"Pimafucin" - a modern antifungal drug to combat thrush. Is safe. Rarely causes side effects. Treatment of thrush with Pimafucin can be carried out not only for women, but also for men, as well as for women who are expecting a baby to be born. Moreover, at all stages of pregnancy. The course lasts six days. But the patient's condition improves after the first use of the drug.
"Pimafucin": composition, release form
The drug "Pimafucin" is widely known in the medical field and is often used to treat fungal diseases. It has several forms of release, these are:
- vaginal suppositories;
- cream for external use;
- tablets in enteric packaging.
Vaginal suppositories contain the active ingredient natamycin. In addition to it, the composition of the drug includes the following additional components:
- ethanol;
- hard fat;
- sorbitan trioleate;
- polysorbate 80;
- sodium bicarbonate;
- adipic acid.
Suppositories have a torpedo shape. They have a white-yellowish color with a light brown tint. Packed in three pieces in an aluminum strip. Sold in a cardboard box of 3 or 6 candles, along with instructions for use. Shelf life of vaginal suppositories is two years. Suppositories are stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
The cream, like suppositories, contains the active substance natamycin. In addition to him, the composition includes:
- wax;
- sodium lauryl sulfate;
- decyl oleate;
- propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
- propylene glycol;
- methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
- cetostearyl alcohol;
- purified water.
The cream has a dense creamy consistency and is painted white. It is packed in a tube of 30 g volume and together with the instruction is enclosed in a cardboard box. The shelf life of the drug is four years.
The tablets are clothed in an enteric coating. Contain the active ingredient natamycin. Additional components of the medication are: potato starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate. The shell consists of cellacephate, sucrose, triacetin, calcium carbonate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate. The composition of the shell also includes kaolin, acacia gum, white beeswax, titanium dioxide, gelatin and talc. The tablets are round in shape. Covered with a white shell. Enclosed in a brown glass bottle of 20 pieces, which is enclosed in a cardboard box along with instructions. The shelf life of the tablets is four years.
Side effects from "Pimafucin" are rare. But in order to avoid negative phenomena at all, one should take into account contraindications and follow the regimen of the drug prescribed by the doctor.
Pharmacology of the drug
The active substance natamycin is a polyene antibiotic. It belongs to the macrolide group. It has an antifungal property. It has a wide range of effects. It connects the sterols of fungal cells, thereby violating their integrity. This leads to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.
Many yeast mushrooms are sensitive to natamycin. Among them, Candida albicans, T.vaginalis, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cephalosporium. To a lesser extent, dermatophytes are sensitive to the drug.
Even with prolonged use of the drug, resistance to natamycin in yeast does not develop.
With local and external use, the drug is not absorbed into the blood unless the skin is damaged and remains holistic. This also applies to the mucous membranes.
The tablet form of the drug is equipped with an enteric coating and only acts in the intestinal lumen. The active substance is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal apparatus and does not have a systemic effect. Therefore, side effects "Pimafucin" causes in rare cases.
Indications for use
Can I use Pimafucin during pregnancy? Yes, this is one of those means that is allowed to be used not only during the expectation of a child, but also when breastfeeding a baby.
Each form of release of "Pimafucin" has its purpose. The cream is indicated for fungal diseases caused by Candida fungi, which appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Effective for balanoposthitis, vulvovaginitis, vulvitis. It gives a good result in the treatment of candidiasis of the dermis and nail plate. The cream is used for external otitis media, the appearance of which was caused by fungi or is accompanied by candidiasis. The medicine is used for dermatomycosis.
Vaginal suppositories "Pimafucin" are indicated for vulvovaginitis, vaginitis and vulvitis. The appearance of which was influenced by Candida mushrooms.
Pimafucin tablets are prescribed for intestinal candidiasis. With acute pseudomembranous and acute atrophic candidiasis, complicated by immune deficiency and cachexia. The drug is used for candidiasis, which arose due to treatment with antibiotics, cytostatics and corticosteroids.
Pills are indicated for the rehabilitation of the intestinal reservoir with Candida fungi, for candidiasis of the dermis and mucous membranes. This includes vulvitis, vulvovaginitis and candidal vaginitis.
How to use "Pimafucin", tells the instructions in detail. She also warns that the drug is not used if there is hypersensitivity to the substances that make up its composition.
Pimafucin is prescribed for pregnant women. There is no evidence of its negative effects on fetal development.
How to take the drug in tablets and how to use cream and suppositories?
Pimafucin tablets should be taken orally. Regardless of the food. If intestinal candidiasis occurs, then it is recommended to drink a tablet 4 times a day. Children are given one pill twice a day.
For fungal vaginitis in a severe stage of development, treatment with tablets is combined using local means, for example, with Pimafucin cream or suppositories. For sanitation of the intestine affected by candidiasis, only pills are taken. Reception "Pimafucin" is produced according to the instructions for 1 tablet up to four times a day.
The duration of treatment in each case is individual. After the negative symptoms disappeared, therapy is continued for a couple of days.
Cream "Pimafucin" in the treatment of balanoposthitis, vulvovaginitis and vulvitis is applied to the affected area from one to two times a day. For complex diseases such as vulvovaginitis and vulvitis caused by Candida albicans, Pimafucin tablets or vaginal suppositories are additionally prescribed.
