Hemorrhoids in girls: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Those who first heard of a similar diagnosis in relation to young representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are puzzled by the question of whether girls can have hemorrhoids? However, medical professionals quite often encounter this condition. Indeed, experience shows that such a pathology is characteristic not only of women of more mature age, but also of young ladies. Since hemorrhoids in girls have their own specifics, a special approach is needed when prescribing therapeutic measures. This ailment can be triggered by a number of reasons. Nevertheless, it is important not to forget that the answer to the question why the girl has hemorrhoids, and accordingly, only a medical specialist can choose the appropriate treatment.

Provocative factors

Hemorrhoids in girls treatment

The vast majority of representatives of the beautiful half of the world's population first encounter a similar problem only after the birth of a child. The pressure of the growing uterus on the rectum during the entire period of pregnancy negatively affects the state of the hemorrhoidal nodes, and strong attempts that cause pain only worsen the course of the already existing disease. For those women who did not have the chance to experience the happiness of motherhood, a direct mechanical effect on the anal area is much less common.

So, experts identify the following possible causes of hemorrhoids in girls:

  1. Inactive lifestyle. As you know, a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the state of blood vessels and blood flow in the body. As shown by the statistics, a huge number of employees working in the office are faced with a situation in which there is a development of chronic inflammation in the tissues of hemorrhoids. The lack of physical activity for a long time helps to reduce muscle tone, including muscle tone of the rectum.
  2. With such an ailment as hemorrhoids in young girls, the condition of patients can be associated with the specifics of the course of the menstrual cycle. Before the onset of a new menstrual cycle, soft tissues swell, which should include the rectal mucosa. During menstrual bleeding in the pelvic area, venous blood accumulates and stagnates. Those who suffer from the indicated condition speak of pain in the act of defecation and pain in the anal area during the first days of menstrual bleeding.
  3. A disturbed diet, in which meals are skipped, adversely affects the functioning of the intestine. And, if constipation occurs, which requires constant tension, then damage to the veins in the anal area occurs, as a result of which hemorrhoids develop in girls.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in girls

As the primary symptoms of hemorrhoids in girls make themselves felt, it is recommended that you contact the appropriate specialist as soon as possible. Otherwise, the disease in the future will become only more painful, painful and causing even greater pain. So, hemorrhoids in girls are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the anal area. This is characteristic of both internal and external damage to the veins of the colon. In the case of external hemorrhoids, patients talk about dull and aching pain, which can make itself felt not only against the background of physical loads, but also because of prolonged sitting, as well as during the bowel movement.
  2. If you pay attention to the photo, hemorrhoids in girls can be characterized by the state of swelling and the development of the inflammatory process. This indicates an exacerbation of the condition. Sometimes blood is also released from the anal area.
  3. A burning and itchy sensation, as well as the synthesis and appearance of mucus from the rectal region. A similar clinical picture is observed with already formed nodes.

Only a proctologist is able to identify the exact cause of the indicated condition and choose the right therapy tactics.

Exacerbation of pathology

Hemorrhoids in girls, photo

At the initial stage of the development of the pathological process, the walls of the affected nodes are not very affected by the inflammatory process. However, if treatment measures were not carried out in a timely manner, the inflammatory process is aggravated, and the resulting lump may begin to bleed. A similar condition may be accompanied by swelling. Against the background of the indicated condition, hemorrhoids may fall out.

As the first symptom, indicating an exacerbation of the disease, experts call a feeling of discomfort and a burning sensation in the anus. As the inflammatory process develops, intolerable pain appears, and an increase in body temperature can occur.

With an exacerbation of the disease, the skin around the anus becomes red, and the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and begins to cause pain. The process of defecation occurs against the background of unbearable pain and severe discomfort.

The most common diagnostic methods

Causes of hemorrhoids in girls

First, the proctologist will talk with the patient and collect her anamnesis, as well as conduct a rectal examination with the fingers. After that, the patient will be sent for a complete blood count in order to assess the content of the corresponding elements, the concentration of leukocytes and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

As the most common instrumental methods for diagnosing varicose veins, experts call:

  1. Anoscopy, in which a special device is inserted into the lumen of the rectum to a depth of 10-12 cm.
  2. Rectoscopy, which reveals an acute and chronic form of pathology. This method has some contraindications. Using this method, the specialist is able to determine the presence of microcracks and to evaluate the ongoing changes in the state of the mucosa.
  3. Colonoscopy, which is recognized as the most informative way of assessing the condition of a patient with hemorrhoids.
  4. Irrigoscopy, in which the patient is preliminarily given an enema with the introduction of a contrast medium, after which an x-ray is taken, due to which the state of the nodes and surface of the colon is assessed.

Therapeutic methods

Hemorrhoids in young girls

In a condition such as hemorrhoids in girls, treatment begins only after a thorough examination of the patient is performed. Today, experts practice such a therapy method as latex ligation. At the initial stage of the development of pathology, a similar method is not used.

The course of therapy for hemorrhoidal inflammation is carried out through the use of modern medications, ointments, as well as with the use of sedentary drug baths. Along with conservative therapy, traditional medicine recipes are also used.

Drug use

Ointments and suppositories necessary for the fight against hemorrhoids can be bought at quite affordable prices at any pharmacy. Such medical devices as:

  • Relief
  • "Proctosedylum";
  • "Hepatrombin G" and others.

In the fight against hemorrhoids, an integrated approach is used. So, in order to maintain venous tone, local medicines are prescribed to patients. In this case, such tablets as Detralex, Troxerutin, Troxevasin, etc. are actively prescribed. Depending on the prevalence of the pathological process, the duration of taking the indicated drugs is also determined.

Traditional medicine

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in girls

Alternative recipes help alleviate the condition of patients with a similar diagnosis. If you conduct steam and sessile baths with the husks of onions, aloe and other medicinal herbs, then you can remove the inflammation in the anal area.

Different microclysters using medicinal herbs have an antiseptic and hemostatic effect. In the fight against hemorrhoids, products such as onion juice, lard, honey, propolis and mummy have shown themselves very well.

At night, you can also make rectal suppositories based on potatoes, aloe pulp, honey and clay. You can prepare such suppositories yourself at home.

Other therapeutic methods

If the patient has a complicated course of the disease, then methods such as:

  • sclerotherapy;
  • photocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction or cold and ice therapy.
Why does a girl have hemorrhoids

If we compare the listed methods of therapy with surgical intervention, they are characterized by a lower degree of invasiveness and a shorter rehabilitation period. Experts resort to surgical intervention in very extreme cases.

Surgery Rehabilitation

If we are talking about surgical intervention, then in this case, the length of the recovery period depends on the type of surgical intervention used. Existing methods of surgical intervention for hemorrhoids can be divided into minimally invasive innovative and traditional surgical methods.

Despite the fact that innovative methods are less invasive, it is nevertheless the traditionally performed operation that minimizes the likelihood of a relapse of the disease.

Preventive measures

As experience shows, women are much more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids than men. Everything is connected with the anatomical features of the structure of the female body.

The best preventive measure against the development of hemorrhoids in the case of young girls is careful attention to their own health in the cold season and the exclusion of cases of hypothermia of the pelvic area.

In addition, foods that lead to constipation should be excluded from the diet, which is a direct way to the development of hemorrhoids.

And no one has yet been harmed by sports, as well as an active and healthy lifestyle.

Hemorrhoids can cause so many problems and require time and money to deal with it. Therefore, with the manifestation of the corresponding clinical picture, do not postpone going to the doctor for a long time.

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