Why candles "Terzhinan": instructions for use, effectiveness, analogues, reviews

Suppositories "Terzhinan" refers to combination drugs that have an antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effect. This drug is widely used in gynecology for various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in women. What indications for use and analogues of candles "Terzhinan" have?


Suppositories "Terzhinan" have a cream color, oblong shape. They include several major active trace elements, their concentration in one candle is:

  1. Neomycin - 0.1 grams.
  2. Ternidazole - 0.2 grams.
  3. Nystatin - 100,000 international units.
  4. Prednisolone - 0.003 grams.

Candles are packaged in strips of six and ten pieces. Only one strip per pack.

Pharmacological actions

Candles "Terzhinan" refer to combination drugs, the therapeutic effects of which are due to the main substances that are part of the structure of the drug:

  1. Neomycin is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that belongs to the group of aminoglycosides and has a bactericidal effect.
  2. Nystatin - a compound that is considered an antifungal antibacterial agent, has activity against yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.
  3. Prednisolone, a chemical derivative of the hormone hydrocortisone, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect by lowering the content of pro-inflammatory mediators that are produced by immunocompetent cells in the source of inflammation.

After intravaginal administration of the candle "Terzhinan", the active trace elements of the drug are absorbed in the mucous membrane, where they have a therapeutic effect. They are practically not absorbed into the general bloodstream.

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The main medical indications for the use of Terzhinan suppositories are considered inflammatory processes in the vaginal mucosa caused by various infectious pathogens:

  1. Colpitis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. Vaginal trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, which is characterized by a lesion in women of the vagina and urethra.

Is it possible to put candles “Terzhinan” from thrush?

The drug is widely used for candidal vaginitis - a fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix.

In addition, the drug is widely used for anti-inflammatory treatment of mixed etiology vaginitis.

Why are Terzhinan candles needed? They are used as a preventive measure to prevent vaginitis. The indication for the use of candles "Terzhinan" is the implementation of gynecological operations, they are used before childbirth, abortion, as well as before the establishment of intrauterine devices, hysterography (performed using an x-ray machine).

terzhinan candles instructions for use in gynecology

Is it possible to put candles "Terzhinan" pregnant?

Some expectant mothers are afraid to use such vaginal suppositories, since they contain an antibacterial agent. But according to many doctors, the medicine has only a local effect, not being absorbed into the general bloodstream, therefore, it has no harmful effect on the baby and its development.

The drug can be used at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as due to local action its particles do not get into milk.

According to the instructions, candles "Terzhinan" during pregnancy is prescribed in those situations where there are signs of the disease, as well as to prevent them.


The only major ban on the use of Terzhinan suppositories is the individual intolerance of the active ingredients of the drug, as well as any of the additional components of the medication. Before starting therapy with this medicine, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications.

How to use candles?

According to the instructions for use, candles "Terzhinan" in gynecology are intended for intravaginal use in women. They are introduced into the vagina in the horizontal position of the body once a day, usually at night. Before use, you need to hold the candle "Terzhinan" from twenty to thirty seconds in water for the subsequent dissolution of its membrane in the vagina.

After the introduction of the suppository to exclude the release of the active substances of the drug from the vaginal cavity, it is necessary to remain in a supine position for ten to fifteen minutes. The average duration of candle treatment is ten days.

What are Terzhinan candles used for? For preventive purposes, the drug is recommended for six days. If necessary, in a situation of revealing a fungal infection, a medical specialist can prescribe suppositories for twenty days.


According to the instructions for the use of candles "Terzhinan" in gynecology, it is known that before the start of the course it is necessary to take into account several features of their use. During the treatment of vaginitis in women, intimacy should be temporarily limited.

When diagnosing trichomoniasis, diagnosis should be made, as well as treatment of the sexual partner, if necessary. Active trace elements of the drug do not affect the structures of the central nervous system and the activity of the cerebral cortex. In drugstores, suppositories "Terzhinan" are available on prescription.


Due to the low degree of absorption of the active trace elements "Terzhinan" suppositories into the general bloodstream, the likelihood of poisoning is considered low. If necessary, treatment is symptomatic.

Side effects

If the Terzhinan suppositories are used improperly, local negative reactions may appear, which include burning or itching in the female genital area, which usually manifests itself at the beginning of treatment and disappears on its own, without requiring termination of therapy. In rare situations, local allergic reactions may occur, according to the instructions for use.

Analogs of candles "Terzhinan"

The drug has certain substitutes similar, both in composition and spectrum of action:

  1. "Nystatin."
  2. Elzhina.
  3. "Ecofucin."
  4. Hexicon.
  5. Pimafucin.
  6. Synthomycin.
  7. "Acylact."
  8. "Clotrimazole".

Next, we will consider the following most effective and cheap analogues of candles "Terzhinan".

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The drug is a Russian generic. Elzhina effectively eliminates vaginitis of bacterial etiology:

  1. Vulvovaginal mycoses (inflammatory lesion of the perineum, inner membranes of the vulva, vagina, urethra).
  2. Candidiasis (diseases of the mucous membranes, skin, internal organs caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida).

Use this medical product is not worth sensitive to the composition and underage girls. In addition, “Elgin” should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Adverse side effects may include:

  • swelling
  • rash on the skin of the body;
  • itching
  • dry genitals.

