How to treat flu at home? Practical tips

Influenza is the most frequently occurring disease in both adults and children. This is a seasonal disease that affects billions of people worldwide every year. Since not all patients like to see a doctor, they try to learn as much as possible about how to treat the flu at home.

how to treat flu at home
First of all, you need to find out where the disease comes from and how it manifests itself. The source of the virus is a sick person, and microbes are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Before treating the flu at home, it is necessary to understand its symptoms. The main signs of the disease are fever, fever, weakness, headache. Influenza can also be accompanied by a feeling of body aches, muscle pain. Another sign of the disease is cough. Sometimes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, insomnia, and fainting may be added to the symptoms already mentioned. In determining the disease, you need to be careful, because these symptoms are nonspecific, so they can talk about other, more complex diseases.

how to treat flu in a child
Scientists have long proven that the most common illness in schools and kindergartens is the flu. Symptoms in a child are no different from the signs of a disease that occur in an adult. Naturally, at the first manifestations of influenza, you need to see a doctor, since self-medication can be too dangerous. But hospitalization of the patient occurs only in extreme cases.

Therefore, in addition to following the doctor’s recommendations, you need to know how to treat the flu at home. First of all, it is necessary to isolate the sick person in a separate room (if there is such a possibility), in which regular ventilation is carried out, as well as wiping the floor and all surfaces with a damp cloth.

Further, it is necessary to transfer the sick person to a light diet that will not overload the body, but at the same time it will be nutritious and maximally fortified. Do not forget about the drinking regimen: the patient should not have dehydration, especially if the temperature rises during the illness. For this, simple water, rosehip compotes, tea with lemon, raspberries and currants, as well as chicken broth are suitable.

flu symptoms in a child
It is advisable for the patient to provide bed rest, as otherwise the flu can cause complications. If a person is shivering, it is necessary to wrap a blanket warmer. Before treating a child’s flu with medication, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Note that if the baby has a temperature, but it does not rise above 38, then there is no need to knock it down. If the flu is accompanied by a strong dry cough, then it must be converted to wet, and for this special medicines are needed. Sometimes you have to use expectorants, which remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs.

These are the most common and effective tips that answer the question of how to treat the flu at home. Be healthy!

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