Without theories and long introductions, we begin a review of what to cook from chicken for the second. The recipe “Chicken in a Crispy Carapace" is able to realize even a novice cook. In order not to bother with butchering the carcass, we buy three chicken breasts. Wash them and cut them into cubes a centimeter thick (as for beef stroganoff). Salt and pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic (2-3 cloves). You can also sprinkle with lemon juice - so the meat comes out juicier. Leave the breasts for a quarter of an hour to soak in spices.
With these manipulations, many recipes from chicken to the second begin. And then comes the specifics. Mash a glass of cornflakes with a pestle. In one bowl, pour the flour, and in the second, beat two eggs with a fork. We put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire. Chop the chicken sticks first in the flour, then in the egg and, finally, in the cereal. Spread in preheated fat and fry until crispy golden shell.
Georgian cuisine also has delicious
chicken dishes. Let's cook one of them - Shkmeruli. True, in the homeland of the recipe, a special clay pan of ketsi is used to prepare the dish, but somehow we will find a way out. Salt whole gutted carcass weighing one kilogram and coat with vegetable oil. We fry in a pan or bake in the oven - as you like. We clean the whole head of garlic and crush in a mortar. We chop the finished chicken into portioned portions, and pour the fat released during frying or baking into a bowl. The meat is placed in a refractory form.
Sauce is a great addition to any idea of what to cook with chicken for the second. Shkmeruli uses milk-garlic dressing. Has our head already been rubbed with a pestle in a mortar? Then let's get started. We dilute half a glass of milk with a slightly smaller amount of cold boiled water. Bring the mixture to a boil, slightly add salt. Pour a couple of tablespoons of fat, which was formed during the frying of chicken, add garlic. Mix until smooth and turn off. Pour chicken with this dressing. We put the form on a small fire for literally two minutes.
What to cook from chicken for the second, so that it is delicious? We will use the French recipe. A kilogram of drumsticks (but you can take both wings and hips), salt and rub with pepper. Fry in warmed vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Add two chopped onion rings. Pour five tablespoons of brandy into the soup ladle, set fire and pour chicken with this combustible. Now add half a glass of red wine and broth (you can dissolve for this
cube in boiling water), four cloves of finely chopped garlic, one bay leaf, a clove bud.
This dish is prepared both in uniform and in a sleeve. We preheat the oven at 200 ° C. There, our chicken-pock is cooked for about an hour or a little longer. Sprinkle the finished dish with dill. There are still many interesting ideas that come to mind when asked: "What to cook from chicken for the second?" This is barbecue, where the meat is pre-marinated in honey and soy sauce. Or a chicken leg with nuts and honey. In this recipe, the chicken also languishes under a honey mixture with ginger, and then is baked on a baking sheet under the foil. And in the end, you can offer classic chops of breasts or legs.