of cancer

There are a huge number of reasons why a person can develop bone marrow disease. A rather important role is played by his lifestyle, the presence of stressful situations, poor health due to the presence of immunity problems, and some inherited health features. These include a predisposition to the appearance of cancer.

Studies that have been carried out in recent years have led to the conclusion that, apart from other organs, the bone marrow is rarely affected. The most common cases are when the bone marrow is attacked by metastases.

Oncology experts report that bone marrow metastases are most often found in people with malignant tumors of the lungs, thyroid gland, mammary glands, and prostate gland. Metastases in the brain during malignant neoplasms in the colon occur in only 8% of cases. The spread of cells from the tumor site occurs with the help of blood, which delivers cancer cells to the bone marrow.

In very rare cases, primary cancer of this organ also occurs. Scientists still have not come to a consensus on the reason for its occurrence. Causes such as infections, harmful chemicals or other negative environmental effects can play a significant role in its occurrence, but there is no convincing evidence of this.

bone marrow disease blood test

Cancer symptoms

The disease has very characteristic features:

  • Great weakness, fast fatigue.
  • Constant drowsiness and headaches.
  • Pain in the intestines accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Constant vomiting
  • Severe muscle and bone pain.
  • Increased bone fragility.
  • Propensity to infectious diseases.

Although these symptoms of bone marrow disease in adults are not a 100% way to determine bone marrow disease, they are a serious signal to consult a highly qualified specialist.

diagnosis of bone marrow diseases


The most effective way to diagnose bone marrow diseases is through a blood test, which can detect cancer in the early stages of development. Quite often, a disease is detected during ordinary medical procedures, such as conventional ultrasound. As a rule, it reveals an existing cancer, which has already reached the third stage, since metastases in large quantities spread in the patient’s organs and struck at their stable operation.

Typically, such stages of the disease are not amenable to successful treatment, you can only slow down the process a bit and drown out the growing pain with the help of medications.

Additional methods

Among all diagnostic methods, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. To date, the most effective diagnostic method is a routine blood test for bone marrow disease. This study allows you to diagnose the disease in its early stages, and do it very quickly. This will help to immediately begin the treatment process, which will significantly increase the patient's chances of recovery.
  2. Bone marrow puncture is a tissue removal procedure performed using a special technique. Despite the fact that this is a rather painful procedure for the patient, it must be carried out to confirm suspicions of the presence of the disease. The puncture procedure involves the use of a special syringe, through which a bone content is taken through a puncture in the chest.
  3. The only way to diagnose and assess the degree of development of such dangerous pathologies as lymphoma and leukemia is a bone marrow biopsy. It also helps evaluate the effectiveness of drug therapy.
  4. Scintigraphy is a study using radioisotopes that can detect the presence of bone tumors.
  5. The use of magnetic resonance imaging will help to get a complete picture of the disease, to find out the size and location of the cancerous formation in the body.
  6. Another modern diagnostic method is computed tomography, with which you can easily identify various pathologies.

Only a doctor is able to choose the optimal research method, for this he analyzes the existing symptoms.

Treatment technique

The treatment of bone marrow diseases is a very long, painful and expensive task. To combat anemia, a large number of medicines are used that have very serious side effects. The most radical treatment is a bone marrow transplant.

With bone marrow cancer, three main methods of treatment are used:

  1. During chemotherapy, the patient takes a certain number of special drugs that affect cancer cells, causing their death, and at the same time destroy metastases. Such drugs are usually prescribed in courses, the amount of which is determined by the attending physician. They cause a large number of unpleasant side effects, which greatly worsen the patient's condition.
  2. Before preparing for a bone marrow transplant, radiation therapy is used, during which, with large doses of radiation, his own damaged bone marrow is destroyed. Bone marrow transplantation in some cases is the only way to save a person. For this, a new bone marrow is taken from a donor, who very often acts as a close relative. Then it is placed in the patient’s body, where he must successfully take root. After a certain amount of time, new cells restore the stable functioning of the body.
  3. Unfortunately, this procedure can only help in the initial stages of cancer. At the third or fourth stage, successful treatment is not possible, however, there are some ways that can help relieve pain and slightly extend the patient's life.
bone marrow disease treatment


Indications for transplantation are important for patients suffering from hematological, oncological or some hereditary diseases. In addition, timely indications are important for patients with acute chronic leukemia, lymphomas, various types of anemia, neuroblastomas, and various types of combined immunodeficiency.

Patients with leukemia or any type of immune deficiency have pluripotent SCs that do not function properly. In patients with leukemia in the blood begins to form a huge number of cells that have not passed all periods of development. In the case of aplastic anemia, the blood ceases to restore the desired number of cells. Degraded or immature and poor-quality cells imperceptibly oversaturated arteries and bone marrow, and eventually spread to other organs.

In order to stop growth and destroy harmful cells in diseases of the red bone marrow, extremely radical therapy is prescribed, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Unfortunately, during these radical operations both diseased cellular components and healthy ones die. And for this reason, dead cells of the hematopoietic organ are replaced by healthy pluripotent SCs of either the patient himself or a compatible donor.

You need to monitor your health, regularly visit specialists, annually undergo a scheduled medical examination. At the first sign of bone marrow disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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