Papillomas are neoplasms of a viral nature on the surface of the epidermis, which are characterized by a tendency to rapid self-replication and relapse. How then to prevent their spread on the child’s body? Let’s talk about the symptoms and treatment of papillomas in a child. The most effective methods for eliminating trouble will be considered in our publication.
General information
The papilloma virus has a highly specific nature. In other words, the infection takes root exclusively in the human body. According to the results of special studies, about 90% of the world's population is infected with the virus. However, in most people, the infection is inactive. But even in this case, taking measures aimed at destroying the virus is absolutely useless. After all, the causative agent of papilloma remains in the body for life. All that remains for an infected person to do is to maintain immunity, observe personal hygiene rules and control the manifestation of the disease.
The likelihood of papillomas forming on the skin depends not only on age, but also on gender differences. Statistics show that girls are more likely to suffer from the disease. The greatest number of cases of infection is observed among schoolchildren. After all, children are constantly in close contact and spread the pathogen through personal items.
For the infection to enter the body, the so-called “gates” are required, which become all kinds of damage to the epidermis in the form of cuts, abrasions, scratches, and the consequences of inflammatory processes. Infection cannot occur when the pathogen comes into contact with healthy skin. To reduce the likelihood of a child becoming infected with the human papillomavirus, parents need to treat damaged areas on the baby’s body with antiseptic agents in a timely manner.
Infection methods
Papillomas appear in a child in such cases:
- A viral infection is transmitted from an infected mother to the baby during childbirth. With this method, neoplasms, as a rule, focus on the mucous membranes of the baby’s nasopharynx, cover tissues in the eye area, and spread on the skin of the face. The appearance of growths on the body of a newborn is observed already in the first weeks after birth.
- Close contact between the infected and healthy child. It is not only about touching, but also using the same toys, personal hygiene products, and other items on which the pathogenic pathogen is concentrated.
- The cause of papillomas in a child often becomes self-infection, when, when the first neoplasm appears, the baby tries to comb it or tear it off right away. Damage to the growth opens the way to the spread of viral infection throughout the body. Blood carries the pathogen to other tissues. Thus, new papillomas appear in various parts of the body.
Infection mechanism
The causative agent of the papilloma virus is able for some time to maintain vital activity in the external environment in the presence of high humidity and the absence of extreme temperatures. Getting on human skin, the infection penetrates the epithelial cells. Here the virus incubates, in which the external signs of the disease do not appear. The process usually takes about 2-3 months. Papillomas in children can appear on the skin much earlier. For example, if the baby's immunity is weakened or other infections develop in the body. Be that as it may, over time, the virus necessarily begins to provoke the development of a pathological process that leads to the formation of growths on the skin.
Symptoms of papillomas in a child are the unexpected detection of small invasive neoplasms in the folds of the skin. Less often, growths appear in open areas of the body, in particular, the face, feet, hands. Tissues of the oral cavity, mucous membranes of the nose, and larynx sometimes suffer.
Human papilloma in children can have an elongated, flat or rounded shape. The growths usually have a skin tone, but in some cases they get a pronounced brown color. Therefore, they are easily confused with moles and warts.
Progressively multiplying in the child’s body, the papilloma virus causes the appearance of a whole group of neoplasms on the skin. Some of them are capable of reaching about 2-5 centimeters in size, covering vast areas of the body. Having noticed the first papillomas in children, parents urgently need to start taking measures aimed at eliminating the problem. After all, the presence of such growths on the skin can cause a host of unpleasant consequences.
Papilloma virus in children can lead to the formation of the following neoplasms:
- Threadlike. This definition of growths of this nature received due to their similarity with a bundle of threads. Presented papillomas contain a core. The latter expands closer to the end. The length of such neoplasms can be from 2 to 6 millimeters. Filiform papillomas form on the neck in the child, as well as in the armpits. Constant friction gives the baby considerable discomfort. Over time, damaged papillomas can fall away, which leads to the formation of wounds through which a new infection penetrates the body.
- Vulgar. They have a small size. As a rule, they have a round shape and contain surface roughness. Develop on the hands, feet, knees, buttocks.
- Spiky. They are small papillae that narrow at the ends. Only grow up to 2-3 millimeters in length. The appearance of such neoplasms is accompanied by the occurrence of bleeding, the development of inflammatory processes.
- Plantar Such papillomas in children make them suffer from pain during movement, since the place of their concentration is the feet. They are characterized by a dense structure and a pronounced yellow tint. Confusing such growths with calluses is quite difficult. Since plantar papillomas in children contain characteristic black dots inside.
- Epithelial - thin growths that concentrate on the tongue and in the mouth. The location of neoplasms in the oral cavity leads to their regular damage, which is accompanied by bleeding, inflammation, as well as infection of neighboring areas.
