Best Lawyer Movies: List

Films about lawyers and lawyers may seem boring. Well, who is interested in judicial debate, litigation and legal terms? In fact, this is not so at all. Such paintings are no less exciting than the coolest detectives and action-packed tapes.

Films about lawyers and lawyers, the list of which is presented below, consists of paintings of different genres. Among them are thrillers, detectives, dramas and comedies. The fact that the heroes of these tapes are representatives of a profession related to boring legal terminology does not make them uninteresting at all. On the contrary, they provide an opportunity to look at lawyers and lawyers from a different point of view, to see their world from the inside.

Today’s list contains only the best films about lawyers that will make anyone take a different look at the representatives of this complex but interesting profession.

“12 Angry Men” (1957)

The best films about lawyers are opened by a picture of Sidney Lumet, which became his film debut. Now it is considered one of the greatest films in the history of cinema on a legal topic. This tape is among the ten best paintings in the world.

films about lawyers

According to the plot of the film, 12 jurors must pass a guilty verdict in the case of the Puerto Rican teenager, according to the case file of the murdered father. Evidence points to him, and the jury prosecutor does not doubt the guy’s guilt. All vote unanimously, except for one of the jurors. He is not sure that the evidence presented proves the guilt of the accused. Despite the rest of the court pressuring him to hurry up to finish this case and go home, juror No. 8 is adamant and requires a more thorough investigation.

“Time to Kill" (1996)

Thriller based on the plot of the same name by John Grisham. Films about lawyers have brought fame to many current stars. Matthew McConaughey, precisely after his role in this picture, entered the Hollywood celebrity list.

films about lawyers and lawyers

The plot of the film is based on a confrontation between two lawyers: a lawyer (Matthew McConaughey), who defends a black father who killed two rapists of his daughter, and a prosecutor (Kevin Spacey), demanding a death sentence for him. The picture was well received by critics and received great resonance due to the problems arising in it, such as racial intolerance and hatred.

The Judge (2014)

Hank Palmer, a successful lawyer, has long lived his life away from the rest of the family. The reason for his unwillingness to appear in his native places is a difficult relationship with his father. Hank had to come home for his mother’s funeral. After the farewell ceremony, another shocking news awaited him - his father, who had been the city judge for many years, was accused of murder. At the same time, he himself cannot completely remember this day, but he is sure that he did not commit a crime. Hank decides to become his father’s lawyer and defend his family honor.

best films about lawyers

Despite the fact that the picture by genre belongs to the drama, Robert Downey Jr., who played the role of Hank Palmer, managed to bring a bit of irony and humor to the film.

Philadelphia (1993)

Films about lawyers raise many acute social problems. For example, the drama Philadelphia, in which Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks played. Promising young lawyer Andrew Beckett was fired due to incompetence. The true reason for the dismissal is his sexual orientation and AIDS. The management becomes aware of the illness of the lawyer and his personal life, and it hurries to get rid of the problematic, in their opinion, employee. Beckett decides to fight for the restoration of his rights and sues the former employer. But not one lawyer to whom he appealed did not want to represent Becket in court.

movies about lawyers list

Among them was Joe Miller, who until his death was afraid of contracting HIV and could not tolerate gays. But then he decides that justice is above his preconceptions and takes on Beckett's case.

"The murder of the first degree" (1994)

Films about lawyers are represented by another psychological drama, the viewing of which makes us wonder if the law is always fair?

film about two lawyers

At the age of 17, Henry Young out of despair goes to the crime - robbing the mail to feed his starving sister. Because of the $ 5 he planned to steal, his life is finally crumbling. He is caught and sent to one of the darkest prisons in the United States, Alcatraz, and his sister is in an orphanage. Troubles continue to haunt the young man further. He decides to join the prisoners planning a jailbreak. But because of betrayal, their plan was revealed, Young is imprisoned in solitary confinement. Instead of the prescribed 19 days, he spent three years in it. This broke the psyche of Henry. Coming out of the detention center, he kills the prisoner, who reported on the planned escape. Now he faces the death penalty. Young lawyer James Stamphill, who wants a milder sentence, is taking on Young's case.

The Devil's Advocate (1997)

This is one of the most famous films about lawyers and lawyers. Taylor Hackford's mystical drama tells the story of a young lawyer Kevin Lomax.

movies about lawyers and lawyers list

He unexpectedly got a job at a well-known law firm after he won the case of a student teacher who was harassed. With his wife Mary Anne, he moves to New York, where he is warmly welcomed by the head of the company, John Milton. While the young lawyer is working enthusiastically, his wife begins to suffer nightmare visions. Kevin's mother, who came to visit, tells him her secret - Milton is his real father.

Lincoln for the Lawyer (2011)

Mickey Holler is a successful lawyer whose principle of life is to prevent the conviction of the innocent. He takes on the case of Luis Roulet, who is accused of beating a prostitute. The suspect himself denies everything, and first Holler believes him. But then new details pop up, and the lawyer finds out that his client committed the murder, for which another ward of Holler was convicted. He himself at one time persuaded him to give appreciation in order to save him from the death penalty. Rule, realizing that the lawyer knows everything, threatens him.

films about women lawyers

Holler is trapped in the law - he has no right to disclose lawyer secrets and convey to the authorities on the Rule. He has very little time left to fix his mistake.

The best films about women lawyers

“Legally Blonde” (2001)

El Woods, who entered Harvard Law School to return her boyfriend, breaks all the stereotypes about blondes. She proves to others that she can be not only the president of the women's club and a connoisseur of fashion, but also a good lawyer. The comedy, in which Reese Witherspoon played the main role, was liked not only by the audience, but also by critics. Despite the fact that this is an entertaining film, it touches on many important life values.

films about lawyers

"Elin Brockovich" (2000)

The main character of the film is a purposeful beauty whom life does not indulge in bright days. A divorced mother of three, she works in a small law firm. But when she gets a chance to start a high-profile case against a corporation that is poisoning the environment, she boldly rushes into battle. Elin Brockovich is trying to lead to an answer to the digging, due to the activity of which the health of hundreds of people has suffered.

A film about two lawyers - Pierce Brosnan vs. Julianne Moore

The film “Laws of Attraction”, released in 2004, tells the story of two successful divorce lawyers. Seeing daily how other people's family relationships are collapsing , they themselves begin to doubt whether marriage is needed. Once Daniel Rafferty and Audrey Woods had to become rivals in the scandalous scandalous divorce of two celebrities. Things got complicated after they were married after a noisy party.

films about lawyers and lawyers

Films about lawyers, the list of which is presented above, are interesting in that they provide an opportunity not only to look at the work of justice from within, but also to try to find the truth together with the heroes of these paintings. The search for evidence of guilt or innocence, fierce battles of minds in court and unexpected turns in a seemingly already opened case - these films will definitely not let you get bored.

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