Helminthiasis is one of the problems parents have to deal with all over the world. This disease, caused by worms, is a very serious matter requiring immediate action. It occurs due to the ingestion of lower worms belonging to the group of parasites. In various ways, they penetrate the human body and exist there, disrupting the functioning of various organs and systems.
The manifestation of the first symptoms of worms in children (see photo below) is very individual. A variety of signs is associated with a large number of types of parasites, each of which has its own characteristics and prefers to "settle" in places that are favorite only for him in the human body.
Most often, it is the childish organism that suffers from helminthic invasion. Moreover, bursts of incidence occur, as a rule, in the spring and summer periods, when the kids begin to play in the sandbox and eat not always washed fruits. The risk group includes children from infancy to 14 years.
What are the symptoms, treatment and prevention of worms in a child? The answer to these questions can be found in this article.
Risk group
Worms affect a person due to the presence of several factors. In order to "settle" in the body, parasites need to get into the oral cavity. Here, special enzymes that are in saliva must come to grips with him. But if this barrier is successfully overcome by parasites, then they enter the stomach, which meets them with its aggressive environment. If the worms survive there, then they enter the intestine, where the immune cells must eliminate them. However, the human body is often weakened. In this regard, he cannot fully combat parasites. This creates favorable conditions not only for the ingestion of worms in the human body, but also for their further residence in it.
The mechanism described above in children has not yet been established. That is why they are included in a special risk group. A contributing factor is the baby’s desire to constantly taste the world around him.
When the parasite is implanted in the body, it begins to take in nutrients entering the intestines, and is also able to cause severe damage to internal organs. In this regard, the symptoms of worms in children are very often expressed in the form of exhaustion and general weakening of the body, in the appearance of allergic reactions, in growth retardation and low weight gain, and also in lagging behind physical and mental development.
Causes of the disease
It is known that parasites in nature are quite widespread. Their eggs can be found on unwashed fruits and vegetables, in fish and meat, in water and soil, on animal hair, etc.
Symptoms of worms in children can occur when a child eats dirty or does not go through the necessary heat treatment products. In addition, a child with helminthiasis can become a source of infection. In this case, the parasites are transmitted to a healthy baby in close contact with him. The cause of infection is also domestic animals that have not undergone anthelmintic treatment.
Types of disease
Based on the location of parasites, helminthiasis happens:
- Intestinal. These are teniearinkhoz and enterobiosis, trichocephalosis, strongyloidosis and ascariasis.
- Tissue. These include filariasis and toxocariasis, schistosomiasis and trichinosis.
- Pulmonary. These are tominxosis and paragonimiasis.
- Hepatobiliary tract. This type of helminthiasis includes fascioliasis, clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis.
Based on the type of pathogen, the disease is divided into:
- Cestoroses. This type of disease occurs due to the penetration of tapeworms, such as broad tapeworm and pork tapeworm, into the body.
- Nematodoses. A similar type of helminthiasis is caused by roundworms. Among them are whipworms, roundworms and pinworms.
- Trematodoses. A similar type of disease is caused by flukes. Among them are cat fluke, as well as pulmonary and renal fluke.
The negative effects of helminthiasis
Sometimes the symptoms of worms in children are expressed in the development of an acute allergic reaction in the form of anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. Helminthiasis also often causes intestinal perforation and obstruction.
Worms sometimes affect the liver and genitourinary organs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, they become the cause of hepatitis, pyoderma, urinary incontinence and appendicitis. Often, against the background of helminthiasis, damage to the brain structures, strabismus develops, visual acuity decreases, vulvovaginitis and acute pulmonary insufficiency occur.
Causes of parasites in infants
Unfortunately, sometimes the symptoms of worms in a child up to a year are manifested. Given that the baby is in contact only with loved ones, the reason for his infection with helminthiasis is the elementary non-observance of hygiene rules by households. Another danger of infestation of parasites of infants lies in the pets in the home. In cases where the owners do not conduct timely prophylaxis of the parasites in animals, they pose a significant risk to their crumbs.
