"Mifepristone": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues, side effects

The drug "Mifepristone" belongs to synthetic hormonal antigestogenic agents and is prescribed for early termination of pregnancy, i.e. without surgery.

In the pharmacy, it is not possible to purchase this medical product, since the supply of this drug is carried out only in specialized medical institutions.

Many people wonder how Mifepristone works.

mifepristone effects

The effect of the drug is based on the suppression of the synthesis of female pregnancy hormones, which are actively produced from the first days of conception.

Pharmacological properties

As indicated by the instruction, Mifepristone is a steroidal synthetic antigestagen pharmacological drug. At the level of gestagen receptors, it blocks the effects of progesterone. This medicine does not have gestagenic activity, antagonism with GCS is observed.

Depending on what phase the menstrual cycle is on, the medication causes an increase in the contractile properties of the myometrium, in choriodecidual cells it stimulates the release of interleukin-8, increases the sensitivity of the myometrium to prostaglandins (to increase the effectiveness of the drug, it can be used in combination with synthetic prostaglandin analogs), as a result, the decidual membrane is desquamated and the fetal egg comes out. In addition, this drug causes a delay in ovulation, a change in the endometrium and is able to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Of particular importance in the pathogenesis of uterine leiomyoma are some sex hormones, for example, progesterone. Blocking progesterone receptors contributes to both inhibition of neoplasm growth and a decrease in the size of the myomatous nodes and uterus.

Effects on the embryo

The instruction to "Mifepristone" reports that after oral administration of the medication, germinal membranes detach from the inner wall of the uterus, against which pronounced uterine contractions occur and the fetal egg leaves the woman's body.

mifepristone for labor induction

The use of the drug in recent years has found great popularity due to the fact that there is no surgical intervention in the body, in contrast to the classical method of terminating pregnancy. This allows, in a sense, to protect a woman from the penetration of various infections into the body, although the negative consequences that accompany abortion remain.

Indications for use

This medication is advisable to use in the following situations:

  • with the aim of terminating pregnancy (for a period not exceeding 40 days) by the medical method;
  • with emergency contraception after unprotected sexual contact with ejaculation in the vagina (within three days);
  • with the aim of expanding the cervix during surgical intervention during termination of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks);
  • in the treatment of uterine leiomyoma.

It is very important to keep in mind that the medicine "Mifepristone" to stimulate childbirth can be used in normal full-term pregnancy. In this case, the medication does not affect the health of the child and mother, as well as subsequent lactation and the production of breast milk.

In accordance with the instructions to "Mifepristone", the main indication for prescribing a medication is considered to be termination of pregnancy. The reasons for medical abortion can be: the inability to remove the fetus by mechanical implantation, serious pathologies during pregnancy, a variety of social indicators, the course of pregnancy with a threat to the life of the mother.

Thus, the medicine hormonally stimulates the onset of spontaneous miscarriage, that is, for those women who do not want or do not have indications for surgical abortion.

We learn how to take Mifepristone.

mifepristone analogues

Mode of application

In order to prevent a variety of complications, a woman during and after taking this medication should be closely monitored by medical personnel, in accordance with this, the medication should be taken in a hospital.

How is the dose of Mifepristone determined?

To stop early pregnancy, a medication is prescribed at a dose of 600 mg at a time (3 tablets). The drug is administered orally, in the presence of a specialist, an hour after a meal. Drink the tablets with a glass of water.

After that, the doctor should observe the patientโ€™s condition for 3-4 hours, after which the woman is recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan within 36-48 hours.

In some cases, during termination of pregnancy, a combination of this medication with the drugs "Misoprostol" or "Mirolyut" is prescribed. The main drug helps to soften the cervix, and the rest provokes its contraction. The use of these funds, in combination, is recognized as the most effective.

Approximately 14 days after the use of the medicine, the patient is recommended to repeat ultrasound and analysis for the level of hCG, in order to confirm that spontaneous abortion has occurred.

So it is said in the instruction to "Mifepriston."

If on the fourteenth day the effect of using a medical device is absent, for example, incomplete abortion has occurred, the specialist may resort to other methods of terminating the pregnancy.

"Mifepristone" to stimulate labor is prescribed in a dosage of 200 mg (1 tablet). If necessary, when assessing the readiness of the birth canal, after a day, the drug can be prescribed again.

Exposure time

How much Mifepristone acts depends on the condition of the woman. In most cases, the drug begins to act (uterine bleeding opens) approximately 10 hours after its oral administration.

mifepristone side effects

Since it is impossible to buy this medicine on your own, there is no question of any method of performing an abortion at home. This happens exclusively under the strict supervision of specialists.

