Discomfort. Something pulls, somewhere hurts. Heaviness in the intestines, and do not want to move. Immediately come to mind disturbing thoughts about the worst. But do not worry too much - maybe you have constipation. Treatment started in a timely manner will help get rid of this problem. The main thing is not to put off everything for later.
About the problem in brief
Constipation - stool retention or incomplete bowel movement for more than two days. This situation is more common among older people than among young people.
There are several types of violations of the bowel movement. They depend on the causes of the problem.
- Primary. It manifests itself with abnormalities in the development of the colon.
- Secondary. It is a consequence of diseases or injuries of the rectum and colon. It can develop after taking certain medications as a side effect, as a result of metabolic disorders.
- Idiopathic. The reason for its appearance is a violation of the motility of the rectum and colon, without identifying the factors that provoked this problem.
- Functional. This type of constipation causes psychological factors. In the cerebral cortex, there is a violation of the regulation of intestinal motility. In addition, the cause of the problem may be the forced suppression of the bowel movement.
- Alimentary. Monotonous diet with limited fiber.
- Hypodynamic. Low physical activity provokes its appearance.
The disease has a large number of species. Their symptoms are almost the same, but the causes of the ailment are different. Knowing them, the doctor will tell you how to get rid of constipation.
- Proctogenic. It is diagnosed with hemorrhoids, cracks in the anus, problems associated with intestinal motility and rectal passage.
- Hypodynamic. A little physical activity, a calm lifestyle is the reason for its appearance.
- Mechanical. Factors causing constipation are scars in the colon and its constant compression by other organs.
- Endocrine. This type of ailment is most often found in people with the disease diabetes mellitus or with problems of the thyroid gland, reproductive system.
- Toxic. Appears with frequent contact with chemicals, paints.
- Medication. The reason for its appearance is antidepressants, antibiotics, antimicrobials.
Speaking about the causes of the problem, we can add another violation of the water-salt metabolism.
We continue to talk about constipation. Its treatment largely depends on the cause of the ailment and the symptoms. About the factors causing the disease, the conversation has already been conducted, we turn to the signs.
Most often, this unpleasant phenomenon is diagnosed in infants and the elderly. You can not exclude young people who lead the wrong lifestyle. In order to see a doctor in time, you should know the symptoms of the disease:
- strong gas emission;
- sensation of pressure in the rectal canal;
- there may be heartburn and nausea;
- pain in the side is jerking or aching;
- discomfort during bowel movements, feces hard.
A few days after the first signs of malaise appear, the stomach swells, the head hurts and the pressure rises.
For the above symptoms, consult your doctor. Only it will help you cope with the disease and will not allow the disease to develop into a big problem.
General principles of treatment
How to get rid of constipation? This question torments those who suffer from a “delicate” problem. First, let's talk about the general principles of getting rid of the disease, and then in more detail about each of them. If you follow the recommendations listed below, then help yourself.
- Diet for constipation. Eat at the same time, chew food thoroughly. Drink more fluids, at least two liters per day.
- Exercise stress. Perform exercises that strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall. Do not forget about long walks.
- Enema. It is used only if you need to get rid of constipation urgently.
- Massage. It's about breathing. Before breakfast, drink a glass of water. Sit on a chair, your back is straight. For several minutes, breathe deeply into the stomach, protruding and pulling it in.
Folk remedies for constipation will help get rid of a delicate problem. Plant components have a laxative effect. Several recipes for those who prefer this method of treatment.
- Caraway seeds are infused in a glass of boiling water for thirty minutes. The infusion is filtered, taken a tablespoon before eating.
- Two tablespoons of oregano are poured into a glass of boiling water. The mixture is kept on fire for fifteen minutes. Then leave to insist for forty-five minutes. Filter, drink twice a day fifteen minutes before eating.
- One tablespoon of buckthorn bark is added to a glass of water. Thirty minutes, the mixture is kept in a water bath. It is cooled, filtered. It is taken before breakfast and bedtime one hundred milliliters.
