Tasty compote of grapes for the winter without sterilization. Compote of grapes for the winter: a simple recipe

In winter, more than ever, there is a shortage of fruit. Grape lovers at this time are especially hard. In the summer or in the fall you somehow do not pay attention to him at all. He just is, and thatโ€™s it. But with the onset of cold weather, the body begins to miss the former abundance. But there is a great way to help fix it. It is only necessary not to be too lazy in the autumn and make a compote of grapes for the winter. Without sterilization, it will not be difficult at all.


compote of grapes for the winter without sterilization

Grape compote is the easiest preservation option. He needs only two things: dishes and products. Seaming is best done in three-liter jars under metal covers. Such a volume can be considered optimal. Of the products for work you will need (per one can): 3 liters of water, 200 grams of sugar, ยฝ teaspoon "lemons" and grapes.

Work begins with the preparation of dishes:

  1. Cans should be washed thoroughly with soda and rinsed well under running hot water. Boil the lids separately.
  2. Tear the berries off the branches, rinse and put them into prepared jars, filling them in about one third.
  3. Boil water in a separate container, and then pour it into jars of grapes to the top and leave it in this position for 8-10 minutes.
  4. After time, the water from the cans should be drained into a clean pan and add sugar to it. Bring the mixture to a boil and warm a little. During this time, the sugar should completely dissolve.
  5. Pour citric acid into jars of grapes, pour cooked hot syrup and immediately roll up.

So, without much effort, you can prepare a compote of grapes for the winter. Without sterilization, it can perfectly stand even more than one year.

Simpler solution

If you think carefully, it can be even easier to make compote from grapes for the winter. Without sterilization, the process always goes faster. The sequence of actions in this case will be somewhat different. And the set of products will change a little. In this case, you can safely do without citric acid. You need to do everything like this:

  1. Wash and rinse glass jars thoroughly.
  2. Boil the syrup. To do this, you need to take 300-320 grams of sugar per 3 liters of water. The total weight will depend on the number of cans.
  3. Remove the grapes from the brushes, sort through, rinse under running water and put them in prepared jars.
  4. Pour them with fresh, still boiling syrup and immediately roll up.
  5. After that, turn each jar with its neck down, wrap it tightly and set aside until it cools completely. Within a day they can be safely carried to the pantry and determined for long-term storage.

So the compote of grapes is ready for the winter without sterilization, without unnecessary problems and efforts.

Stewed Compote

compote of grapes for the winter recipe without sterilization

Before you undertake any business, you need to thoroughly study it. To begin with, it is worth noting that there is a thing that should be known to those who decided to make compote of grapes for the winter: the recipe without sterilization is not the only one. There are many different options. For example, you can slightly change the taste of the finished product and give it an additional aroma. To do this, you need to review the composition of the syrup. It will be nice to make it more saturated against the general background of the delicate taste of berries. In this case, preservation will require: for 3 kilograms of grapes - one and a half kilograms of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a liter of vinegar 4% and 5 cloves of cloves.

A compote is being prepared, as usual:

  1. In the prepared jars, lay the washed berries.
  2. From the remaining products according to the recipe, prepare syrup and pour it into cans while still hot.
  3. Each jar is tightly corked, wrapped in a blanket and put to cool.

An unusual combination of spices against the background of the delicate taste of grapes and a pronounced honey aroma will do the trick. Such a compote does not stand for a long time on a shelf.

Simple and delicious

compote of grapes for the winter a simple recipe

Sometimes the conservation process is delayed for long hours. This discourages any desire to take up work. But there is one unusual option that allows you to minimize the duration of all stages of the process. You can very quickly make a compote of grapes for the winter. A simple recipe will allow you to do this in one step. Based on a two-liter jar, one and a half liters of water, half a kilogram of grapes and 125 grams of sugar will be required.

First you need to boil water in a large pan. Then dip the washed grapes in it and cook for 3-4 minutes. After that, add sugar and boil the mixture for another 5-6 minutes. Now the product can be safely rolled up. It will cool down already under the lid. The beauty of this recipe is that in the same way you can cook a regular compote for every day. This option has its own highlight. The fact is that during cooking, the grapes completely give the drink all their juice. It is very important. Compote gradually not only darkens, but also becomes thicker. And lovers of grapes will definitely appreciate its rich taste and delicate aroma.

Double effect

compote of grapes for the winter the best drink

Grape compote is a unique product for conservation. Firstly, it is very useful and contains a huge amount of vitamins. Secondly, the prepared drink as a result is highly concentrated and tastes like real freshly squeezed juice. Therefore, compote of grapes for the winter is the best drink, and it is worth preparing it yourself, and not buying something similar in a store. There are many secrets and professional subtleties that allow you to turn an ordinary compote into wonderful nectar. First you need to pay attention to the grapes themselves. For blanks, Isabella is best suited. It has the most characteristic aroma for this berry and an incomparable taste. And if you prepare it in a special way, the result will exceed all expectations. For this option, 1 kilogram of sugar is useful per 1 kilogram of grapes.

Then everything is simple:

  1. Sort grapes, rinse and put in prepared jars.
  2. From sugar and water, boil regular syrup, pour it into jars to the top and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Then pour the syrup into a separate pan, boil for 3 minutes and pour the berries on it again.
  4. Banks left to roll up immediately, wrap tightly and set aside for cooling.

It is also interesting that this product does not need special conditions at all and can be stored for a long time even at room temperature.

Preservation without preparation

tasty compote of grapes for the winter without sterilization

Interesting, but you can cook a delicious compote of grapes for the winter without sterilization and without pre-processing of products. In this case, the berries can not even be removed from the branches. For work, you need 4.5 cups of sugar, water and 1-1.5 kilograms of grapes.

Here the process is already being conducted in a slightly different way:

  1. Washed bunches of grapes need to be decomposed into 3 three-liter jars.
  2. Pour the contents of the cans with plain raw water, but not to the top. The liquid should only reach the "shoulders" of the tank.
  3. Pour an equal amount of sugar into each jar.
  4. Now you need to proceed directly to cooking the compote. To do this, put each jar in a wide pan filled with water, at the bottom of which a soft cloth is neatly laid. It looks like a water bath. The cooking process lasts about half an hour after the water boils.

The finished product can be rolled up and sent for cooling, carefully wrapped in a warm blanket. In this form, it should stand for at least 24 hours. During this time, the drink will infuse well and change color.

Faster Option

preservation of compotes compote of grapes for the winter

There is a situation when you need to preserve a large number of grapes, but there is absolutely no time for this. For such a case, there is a completely unique way by which the preserves are preserved. Compote of grapes for the winter can be prepared in a matter of minutes. The following ingredients will be required: 2 kilograms of black grapes, 0.5 kilograms of sugar and 4 liters of water are needed per 7 liter cans.

The cooking sequence is as follows:

  1. First, the banks must be washed, boiled, and then dried well.
  2. Remove the grapes from the branches, carefully sort and rinse.
  3. Put berries in hot jars, add sugar and pour boiling water over everything. For flavor, add a little clove, cinnamon or peppermint.
  4. After that, immediately cover the cans and roll up immediately. Turn each jar upside down and wrap tightly.

After cooling, such a compote is perfectly stored for a year in a cool place.

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