Sorrel soup with egg - two options

Perhaps in the summertime there is no better lunch option than a light and mouth-watering sorrel soup with an egg. It is served warm or cold, prepared lean or on meat or chicken broth. There are many options, some of them are presented here.

sorrel soup with egg

Russian traditional

Sorrel soup with egg is pretty easy to make. The thing is that the process of its creation takes relatively little time, and this is especially valuable in the summer heat.

So, in order to serve your relatives a delicious soup with sorrel and egg for lunch, you should prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • two liter meat or chicken broth;
  • potatoes - if last year, then 4 tubers, if young, then eight pieces are required;
  • carrots - one thing;
  • one onion;
  • two medium-sized eggs;
  • one bunch of sorrel and green onions.

The cooking process itself is as follows. Potatoes are lowered into the boiling broth and left to simmer for about fifteen minutes. While the potatoes โ€œreachโ€, carrots and onions are stewed in a small amount of vegetable oil to a state of translucency, after which they are transferred to a container with broth and potatoes. And again left to languish for fifteen to twenty minutes.

At the same time as vegetables are boiled in the broth, sorrel and green onions are thoroughly washed and finely chopped. Traditionally, they should be added five minutes before the end of cooking. At the same time, beat eggs should be poured, mix thoroughly and remove from heat.

soup with sorrel and egg

Master Tricks

As already mentioned, sorrel soup with eggs can be prepared in different ways, which, however, differ only in a few changes in the list of ingredients and the creation process.

The first concerns the basis for the soup. As a rule, this is pure broth. But sometimes housewives prefer to leave meat or chicken in it, after finely chopping them.

The second change concerns the method of adding eggs. The method described above can be adjusted. So, you can give this soup an elegant combination of tastes if you add a small amount of cream to beaten eggs. In addition, quite often, eggs are added to such soup pre-cooked and finely chopped.

The third change relates directly to the sorrel. It is possible to add a special โ€œsournessโ€ if you fill the soup with greens after it has been removed from the stove. This will retain the true taste that is inherent only to this first dish.

In addition, it is worth remembering that sorrel soup is, first of all, a rural dish, in which satiety comes first. Therefore, in the process of cooking, along with potatoes, it is worth adding rice.

Cold sorrel soup

Such a first dish belongs to Jewish cuisine. To prepare it, you need a sorrel weighing 500 grams, one and a half liters of vegetable broth, a large onion, sugar, lemon juice, sour cream with a volume of 150 ml and two eggs.

cold sorrel soup

The cooking process is as follows: finely chopped sorrel should be poured with broth and sent to boil for the time necessary for the mixture to boil. After which she was left to languish for another fifteen minutes.

Next, the soup is seasoned with two tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of lemon juice, again left to cook, but for five minutes.

In the meantime, beat eggs and sour cream and mix them with 500 ml of hot broth, which is poured in a very thin stream. As soon as a homogeneous mixture is reached, it is added to the pan, where the remaining part of the sorrel is cooked, seasoned with two tablespoons of lemon juice and salted. Then they are removed from the stove, allowed to cool at room temperature and sent to cool for two hours in the refrigerator. After this period, cold sorrel soup with egg is ready to be served on a hot summer afternoon.

Enjoy your meal!

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