Almost every housewife sooner or later faces the following question: "How to quickly defrost meat?" It should be noted that in this case there are many nuances, because if you do it wrong, you can simply get a nutritious and tasteless biomass. Therefore, it is still recommended that you follow some simple rules.
So, in order to preserve all the nutrients, the meat must be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator (on the upper shelf), where it will gradually thaw. At the same time, they put it on a plate or bowl, since excess liquid will flow out of it. A day later, when the temperature of the product reaches zero degrees, and it becomes soft and plastic, it is transferred to warm water for fifteen minutes (hot water is not used, since the upper protein elements can curl up). Then the meat is transferred to a dry towel and blotted on top with a napkin. This is the only correct way to defrost.
However, there are cases when there is absolutely no time to execute the above instructions, so we will consider alternative options for how to quickly defrost meat.
1. You can put the product in cold water, after packing it in a plastic bag. In no case can hot water be used for this, since it is a medium for the growth of bacteria, moreover, the taste of the dish will be slightly different from what you want.
2. If the house has a microwave, then the question of how to quickly defrost meat is completely solved. To do this, put the product in it and press the defrost button. The program will prompt you to select the operating mode, so you need to enter the size of the used piece. You can defrost meat in this way in twenty minutes. But for a uniform process, you need to turn it over every two minutes.
3. The meat will quickly thaw if placed under a stream of air. You can use a fan or an open window for this.
There are several culinary tricks to quickly defrost meat. So, frozen it is cut into small pieces, which contributes to its rapid thawing. Small chunks can be, without defrosting, pass through a meat grinder, and then drain excess water.
Before defrosting meat, you must properly freeze it. The dry method is best suited for this. Since when thawing, a large amount of meat juice containing nutrients necessary for the human body will not be released. If you quickly, and most importantly, correctly freeze the product at home, then you can defrost it quickly enough.
Thus, defrosting meat quickly is not a big deal, you just need to remember some rules and recommendations. For example, some meat products or convenience foods are placed frozen directly in the pan and cooked a little longer than usual.
It should be noted that any interventions in the natural thawing process lead to rupture of the fibers by large ice crystals, as a result of which juice will flow out, and the meat itself will lose nutrients, become tasteless, dry, hard and loose, and most importantly, not so appetizing, since it will lose its smell and color. Therefore, it is recommended to plan ahead when and what will be prepared. And products should be frozen in small portions. All these simple tricks will make it possible to do without re-freezing foods, which is unacceptable in cooking. Meat dishes will be nutritious, tasty and beautiful only if they comply with all the rules for their preparation, including thawing.