Before resorting to medicines, try using folk remedies for constipation. Maybe to get rid of the problem, such a method of treatment will be enough. But in any case, a doctor should be visited.
Another way
Constipation in adults can be treated using an enema. For children, a similar method is allowed, but it is better under the supervision of a doctor.
As mentioned above, this method is suitable for those who want to quickly get rid of the disease. There are several formulations for the procedure:
- Oil. Vaseline or vegetable oil (necessarily warm) is introduced. This type of enema is best done at bedtime, as bowel movements take place after ten to twelve hours.
- Hypertonic is a strong saline solution. Feces become softer, salt irritates the intestines. Emptying occurs after fifteen minutes. Only cold solution is used for the procedure.
- Cleansing enema. Herbal infusions are used. Feces are washed out of the intestines. A cold solution is used. The effect comes instantly.
We move a lot and eat right
Start treatment only after determining the cause. For these purposes, diagnostic measures are carried out. The patient undergoes tests, undergoes a colonoscopy or x-ray of the small intestine, ultrasound.
If the cause is physical inactivity, it is time to lead an active lifestyle. Start the day with exercise, walk more. Find something to your liking. Visit your fitness center at your earliest convenience. The trainer will help you choose the right exercises and create an individual program.
Those who eat improperly will have to change their diet. A diet for constipation is something that will help to cope with the problem. The list of products that will have to be abandoned will be made by a specialist. Usually this category includes: sweets, rice, fruits containing a large amount of carbohydrates, yeast bread.
The main principles for treating constipation with a diet are as follows:
- Food is taken at least five times a day. Serving weights from two hundred to two hundred and fifty grams.
- If possible, replace drinks, strong coffee, tea with plain water.
- Give preference to dishes made from foods with a lot of fiber.
- Bread and pasta - from wholemeal flour.
- For refueling, use vegetable oils.
- Do not refuse bran. One spoonful of this product will bring many benefits to the body.
Treatments for constipation
In addition to sports and proper nutrition, medications will help to cope with the problem. If pain interferes with normal bowel movement, suppository can help. Their production is based on natural and herbal ingredients. Thanks to them, hard feces become softer. Some time after use, the urge to defecate appears. We will talk more about the properties of candles below. And now about another way to get rid of the disease.
Laxatives for constipation will make the intestines work from the inside. These include tablets and droplets. They consist of their extracts of herbs, berries, mineral salts. The most popular are: Senadexin, Dufalac, Picolax and others.
If bloating and spasm of the abdomen are added to the main problem, then Espumisan will help.
Laxative candles
What are the suppository suppositories, which ones should be chosen, and how do they affect intestinal function? We will talk about this in more detail.
There are three groups of tools:
- with an irritating component;
- gas-forming;
- with glycerin.
With an irritating component: Dulcolax, Laxbene and others. Increase the amount of mucus, irritate the receptors of the rectum and soften feces. They begin to act in two hours. Not recommended for bowel diseases. They cannot be used for a long time, intestinal atony sets in.
Gas-forming. When they enter the rectum, the constituent suppositories begin to act among themselves. Carbon dioxide is released. Its vesicles stretch the walls of the intestines, stimulate receptors. Peristalsis increases, and feces go out. Medicines of this group include: “Calciolax”, “Ferrolax” and others.
Based on glycerin. They are considered the safest. They gently irritate the nerve endings of the rectum. There is a urge to empty the intestines. One commonly used drug is Glycelax.
If constipation in adults and children occurs due to hemorrhoids, cracks or inflammatory processes near the anus, then it is best to use candles that not only relax, but also heal wounds and fight inflammation. These include sea buckthorn, ichthyol and others.
Constipation during pregnancy
Constipation during pregnancy is one of the most common problems during this period. Especially makes itself felt in the second and third trimester. The cause of the disease may be:
- Uterine enlargement. She begins to put pressure on her intestines. Its functioning is disrupted.
