Dysmetabolic encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

The term "dysmetabolic encephalopathy" refers to a whole group of diseases, the course of which is accompanied by impaired functioning of the brain. Moreover, all pathological conditions are non-inflammatory in nature. If the first alarming signs appear, consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that ignoring the symptoms of dysmetabolic encephalopathy is a threat not only to health but also to life. Treatment of pathology is carried out, as a rule, by conservative methods. In severe cases, the doctor decides on the feasibility of surgery.


At the heart of the mechanism of the development of the disease is a metabolic disorder. You need to know that metabolism is such a set of chemical reactions that are important for maintaining the normal functioning of the body. It is thanks to metabolic processes that tissues retain their structure and are able to respond to any environmental impact.

Thus, it is important to understand that metabolism is such reactions, the violation of which often leads to irreversible consequences. Against the background of failures, all kinds of diseases of the internal organs develop. As a result, the process of formation of toxic compounds is launched. The latter easily penetrate with blood into the brain and contribute to the death of its cells.

Medicine knows several more forms of encephalopathy:

  • Post-traumatic. It is the result of bruises, fractures, etc.
  • Discirculatory. The main reason is a violation of the blood supply to the brain. Discirculatory dysmetabolic encephalopathy is also isolated.
  • Toxic It develops against the background of constant contact with harmful compounds and the use of alcohol-containing drinks. Allocate and toxic-dysmetabolic encephalopathy. In this case, metabolic disorders occur due to regular contact with harmful substances.
  • Beam. It develops against the background of exposure to the body of ionizing radiation.
  • Perinatal. It occurs even in the period of fetal development.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), dysmetabolic encephalopathy is assigned the code G93.

Impaired brain function


As mentioned above, the disease does not occur on its own. It is always the result of pathologies that have arisen due to metabolic disorders.

The main causes of the development of the disease:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Intoxication process. Most often, poisoning occurs with alcohol, mushrooms, toxic compounds and drugs.
  • Impaired kidney function.
  • Illiterate treatment of glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis.
  • Complication after transplantation of a donor kidney.
  • Pancreatitis, both acute and chronic.
  • Fat embolism.
  • Failure to comply with the dosage regimen of insulin in type I diabetes.
  • Prolonged fasting.
  • High-intensity physical activity.
  • Staying long under stress.
  • Severe dehydration.
  • Excess aluminum in tissues.
  • Hypoxia It occurs when the brain does not receive the required amount of liquid connective tissue.
  • Ischemia. It occurs against the background of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. Thanks to this, the brain also does not receive the required amount of liquid connective tissue and vital components.

Regardless of the cause of the development of pathology, it is impossible to delay the treatment of dysmetabolic encephalopathy. This is due to the fact that the diagnosis of the disease takes a lot of time. Meanwhile, pathology is progressing and can lead to various kinds of complications. The complexity of the diagnosis lies in the fact that the disease disguises itself as many other diseases. For example, in children, dysmetabolic encephalopathy is very similar to signs of brain tumors, sepsis, structural abnormalities, meningitis, intracranial bleeding.

Symptom of encephalopathy

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms and their severity directly depend on the form of the disease. The table below shows the types of dysmetabolic encephalopathy and their characteristic signs.

Form of the diseaseReason for developmentClinical manifestations
HepaticImpaired liver function

Inability to maintain a fixed position of the body for even a short period of time, instability (it is difficult for patients to stand, they often fall), decreased degree of motor activity, oculomotor disturbances. At the initial stage of the development of pathology, a person feels slight discomfort in the head area. The patient's memory worsens, fatigue quickly sets in, he has problems with concentration. Many patients also complain of muscle aches. In severe cases, patients show almost no complaints. This is due to their lack of understanding of their unhealthy state.

UremicImpaired renal functionThe initial stage of the development of the disease is characterized by psycho-emotional instability, irritability, the rapid onset of fatigue even after minor physical exertion, a decrease in vitality, frequent episodes of headache, and a violation of the daily regimen. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms appear: inability to quickly assess the situation, changes in speech (it is limited by simple words, often incoherent), disorientation in space and time, stupor, uncontrolled trembling
PancreaticAcute pancreatitis, fat embolismThe patient’s inability to concentrate on any activity, inability to perceive and process information received from outside, hallucinations, generalized seizures, speech impairment, decreased motor activity. In some cases, akinetic mutism occurs . This is a coma in which the patient is motionless and does not respond to voices, but he is able to maintain visual contact with others
DiabeticHypo- or hyperglycemia, alcoholismWeakness, increased fatigue, psycho-emotional instability, sleep disturbance. The first sign of a critical condition is a constricting headache. Ignoring symptoms leads to coma
HyperosmolarDehydrationGreat thirst, drowsiness. In some cases, consciousness is disturbed (up to a state of stupor and coma)
PostdialysisExcess in the body of aluminumSpeech Disorders, Epileptic Seizures, Intellectual Degradation

Common symptoms for all forms of pathology: speech disorders, decreased performance, psycho-emotional instability, tremors, uncontrolled movements, uncomfortable sensations in the muscles, loss of consciousness.