According to many responses, the drug refers to effective agents that are used to eliminate bacterial vaginitis, candidiasis and other vaginal inflammations. Patients note that the medication instantly eliminates burning, swelling and pain. But there are also reviews that indicate the appearance of severe burning and itching after applying suppositories.

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Another medication of domestic production, which is less common in drugstores than other medicines. Recommended "Ecofucin" against candidiasis and various kinds of inflammatory processes in the vagina, provoked by infection.

You can not use the drug to people who have problems with the assimilation of its composition. The instructions for use indicate that during treatment a woman can have sex. But it is recommended to visit a medical specialist to carry out a medical examination of a sexual contact partner. This is due to the possibility of his candidiasis. During the use of suppositories, slight itching may appear in the vagina.

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The drug has a more extensive list of indications. It is prescribed to prevent the following ailments:

  1. Gonorrhea.
  2. Chlamydia
  3. Herpes genital organs.
  4. Syphilitic disease.

And also these suppositories are used by gynecologists to prepare for abortion or childbirth. Effective in the treatment of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa of different origin and course.

"Hexicon" is prohibited for people with poor absorption of its active and additional components.

As a rule, side effects occur after the suppository has been introduced into the vagina. Allergic reactions are less common:

  • rash;
  • hives;
  • redness of the skin.
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Country of origin - Italy. It is necessary to use the drug in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • vaginitis;
  • vulvites.

"Pimafucin" is contraindicated for people with increased sensitivity to the components of a medical product. The main difference of the drug is the admission to treatment for women who are expecting a baby and while breastfeeding.

The patient may experience the following adverse reactions:

  • rash;
  • burning in the vagina.

Why are Terzhinan and Pimafucin suppositories used? The second drug is a polyene antibacterial agent from the macrolide group with an extensive spectrum of action. All suppositories exhibit increased activity against bacteria and fungi. Getting directly into the pathological environment, the active substance adversely affects its shell, preventing further reproduction.

The drug has a pharmacological effect on the sources of the disease, which are sensitive to natamycin. Even with prolonged use, the medication is not addictive and withdrawal.

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The drug is made in Russia. "Syntomycin" is a good fight against colpitis, as well as cervicitis. In addition, he does not allow the appearance of other diseases of the female reproductive system that are inflammatory in nature. A medicine is used for gynecological measures:

  • installation of a spiral in the uterus;
  • preparatory stage of childbirth;
  • abortion.

The drug differs noticeably from other previously considered medications and an extensive list of contraindications for admission. They relate to those patients who poorly tolerate its composition, have severe kidney and liver diseases. The drug is not recommended for people under the age of eighteen and not having sex. Women are allowed the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Analogs have more undesirable effects: ailments that are associated with the hematopoietic system, dermatological diseases, an increase in the area affected by the fungus. It is important to note that the sexual partner of the girl who uses Syntomycin can also suffer.

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Why are Terzhinan and Atzilact suppositories used? They well eliminate vaginal dysbiosis and other inflammations that relate to the reproductive system of the female body. "Acylact" is used in preparation for gynecological surgery to prevent complications.

It is necessary to highlight the absence of prohibitions on the application. But in the presence of vulvovaginal candidiasis, the medicine cannot be used.

After intravaginal administration of the Acilact suppository, bacteria spread in a thin layer on the mucous membrane, then begin to multiply, gradually eliminating pathogenic microorganisms. They do not penetrate into the general bloodstream.

In addition, “Acylact” is used for prophylactic purposes to prevent purulent complications that may occur after surgery, as well as difficult childbirth, abortion or hysteroscopy, curettage of the bottom of the uterus. The purpose of "Acylact" in the preventive use of the drug is considered to be long-term antibiotic therapy, after which the number of bacterial cells decreases.

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The drug is considered one of the inexpensive and effective domestic remedies. Assign with candidiasis, vaginitis, as well as for prevention before surgery in the field of gynecology.

"Clotrimazole" is contraindicated in patients with sensitivity to its composition, and women in position.

The drug has a number of adverse reactions:

  • pain in the lower stomach;
  • rash;
  • itching

The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to a violation of the formation of ergosterol, a component that is part of the membrane of fungal cells, as a result of which the permeability changes and further cell elimination is observed.

The drug exhibits high therapeutic activity in relation to dermatophytes, Candida yeast-like fungi, as well as molds and causative agents of multi-colored lichen.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Terzhinan suppositories is thirty-six months. The medication must be kept in a dark, dry, inaccessible place for children at an air temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees. The average price of candles varies from 350 to 500 rubles.


You can find a huge number of positive reviews about the candles "Terzhinan", patients telling them that vaginal suppositories helped eliminate serious gynecological diseases. Many women find Terzhinan candles good and effective.

The main advantage of the drug is the availability and ease of use of candles, and women also note a low price and normal tolerance by the body. In rare situations, drug therapy entailed negative effects.

As a remedy for candidiasis and lower secretions, Terzhinan suppositories are also widely used. Women of childbearing age use the drug at home, quickly resume the vaginal biocenosis.

Representatives of the beautiful half who used Terzhinan during pregnancy and breastfeeding confirm the high effectiveness of the drug in their responses. Compared to other medicines, these suppositories had the best therapeutic effect.

Negative responses to suppositories are associated with increased sensitivity of individual patients to the composition of the medication. In addition, some women record spotting that appears after the candles "Terzhinan". But medical specialists do not see the connection between bleeding and the use of suppositories.

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