Insects can also become a source of the spread of parasites. They carry worm eggs on their feet and leave them on various foods. During meals, helminths enter the body of the child.
One of the most common factors leading to infestation by worms is the presence of parasites in the mother’s body during pregnancy. Blood flow larvae enter the fetus, penetrating the placenta. As a result, the child has helminthiasis when it is born.
Signs of worms in infants
Parents who are concerned about the health of their crumbs, to determine the presence of helminthiasis, it is not enough to do an analysis of the baby's feces. Such studies are considered far from the most truthful. It is better if mothers and fathers learn to recognize the symptoms of the presence of worms in a child. Although this is not very easy. Indeed, over a long period of their existence, parasites have learned to perfectly hide the signs of their stay in the human body. Symptoms of worms in children (see photo below) are very similar to those that occur with a viral disease or with a malfunction in the digestive tract.
A child suffering from parasites is completely weakened. He refuses food and sleeps restlessly. In some cases, the baby coughs and the temperature rises. With prolonged exposure to parasites, a decrease in immunity occurs, various allergic reactions develop.
How to understand that a child has worms? Symptoms in the form of pain in the navel, which often cause pinworms, parents can determine on their own. To do this, they need to put the baby on the back and bend its legs in the knees, gently palpating the desired area of the abdomen. In the presence of pinworms, the baby will necessarily be anxious, indicating discomfort that has appeared. In the same way, parents can even find the place where individuals of this species of worms have accumulated. Pinworms also show itching in the anus. Girls suffer from burning sensation in the vagina. At the same time, their labia are in an inflamed state.
But as for roundworms, they do not show any external signs of their presence in the body of the child. These worms are detected only after they intertwine in a ball. In this case, the child becomes very ill and has intestinal obstruction.
Elimination of helminthiasis in infants
Of course, if symptoms of worms are found in children, treatment of this disease should be started in a timely manner. However, to do this at such an early age is not easy. After all, almost all drugs are intended for use by young patients from 2 years. Symptoms of worms in children cannot be eliminated with these drugs, since they are very toxic and have a large number of similar effects. The correct course of treatment for infants from parasites can only be prescribed by an experienced doctor. The specialist will determine the stage of the disease and develop an individual scheme for taking the necessary funds. It must be adhered to with great care. After all, even a slight deviation can cause poisoning of the baby.
Doctors often suggest that parents delay the treatment and wait for the child to grow up. However, sometimes a long period of inactivity leads to an even greater weakening of the baby's body. That is why infection is best avoided. And for this, parents will need to carefully monitor hygiene.
Causes of infection with parasites at the age of 2-3 years
What are the symptoms and treatment of worms in children who have already become more independent? At the age of 2-3 years, babies most often suffer from roundworm infection. This can happen when:
- eating food that has not undergone the necessary heat and mechanical treatment;
- non-observance of rules regarding personal hygiene (for example, with poorly washed hands);
- contact with peers or animals that are infected with parasites.
Symptoms of worms in children of 3 years or in two-year-old babies are manifested in connection with their inability to take care of their own safety. That is why it is so important for parents to pay constant attention to the hygiene of their children and their nutrition.
Those infants who visit nurseries, kindergartens and playgrounds are also at high risk of infection.
Signs of helminthiasis at the age of 2-3
If a child has worms, what symptoms can their parents observe?
- Periods when the baby's appetite suddenly decreases or rises. But in that, and in another case, the child loses weight every day.
- Increased salivation. Children suffering from parasites often wake up in the morning on a wet pillow.
- Itching, which manifests itself in the anus. A similar symptom is characteristic for enterobiosis caused by pinworms.
- General malaise and lethargy. Such a baby becomes inactive and looks depressed.
- Upset stool. Very often, parents can observe the alternation of diarrhea and constipation in their baby.