With dermatomycosis (this includes fungal lesions of the skin and nail plate, as well as diaper rash in children), an external agent is applied to the affected area up to four times a day.
If there is mycosis of the ear canal, then the area affected by the fungus is treated with cream up to four times a day. Previously, the ear is cleaned of impurities. After the cleansing procedure, the turunda is twisted from cotton, cotton or wool, liberally lubricated with cream and placed in the ear canal. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
Vaginal suppositories for such diagnoses as vulvovaginitis, vulvitis and vaginitis, are administered one at a time overnight, for 3-6 days. The introduction of candles is carried out in the supine position, trying to position the suppository as deep as possible. If the diseases provoked by Candida albicans continue to progress, then Pimafucin tablets are prescribed for oral administration. The drug is recommended to drink one tablet four times a day, for the rehabilitation of the site of fungal infection in the intestinal environment. Treatment is carried out for 10-20 days.
In case of fungal infection of the genitals in a man, Pimafucin cream is used. The therapeutic course is prescribed by the doctor in each case individually. After the disappearance of negative symptoms, therapy is continued for several more days.
Side effects
Pimafucin tablets cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. They manifest as nausea and diarrhea. Usually occur on the first day of taking the drug. Do not require withdrawal of treatment. With the passage of therapy, negative symptoms go away on their own. If other side effects appear, the medication is stopped and seek help from a doctor.
When using suppositories and Pimafucin ointments, side effects are quite rare. Usually this is a slight irritation of the mucous membranes or skin. Itching and burning in the field of application of the drug.
special instructions
Which is better - “Pimafucin” or other antifungal drugs, such as “Clotrimazole”, “Zalain”, “Flucostat”? This should be decided by the doctor. After all, only he, based on the picture of the disease, can prescribe the correct treatment.
When taking Pimafucin tablets for patients with Lapp lactase deficiency, galactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption and with sucrose-isomaltase deficiency, it is necessary to take into account that the pill contains sucrose and lactose monohydrate. If there is at least one of the above pathologies, then you should consult a doctor for advice.
Pimafucin in tablet form should not be given to infants. Such an appointment may cause difficulty in swallowing the drug.
Vaginal suppositories quickly melt under the influence of body heat. In doing so, they create a foamy mass. This ensures their uniform distribution over the vaginal mucosa. If the disease has become chronic or recurs, in addition to suppositories, cream or tablets are prescribed.
Cetyl alcohol contained in suppositories can cause a slight burning sensation in the genital area. This feature is worth paying attention to people with hypersensitivity to this substance. For menstruation, vaginal suppository therapy is stopped. When treating with candles, patients are allowed to have a full sexual life.
If one of the partners reveals a candidal fungal disease, the second partner should also be examined. If a candidal lesion is detected, a full therapeutic course should be taken with one of the Pimafucin medicines. During the treatment period, barrier contraceptives should be used.
There is no evidence of an overdose of Pimafucin. Drugs do not interact with other medications.
"Pimafucin" does not affect the ability to drive a car and concentration, the reaction rate that is used when working with complex mechanisms.
Pimafucin: analogues
The instruction warns that before using the drug should consult a specialist. If for some reason the drug did not fit, then analogues can replace it. These include:
- Primafungin. Direct analogue of the drug. Contains natamycin. It is made in the form of candles. It costs about 150-300 rubles.
- "Ecofucin." Direct analog in the form of candles. The active substance in its composition is natamycin. The price ranges from 160 to 380 rubles.
- "Fluconazole." It is made in tablets. It is similar in its effect, but has a different composition. Cost - from 14 rubles.
- "Nystatin." A medicine with a different composition, but with similar properties. Its price ranges from 50 to 140 rubles.
- "Itraconazole". It is made in tablets. It has a different composition, but a similar effect. Its cost starts from 260 rubles.
The nystatin ointment, miconazole gel and clotrimazole cream can serve as analogues to Pimafucin cream.
Which is better - Pimafucin or its substitutes? This question is hard to answer. After all, each medication is good in its own way. It has its advantages and disadvantages. When appointing, one should rely on the severity of the pathology, the condition and age of the patient, the material capabilities of the patient. All this is precisely what the doctor takes into account when prescribing the drug.
Pimafucin causes side effects in rare cases and is well tolerated by patients. The cost of 20 tablets varies in the region of 500 rubles, the price of cream in a tube of 30 g is 300 rubles. Three candles can be purchased for 250 rubles. Pimafucin preparations are sold in pharmacies and dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.
Patient Reviews
Treatment with Pimafucin gives an excellent result, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of patients. People say that pills and suppositories effectively fight thrush. Eliminate candidiasis symptoms quickly. A particularly good effect appeared when candles, tablets and cream were applied in a complex. In this case, women got rid of thrush for a long period. The reviews of the ladies claim that it is important that the sexual partner also undergo treatment. Otherwise, re-infection will occur and the disease will progress.
Some patients claim that Pimafucin is only good at the initial stage of the disease, and with relapsing thrush this medicine does not always help.
Of the negative aspects, patients noted the side effects that the medicine caused. Among them: abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion. Some patients say that treatment with Pimafucin is expensive, especially if all forms of the drug are used at the same time. According to them, this medication does not always give a good result in the treatment of fungal infection.