How much is Ilon ointment? The price of this local drug will be presented at the very end of the article. You will also learn about its purpose, methods of application and therapeutic properties.
"Ilon" - ointment, produced in tubes of 50 or 25 g, packed in paper bundles. This medicine contains ingredients such as refined turpentine oil and larch turpentine.
The main therapeutic characteristics of a local medicine
What is such a medication for topical use - "Ilon"? The ointment, considered in this article, is actively used in dermatological practice. It exhibits pronounced disinfectant and antiseptic properties. According to the attached instructions, the mentioned medication is a herbal medicine that promotes blood supply to the affected area, and also quickly and quickly eliminates the inflammatory process.
Features of the medication
What is the reason for the high effectiveness of Ilon? The ointment contains ingredients such as larch turpentine and turpentine oil, which contribute to the ripening, as well as the breakthrough of the abscess. As a result, the pus in the wound is fully extended. By the way, the use of the mentioned drug prevents capsulation of the purulent medium, which is not completely emptied.
Indications for use of local funds
Antiseptic ointment "Ilon" is actively used for local treatment of purulent skin diseases, including various abscesses, inflammation of the sweat glands, boils, panaritiums and carbuncles. Only a specialist should prescribe this medicine. Its independent use is undesirable.
Prohibitions on prescribing medication
In what cases is the antiseptic ointment "Ilon" not prescribed? Experts report that a contraindication to the use of this tool is the patientβs increased sensitivity to essential oils, as well as to any other ingredients of the drug. This medication has no other prohibitions on the appointment.
The drug "Ilon" (ointment): instructions
How should I use the ointment in question? This remedy is prescribed only for adults. It provides topical application. The amount of ointment needed for treatment is determined depending on the degree of inflammation of the skin. It is best to treat the affected area so that it is completely covered with a thin ball. After applying the ointment, it must be covered with a sterile gauze dressing or plaster. Such compresses are preferably changed up to two times a day. The duration of therapy with this medicine depends on the course of the disease and is determined by the attending doctor.
Side effects
"Ilon" is an ointment intended for topical use. After its use, adverse reactions practically do not occur. If such effects did occur, then they are transient and weakly expressed. Most often, against the background of the use of the drug in question, patients develop allergic reactions that regress immediately after treatment is stopped.
Breastfeeding Time and Pregnancy
The use of the drug "Ilon" was not investigated by pregnant women. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is not recommended for women to use it during gestation. The same applies to breastfeeding. If you need to use this tool, you should definitely consult with a specialist.
Interaction with other medications, cases of overdose
To date, there have been no reports of an overdose of Ilon. It should also be noted that studies of the interaction of this drug with other medicines have not been conducted. However, experts claim that this is a local medicine. Therefore, it can be combined with other ointments, creams, tablets, as well as household, chemical and cosmetic products.
Price and analogues
How much is the Ilone antiseptic ointment? The price of this tool in different pharmacy chains may be different. By the way, it also depends on the volume of the drug substance in the tube. You can buy this drug by giving at least 150 rubles. If required, then this medication can be replaced by any similar means. However, you should always consult your doctor before doing this.
Most often, doctors prescribe drugs such as Myristamide, Balsamic Liniment, or Kutasept as replacement drugs. All of these tools are intended for the treatment of minor injuries, including those that are festering, as well as those of a bacterial or fungal nature.
User reviews
Many people who use the ointment "Ilon", were satisfied with its therapeutic effect. Patients claim that this drug treats purulent skin diseases well, including various abscesses, boils, carbuncles, panaritiums and sweat gland inflammations. Also, consumers are pleased with the affordable cost of this tool and its availability in all pharmacies.