Clinical manifestations

Who to contact

If the first alarming signs occur, you must make an appointment with the therapist. The specialist will conduct primary diagnostic measures, consisting in a survey and physical examination of the patient. In addition, the therapist will draw up a referral for standard research. Based on their results, he will be able to determine the nature of the disease. If there is a suspicion of dysmetabolic encephalopathy, a specialist will draw up a referral to a neurologist.


This stage is associated with certain difficulties. They are due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are similar to signs of other pathologies.

Diagnosis of dysmetabolic encephalopathy involves the following studies:

  • Analysis of arterial blood for chemical compounds and enzymes.
  • Toxicological screening.
  • Tests to evaluate thyroid function.
  • Studies to detect metabolic disorders.
  • CT, MRI, ultrasound of the brain (in children).
  • Electroencephalography.

Based on the diagnostic results, the neurologist draws up the most effective treatment regimen, as well as evaluates the feasibility of surgical intervention in order to stop the progression of pathology.

Reception at the neurologist

Conservative treatments

The choice of patient management tactics is carried out by the doctor. The specialist takes into account not only the severity of the disease, but also its form. The table below shows the main objectives of therapy.

Form of the diseaseGoal of treatment

Identification of the root cause and its elimination.

A decrease in the concentration in the body of harmful compounds that formed against the background of impaired liver function.

Normalization of the metabolic process



Kidney transplant


Relief of the acute phase of pancreatitis.

Improving pancreatic function


Metabolic therapy (intake or administration of powerful cerebroprotectors, antioxidants, vitamins).

Lipid metabolism correction


Elimination of uncompensated water deficiency in the body


Excretion of aluminum

Thus, all methods of treating dysmetabolic encephalopathy are reduced to eliminating the disease, which served as a provoking factor.

In order to stop unpleasant sensations, symptomatic therapy is performed. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • Instenon. Against the background of its intake, the blood circulation and cerebral metabolism are normalized, sleep is normalized, memory is improved and the degree of working capacity is increased.
  • "Divaza". This drug belongs to the group of neuroprotectors. Against the background of treatment, motor activity is restored, convulsions and tremors disappear.
  • "Beckons." It belongs to the group of osmotic diuretics.
  • Mexidol. A powerful antioxidant that helps restore nerve fibers.
  • "Fluoxetine." The drug is intended to correct the psychoemotional state.
  • Vitamin complexes.

In addition, antibiotic therapy is indicated for all patients. The choice of the drug is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's health.

Physiotherapy is particularly effective against dysmetabolic encephalopathy, in particular acupuncture and electrophoresis. After a course of treatment, pain disappears and motor activity is restored.

Drug treatment

Surgical treatment

The feasibility of surgery is assessed by the doctor based on the diagnostic results. The goal of surgical treatment is to get rid of the underlying disease. For example, if the kidneys fail, a donor organ transplant is indicated. If necessary, stenting of affected blood vessels is performed.

Surgical treatment

Power Features

In the presence of dysmetabolic encephalopathy, it is recommended to follow a diet with a low protein content (not more than 20 g per day).

The following products must be included in the menu:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits (excluding melon and watermelon).
  • Porridge from various cereals.
  • Milk and dairy products.
  • Low Salt Crispbread.
  • Honey.
  • Jam.
  • Jams.
  • Compotes.
  • Kissels.
  • Jelly.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • Fats of animal origin.
  • Nuts.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Black tea.
  • Soups on meat and mushroom broth, as well as milk.
  • Coffee.
  • Chocolate.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Desserts with cream.
  • Mustard
  • Radish.
  • Garlic.
  • Radish.
  • Seafood.
  • Cheese.
  • The eggs.
  • Meat and fish of fatty varieties.
  • Bread.

All products must be cooked, baked or stewed. Fatty and fried foods for all patients are prohibited.

Power Features


The outcome of the disease directly depends on the timeliness of going to the doctor. With proper treatment, the progression of the pathology can be stopped. In addition, with timely therapy, it is possible to restore the functioning of the brain and significantly improve the quality of human life. But it is important to know that it is impossible to completely get rid of an ailment. However, many patients, following medical recommendations, live long without thinking about the disease.

Ignoring the disease threatens to develop serious complications. The most likely consequences of dysmetabolic encephalopathy:

  • Stroke.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Dementia.
  • Total dysfunction of the internal organs.
  • Coma.
  • Death.

In the presence of this disease, a person is assigned a disability group. The category depends on the form of the disease and the stage of progression of the pathological process.


The term "dysmetabolic encephalopathy" refers to a group of diseases of a non-inflammatory nature, characterized by brain damage. The main reason for the development of the disease is a violation of metabolic processes. Clinical manifestations and their intensity directly depend on the form of pathology and the stage of its progression. A neurologist is involved in the treatment of dysmetabolic encephalopathy. In most cases, patients are shown conservative therapy. If necessary, the doctor evaluates the feasibility of surgery.

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