No one is safe from injuries, including serious ones. In this case, the townsfolk can not always determine the severity of the damage received, which is very important for timely treatment. A fracture of the hand is no exception, because sometimes the victim does not realize that the bone is broken. For this reason, it is important to study the key symptoms of a fracture.
The essence of the problem
In the winter period or with an active lifestyle, strong falls with an emphasis on the brush are not excluded. Also, a tangible blow can be inflicted in this area of the hand, for example, in production.
With these types of exposure, fracture of the hand is not excluded.
An injury of this type can take three forms:
- metacarpal fractures;
- finger phalanx (are the most common);
- the bones of the wrist.
You can not ignore the fact that the fracture is sometimes accompanied by a displacement, which is fraught with additional complications, therefore, for any effects on the hand that caused severe pain, you need to see a doctor.
Disease classification
Perhaps not everyone knows about this, but in the field of medicine there is an international classification of diseases. In this data system, each disease and its varieties is assigned a specific code, which is indicated by a number and letters.
In the ICD, a fracture of the hand is placed in section S00-T98 (subheadings 60 through 69), which is devoted to injuries, poisoning and other consequences of external exposure. In this part of the international classification, all relevant types of fractures that injure the hand and wrist (first, second metacarpal bones, thumb, multiple injuries, etc.) are recorded.
Using these data, you can accurately determine the specific type of fracture and make a competent, accurate diagnosis.
It’s hard not to notice a fracture of the bones of the hand , but nevertheless we’ll name certain signs that will not allow him to be confused with a bruise.
First, you should determine the main symptoms:
- when you try to straighten your fingers, severe pain appears;
- a noticeable swelling forms on the back side;
- if a severe injury was received, the general condition of the victim may worsen;
- deformation is noticeable in the area of the brush.
At the same time, the skin acquires a bluish tint, and pain can be felt not only when the fingers are extended, but also during any, even minor, movements.
Scaphoid and metacarpals
After damage to these components of the brush, some time later, the resulting edema will make any movements problematic. If the heads of the metacarpal bones were broken , then swelling and deformation will appear on the back of the palm, directly at the site of damage.
But a fracture of the hand in the scaphoid can lead to additional difficulties in addition to the main consequences of the injury. Most often, such damage is the result of a fall, during which the victim placed emphasis on the palm of his hand. As a result, pain occurs at the base of the hand from the thumb. In this case, the pain can be described as aching, constant, with low intensity. There is no deformation with such an injury, and the swelling, although it appears, is insignificant. This is the essence of the problem.
When the victim after the fall does not feel strong pain and does not observe signs of deformation of the hand, he remains far from the realization that a fracture occurred. As a result, everything can be reduced to self-medication without professional diagnosis and the help of qualified doctors. In some cases, the victim decides to visit a doctor after several months from the moment when a fracture of the hand was received. Damage to other bones, in addition to the scaphoid and metacarpal, is recorded extremely rarely.
It is worth knowing that fractures and bruises have several common symptoms: swelling and sharp or aching pain. Therefore, after a fall or other external impact, you need to visit the hospital in any case.
If a fracture of the hand with a shift was recorded, then, most likely, surgical intervention, namely osteosynthesis and reposition, will be required. This fact once again emphasizes the need for timely diagnosis.
Features of childhood fractures
Initially, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are significantly more organic compounds in children's bones than in adults. As a result, the membrane protecting the bones (periosteum) also has better hardness and elasticity. These characteristics allow children to endure a fracture of the hand in a different way.
These are the following differences from injuries sustained by adults:
1. In patients of the younger age group after injury, self-correction of the residual displacement is possible. This ability is explained by the active functioning of muscles and the rapid growth of bone tissue.
2. Tissues and damaged structures in children are restored much faster and easier than in people of mature age due to the accelerated appearance of bone calluses and a high level of circulation of the periosteum.