- Decreased immunity, as well as frequent SARS diseases.
- Blue circles under the eyes and pallor of the skin.
- Navel pain and nausea.
If one or more of the above symptoms of worms is detected in children, parents should show the baby to the doctor. Postpone such a visit is not worth it. Indeed, over time, parasites can cause serious diseases of the digestive system.
Treatment of helminthic infestation at the age of 2-3 years
Throughout the course of medical therapy, parents should take care of the order and cleanliness of the living quarters of the house. In this case, the closest attention will need to be paid to questions of compliance with the baby's hygiene rules. He should wash his hands only with soap or wipe them with wet wipes, which do not contain alcohol.
During the course of treatment, parents should also limit the stay of the baby in places where there is a large concentration of children. These are playgrounds, DOW, sandboxes. It is forbidden during this period and any contact with pets. Preventive measures to prevent re-infection in this case will consist of washing and ironing the baby’s bed and underwear with a hot iron. Parents should not ignore the soft toys of the child. They must be washed.
When prescribing a course of treatment, doctors select drugs that have an anthelmintic effect. This group of drugs can have a toxic effect on a growing body. That is why all means should be used only as directed by the doctor and in the dosage prescribed by him. In the list of children's anthelmintic drugs are:
- "Piperazine";
- Dekaris;
- "Pirantel";
- Mebendazole
- "Albendazole".
The use of anthelmintic drugs leads to mass death of parasites, which entails the appearance of an intoxication reaction in the baby. In this case, the child suffers from nausea, upset stools and vomiting. There is a pallor of his skin. In the presence of such symptoms, parents should give intestinal sorbents (for example, activated charcoal) to their baby for 3-4 days.
Causes of helminthiasis in older preschoolers
With age, children show increasing physical activity, seeking to know the world around them. Starting from the age of 4, a modern child can be considered an individual. After all, he has his own habits and tastes, showing indefatigable curiosity to everything that surrounds him. Its intense contacts and become the cause of parasite damage. Larvae of worms lie in wait for the baby on the pet’s wool, in the sand and in the soil, as well as on the surfaces of objects that a preschooler encounters. How to protect a small person? To prevent the manifestation of the symptoms of worms in children from 5 years old and even from 4 they need to be accustomed to the consciousness of the culture of their body, as well as to form in children a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.
Already at the age of four, a certain immunity has been developed in the child’s body that fights against pathogenic microorganisms. But at the same time, the digestive system does not possess sufficient resistance to the penetration of parasites. In a small 4-year-old man, the intestines have very thin walls, and his blood flow is unstable. This contributes to the rapid reproduction of worm larvae in the body.
In order to prevent the appearance of worm symptoms in children, and treatment (photo see below) was not required, parents need to take measures to comprehensively prevent the disease.
They consist in observing the rules of personal hygiene, in a healthy diet and regular examination in a medical institution.
Signs of helminthiasis in older preschoolers
Of course, keeping track of a child aged 4-5 years is far from always possible. This leads to the fact that in one form or another helminthiasis is manifested in almost all older preschool children. In this case, the child can observe:
- lack of appetite or its excessive increase;
- restless sleep during which the baby grinds his teeth;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- stool instability;
- frequent manifestations of allergic reactions to the skin;
- abdominal pains that have a cutting character;
- itching in the anus;
- bouts of nausea and dizziness;
- increased nervousness;
- exhaustion of the body.
Moms and dads who notice one or more of the symptoms described above should take their child to a parasitologist.
Treatment of helminthic invasion in older preschoolers
At this age, the child is still forbidden to give many of the "adult" medications. After all, they are highly toxic. From 4 years old, a child can take the drug "Dekaris".
This is a comprehensive and very effective tool, the spectrum of action of which is directed against a significant list of worms. Such tablets are recommended to be combined with the course of antihistamine therapy. After taking the antiparasitic drug, you need to take care of restoring the child's body.