What diagnostic solutions make it possible to establish that one does not have to deal with warts or moles, but with viral papillomas? To identify the nature of the neoplasm, doctors resort to performing a tissue section and examining their structure. The presence of the human papilloma virus is evidenced by changes in the nuclei of cells, the presence of typical fibers.
The nature of the infection is established by the polymerization of a chain reaction. Such an experimental diagnostic solution potentially makes it possible to find out the strain of the virus and the likelihood of oncological manifestations against the background of the disease. An alternative to collecting these data is biopsy.
Risk factors
The risk of a child becoming infected with the human papillomavirus increases:
- if the baby has not yet formed immunity as a result of receiving an insufficient amount of immunoglobulins together with mother's milk;
- in acute course of other infectious diseases;
- under the influence of a sharp change in climatic conditions during the off-season;
- in case of abuse of all kinds of antibiotics that are used to eliminate the pathogens in the body;
- when the child is constantly in a state of stress, which may be due to problems in the family, the need to adapt in a new team;
- with abundant accumulation of toxins in body tissues.
Medical treatment of papillomas in children
In order to eliminate existing neoplasms on the skin and prevent the appearance of new ones, pharmacological preparations of antiviral action are possible. First of all, we are talking about such means as Amizon, Amiksin, Interferon, Remantadin.
As for local therapy, an effective solution here is to use the following drugs:
- cream "Malavit";
- Panavir gel;
- Betadine ointment;
- thuja oil;
- immunomodulators "Timogen", "Derinat", "Immunal".
Cryogenic destruction
Papillomas in children can be eliminated by such a widely demanded method as exposure to neoplasms with extremely low temperature. Using a special applicator, the doctor applies the cryogenic composition directly to the pathological growth. Within 20-30 seconds, the destruction of infected tissue occurs. At the site of damage, a small erosion forms, which overgrows within a few weeks.
The main advantage of the method is the absence of pain and other discomfort. To remove papillomas on the face of a child and other parts of the body, there is no need for local anesthesia. During the procedure, bleeding wounds do not form. Therefore, the probability of the spread of infection in the body is completely absent. After healing of erosion remaining as a result of cryogenic exposure to the skin, scar tissue does not form. Given all of the above, the method looks like the best solution for the fight against papillomas in children of any age.
Laser therapy
Another highly effective treatment option for papillomas in babies is the use of the laser method. Unlike freezing tissues with liquid nitrogen, the method opens up the possibility of removing neoplasms of any size, including those that have grown into the deeper layers of the epidermis. In parallel with the destruction of the structure of papillomas, the laser slows down the development of bleeding. Thus, the likelihood of subsequent complications is minimized.
The disadvantage of laser removal of papillomas is the formation of scars and scars. There are also a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the application of the method seems difficult. We are talking about chronic kidney ailments, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, malfunctions of the digestive tract, as well as individual sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
Surgical removal of papillomas
Surgical intervention is rarely used when it is necessary to combat papillomas in children. However, there are clinical cases where the procedure is a mandatory measure for the subsequent maintenance of health. In particular, the use of a scalpel looks rational if the doctor predicts a high probability of degeneration of the papillomas into malignant tumors.
The procedure involves a single exposure to the neoplasm of a high dose of ionizing radiation. The method is absolutely painless. Removing papillomas takes a minimum of time. Apply the solution in cases where the size of the growth on the skin is not more than three centimeters.
Treatment consists in treating papillomas with a special solution that includes a mixture of organic and synthetic acids. During the procedure, the child practically does not feel discomfort. The only drawback of the method is the rather long healing period of the received wounds and the high probability of scar tissue formation.
In order to prevent relapse after successful removal of papillomas in children, it is important to resort to some preventive measures:
- Parents are obliged to familiarize the baby with the generally accepted rules of personal hygiene. The child must learn to keep the skin clean, wash his hands regularly, use safe devices for cosmetic procedures, regularly change clothes, apply fresh towels.
- In order to avoid the appearance of new papillomas, the baby should get rid of the habit of biting her nails, touching her face and eyes with dirty hands.
- The decisive preventive decision is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. In order to maintain immunity, the child should think about playing sports, shaping the right diet, regular walks in the fresh air.
The formation of papillomas on the skin is a fairly common problem. Therefore, when such tumors are found on the skin of the child, parents should not panic. It is enough to take the advice of a doctor who will determine the nature of the problem, establish the causes of infection with the virus and select the appropriate treatment method.
In no case should one ignore the progressive propagation of papillomas. After all, such outgrowths often degenerate into neoplasms of a malignant nature. Given this probability, it is not recommended to delay the therapy, avoiding visiting a specialist.