How to steam viburnum to get a pie filling: recipes

Tired of regular pies with apple or pear filling? Then try to use, for example, tart viburnum as a filler. Oddly enough, but this bitter berry in ancient times was considered one of the goodies. It turns out that after long languishing with honey and a little water in a Russian oven, its unpleasant specific taste disappears without a trace. Therefore, before placing the berries in the dough when making pies, be sure to pre-process them. How to soar viburnum? What are the ways to process berries? You will find answers to these questions in this article. And affordable recipes will help make the filling delicious and simple.

how to soar viburnum

How to steam viburnum in a pan?

To remove the excess bitterness, you must definitely spend quite a long time warming up the viburnum in any way. The simplest and most affordable is the heat treatment in a pan. Since a long boil is foreseen until a thick mass is obtained, it is better to use containers with a thick bottom. Pour viburnum with sugar into the pan. For 0.5 kg of fresh pure berries, 4 full tbsp will be required. l sweet sand. Pour the mixture with 2 faceted glasses of water and put the lid on a low heat. After boiling, viburnum should languish for 8-10 hours. Add water if necessary.

Knowing how to steam viburnum in a pan, you can carry out a similar treatment in other ways. According to old recipes, prolonged heating was usually carried out in Russian stoves. Nowadays they are replaced by ovens.

how to steam viburnum in the oven

How to steam viburnum in the oven ?

1st method

Thick mashed potatoes are prepared in two stages. First, pour a little water (1/3 cup) into a pot of viburnum (0.5 kg) and set to bake at a temperature of 150 ° C for 2-2.5 hours. Then crush softened berries with a crush and mix with sugar (2 tbsp. L.) Or honey (4 tbsp. L.). Then pour 2 full cups of raw water into the mass. Put viburnum in the oven for another 5-6 hours. and stir it occasionally.

2nd method

From the berries (1 kg) squeeze the juice. Pour the same amount of sugar into the pulp. Put the mixed thick mass in a thick-walled pan and put in the oven for very moderate warming for 6-7 hours. Dilute the resulting puree with squeezed juice and steam for another hour.

How to steam viburnum in a slow cooker ?

how to steam viburnum in a slow cooker

Significantly reduce time by using modern kitchen assistants. We will analyze in detail how to soar viburnum, for example, in a slow cooker. Since when processing berries in it, excess liquid does not disappear anywhere, unlike stewing by conventional methods, water can be omitted. Put the viburnum into the bowl and set the mode "Quenching" for 1 hour. If pressure does not build up, you can wash the berries again. After softening, add sugar to the mass (according to the proportions indicated above in any of the recipes) and continue cooking for another 2 hours. In the event that the mixture does not thicken due to the large amount of juice, you can keep the valve open.

Any of the proposed recipes can be used not only for the preparation of toppings for pies, but also for winter canning. The resulting thick mixture will be an excellent vitamin delicacy that strengthens the immune system thanks to the beneficial substances contained in viburnum.

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