Side effects of Mifepristone

With the correct use of a medication, a negative effect on a womanโ€™s health does not occur, however, in certain cases, the following side effects may develop:

  • severe weakness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • cephalgia;
  • asthenia;
  • temperature rise;

In addition, medical abortion is accompanied by some negative manifestations in the form of:

  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • specific spotting;
  • development of the inflammatory process of the uterus and appendages.

In cases of complex therapy with the use of Misoprostol, adverse reactions may occur in the form of sleep disturbances, vaginitis, anemia, dyspepsia, feelings of increased anxiety and anxiety.

dose of mifepristone


This medication is not allowed in the following cases:

  • with an unconfirmed pregnancy;
  • with ectopic pregnancy;
  • for a period of more than 40 days;
  • in the presence of fibroids in the uterus;
  • during pregnancy, which occurred when using intrauterine contraceptives or after stopping the use of oral hormones.

Contraindications in the preparation and stimulation of labor are:

  • preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • severe forms of gestosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • preterm or postponed pregnancy.

Contraindications in the treatment of uterine leiomyoma:

  • ovarian tumors;
  • lactation period;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • myomatous nodes;
  • pregnancy.

In addition to specific ones, there are also some general contraindications to the use of this drug. These include:

  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • porphyria;
  • anemia
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • scars on the uterus;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • inflammatory process in the genitals;
  • extragenital diseases.

With caution, this medication should be prescribed to patients who have heart failure, bronchial asthma, arrhythmia, obstructive chronic diseases, arterial hypertension.

Since this medicine fights the production of a certain hormone, it is almost impossible to avoid side effects, however, they are usually weakly expressed.

Special recommendations

Before using the Mifepristone medication, a woman is recommended to undergo a screening for contraindications. In addition, the patient must inform the doctor about the presence of concomitant pathologies, bad habits, as well as implants.

Mifepristone therapy is strictly forbidden to combine with the use of alcoholic beverages, as they can significantly reduce its effectiveness. After an abortion, severe bleeding occurs, and alcohol helps to strengthen them, which can lead to a large loss of blood.

In addition, it is undesirable to use this medication for women who smoke when the age exceeds 35 years.

how much is mifepristone in a pharmacy


How much does Mifepristone cost in a pharmacy?

The approximate cost of this drug depends on a number of factors, but averages 4500 - 5500 rubles. This is influenced by the region, as well as the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Analogs of Mifepristone

Such drugs are produced by a number of manufacturers, as a result of which these drugs may vary in cost, however, they will have a similar therapeutic effect.

These medicines include:

  1. "Mifegin" is a French-made medicine that has established itself as a highly effective pharmacological product.
  2. Pencrofton is a Russian-made medication that is considered a cheaper analogue of the Mifepristone drug.
  3. Mifolian is a Chinese drug that is not as popular as other drugs of similar effect. This tool is used to terminate pregnancy, but not to stimulate the birth process.
  4. "Agesta" is another analog medication that is approved for use no later than 40 days of amenorrhea and for emergency contraception.
  5. Miropriston is a medicine that is often used to stimulate labor and spontaneous abortion. Analogs "Mifepristone" is also prescribed by a doctor.

For abortion use the simultaneous use of "Mifepristone" and "Mirolyut".

Such a combination should be used only in medical institutions. First, take Mifepristone in a dosage of three tablets or 600 mg. 36 hours after ingestion, use 2 tablets of Mirolyut or 400 mcg. "Mirolyut" through how much is it? Its functioning can be noticed after 30 minutes for five hours. Side effects include the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, allergic rash, cramping abdominal pain.


Possible complications

During the use of this medication, women should be extremely careful about their health and well-being. Since with such therapy, some unpredictable complications can arise that cause severe conditions and even death.

So, what are the possible consequences of Mifepristone?

If a woman begins to bleed suddenly after a medical abortion, when the main one has already ended, this is the main reason for going to the doctor, since this may indicate that particles of the embryonic membranes remained in the uterus. In addition, if the main bleeding is quite severe and the woman loses a large amount of blood while at home, it is urgent to go to the hospital.

The main condition for this type of abortion is that after them it is recommended to follow an ultrasound scan, which will confirm the fact of the abortion. In no case should you ignore this rule, because with an incomplete miscarriage, very serious complications for a woman can arise.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews about this tool are very diverse, but in most cases, women did not have problems using this medication. In almost all patients, minor negative side effects were observed, for example, nausea (most often), dizziness, excessive weakness, etc. Women say that the action of the tablets was observed approximately 7-11 hours after administration, and was accompanied by pain in the uterus , similar to the one that often occurs during menstruation.

Experts recommend this drug to all women who are forced to resort to abortion in the early stages, since this type of such procedure is the safest and least traumatic, in contrast to surgical termination of pregnancy.

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