Chanted speech and factors causing it. Child's chanted speech

When a doctor tells some of his patient (or his parents) that the visitor has a chanted speech, most often he has to explain what is meant. The term is incomprehensible even to a competent person, who is quite aware of what a chant is. Meanwhile, the symptom voiced is very serious and, upon detection, requires a detailed and multidirectional examination.

chanted speech

What is chanted speech

A huge number of speech disorders have been identified by doctors. But ordinary members of society offhand remember only stuttering and burr. But chanted speech is one of the three most common. Recognizing her is no more difficult than lisp. A person with a chanting speech speaks extremely slowly, almost reciting. Words are pronounced literally in syllables, similar to how children read in a primer. Monotonicity is also characteristic of such speech, although the opposite situation is also possible, when the patient in fact identifies each syllable with intonational or pronounced stress.

Why do people chant

Chanted speech most often appears in people with pathological lesions of the cerebellum or other parts of the brain closely related to it. It is also considered a symptom that is very characteristic of multiple sclerosis. And the more he progresses, the more this defect manifests itself.

Often, chanted speech occurs after strokes. Almost always - if hemorrhage is localized in the cerebellar hemispheres or directly in the brain stem. Traumatic hemorrhage as a result of traumatic brain injuries often also leads to chanting.

Such speech impairment may result from intoxication with lead and mercury compounds.

Treatment is always preceded by identifying the reasons for which the chanted speech appeared. And therapy is aimed at eliminating them, and it is consistent with a number of narrowly specialized specialists: ENT specialist, neurologist, neurophysiologist, neurooculist, etc.

chanted baby speech

Baby chant

The situation is somewhat different with children. The chanted speech of the child can also be caused by the pathological course of pregnancy (fetal hypoxia, toxicosis, especially early, Rhesus conflict). Possible factors of its occurrence are birth trauma and asphyxia during childbirth, prematurity and a strong degree of the so-called jaundice of newborns. The consequences of many of the risk factors can be eliminated if a speech defect is detected in the early stages.

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