- The uterus becomes larger in size, it affects not only the intestines, but also other organs of the abdominal cavity. In them, the outflow of blood is worse. In the vessels of the small pelvis, its stagnation is observed.
- Constipation during pregnancy also occurs due to the fact that during this period the number of certain substances that help the intestines work decreases. If their number remains normal, then there is a danger of premature birth or miscarriage. This reaction occurs due to the fact that the uterus and intestines are innervated by the same branches of nerves.
- Hormone progesterone. It has a slowing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Its performance is impaired.
Now about getting rid of the disease.
Remember! Only a doctor should prescribe treatment. An effective way to get rid of constipation is proper nutrition. During this period it is necessary to eat: soups, various cereals and dairy products. Regularly in the diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables.
Apples, cucumbers, carrots, beets, wholemeal bread, tomatoes contain a large amount of fiber. Do not forget to include them in your menu.
Refuse coffee, semolina, chocolate.
Move more.
Taking laxatives for constipation is prohibited during pregnancy.
Constipation in children
Breasts may have a little stool six times a day. Two months after birth, he becomes less common. Since milk is almost completely absorbed, we can say that the norm for crumbs is once every few days, but in large volumes.
Constipation in a baby-child can be suspected if the consistency of feces becomes like a smoked sausage or like sheep’s balls. In children with artificial feeding and older children (2 years old), constipation is the absence of defecation for more than two days.
If the baby has problems, he needs help. But it is advisable to consult a doctor.
- Glycerin candles. Safe and effective remedy. Feces become softer and excreted.
- Enema. Boiled water will be required, but at room temperature. You can add one teaspoon of glycerin.
- Lactulose Syrup. It is usually prescribed if the child’s constipation is chronic. The drug is taken for a long time. Dosage depends on the age of the child.
Many pharmacy products normalize the intestinal microflora, eliminate excessive gas formation and colic.
Constipation is a problem for the elderly
First, let's talk about the reasons that cause them.
- Many people over sixty take medication. Some of the drugs affect the behavior of nerve impulses in the intestinal wall. It turns out that the cure is to blame.
- Improper nutrition. The diet is low in fiber.
- Fluid intake is limited, low physical activity.
- The uncontrolled use of laxatives is addictive.
- Disruption of the muscles of the intestinal wall.
Serious diseases can also be a cause of constipation in older people. It's about oncology. This is why you should consult your doctor.
Getting rid of the problem:
- In the morning, waking up, perform a set of exercises. These can be leg movements while lying in bed.
- Have a hot drink. If there are no contraindications, it is possible with caffeine.
- Breakfast, give preference to dishes with fiber.
- Then again a hot drink.
In this way, you activate the intestines.
Before starting treatment with pills for constipation, you should try proper nutrition.
The basic rules of the diet:
- You should eat boiled, steamed or baked food. If the constipation is atonic, do not grind the product. This will increase intestinal motility. Refuse minced meat dishes, do not use mashed potatoes.
With spastic constipation, the food should be soft.
- Eat five to six times a day, but the portions should be small. The intestines will work better.
- Too cold or hot food should not be consumed.
- Give up alcohol.
- Drink more fluids. Give preference to mineral water and fruit drinks. Refuse strong tea and coffee.
- The diet should contain a large amount of raw and boiled vegetables and fruits.
Now about healthy and harmful foods for constipation. Treatment is good nutrition.
You can use:
- Wholemeal bread , inedible pastries, dry cookies.
- Vegetable soups on meat broth.
- Buckwheat, barley, oatmeal.
- Green pea.
- Meat and fish of low-fat varieties.
- Jam, honey, compotes.
- Cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir 2-day exposure.
It is impossible:
- Bread from premium flour and baking.
- Fatty broths, varieties of meat and fish.
- Canned food, smoked meats.
Limit the use of semolina and rice.
By following these guidelines, you will help your intestines and yourself.