3. Children's fractures are also distinguished by the fact that the injury is more reminiscent of bending or breaking a bone. For the same reason, the displacement of fragments remains insignificant.
With such an injury, the child will cry and remain in a noticeably excited state. The rest of the hand after a fracture in children has the same changes as in adults (swelling, loss of mobility, deformation, pain, swelling, etc.).
Obviously, it is easier to restore the child’s body after an injury, but this does not mean that you can take the matter of treatment lightly. The participation of doctors in this case is mandatory, and as soon as possible.
First aid
If, after an injury, signs characteristic of the fracture have appeared, you need to be prepared to perform several simple but important actions.
First of all, it is important that the victim takes pain medication, after which his hand will have to be fixed. Such actions will protect the injured area from additional damage due to arbitrary movements. In the case when you have to deal with an open fracture, the first task that needs to be done is to stop the bleeding, and quickly.
The next important action is the removal of any jewelry from the damaged brush. Such measures are caused by a possible mechanical disturbance of blood circulation from the pressure of rings or bracelets. In addition, when swelling appears, it will be much more difficult to remove the jewelry.
If there is a fracture of the finger of the hand, you need to apply cold to the damaged area and thereby slow down the appearance of edema. This action will also reduce pain.
To determine the characteristics of the injury, you must initially consult a trauma doctor who will find out the causes of the injury from the patient, examine the hand and, after palpation, send it to an X-ray examination.
The latter method, by the way, is extremely important, because it allows you to differentiate a fracture of the hand from a dislocation or injury to the radius. The bottom line is that the upper row of the bones of the wrist is connected to the radial joint, if damaged, the pain can be transferred to the hand.
In such a situation, accurately determining the area of damage without radiography will be extremely problematic. Based on this information, an obvious conclusion can be made: to be treated at home after any injury to the arm and especially the hand is a serious mistake.
In the vast majority of cases, surgery for a trauma to the hand is not required. For a more effective and quick recovery, fragments of the affected bone are fixed using a bandage, which often reaches the elbow.
7 days after this fixation, a x-ray of the brush is done. This makes it possible to determine how the damaged area grows together. The bandage in most cases is removed after 4-5 weeks.
If a finger (one phalanx) was broken without displacement, then the overlay of the langeta will be used as restorative measures.
In the case when you have to deal with a fracture of the first metacarpal bone, the debris is repositioned, and within two days from the moment of injury. Gypsum, pins and knitting needles can be used for fixation. For injuries without displacement of other metacarpal bones after reposition, plaster will suffice.
As for the scaphoid fracture, its treatment is the most difficult. In most cases, gypsum is perfect for fixation, but not always. It is worth noting that treating such an injury becomes much more difficult if the fracture line runs through the body of the bone. In this case, the recovery may be delayed for six months.
If you have to treat a finger, then only the damaged phalanx is fixed, and for a minimum period. In this case, the position of the finger remains bent.
Sometimes you have to treat a more severe fracture. A brush offset, for example, can greatly complicate the recovery process. The most effective method of exposure in this case is open or closed reposition. Another complicating factor may be an open fracture, for the treatment of which they use surgical intervention, or rather, skin plastic.
Many patients want to know whether the brush will retain its functionality after a fracture and subsequent recovery. The result largely depends on the actions of the victims themselves. In order for the bones to become as mobile again as before the injury, they need to be constantly developed. But starting such an activity makes sense only after the doctor confirms that the bone has grown together.
It is better to start the recovery process with light exercises (flexion-extension, rotation of the palm, etc.). Sudden movements are contraindicated. You need to do a few weeks. In some cases, for a full recovery, you will have to work hard on the condition of the brush for six months.
At the same time, any initiative should be excluded - all exercises, as well as their intensity and duration, must be agreed with the attending physician.
A fracture of the hand is a very unpleasant injury, which significantly complicates the life of the victim. But this problem can be overcome if you immediately contact the doctors and begin qualified treatment.