Symptoms of hemorrhoids and diagnostic methods. The consequences of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease that is not customary to talk about with friends and acquaintances. So, for example, you can show your swollen joints or complain of high blood pressure. Talking about this delicate ailment is simply embarrassing for many, because very often it is a source for jokes. But in vain! The pain arising in a person gives him tremendous torment, which does not allow him to either stand up or sit down.

a woman suffering from hemorrhoids

But the silence of one who suffers from hemorrhoids continues as long as he has enough patience. Then the patient is no longer ashamed, and he begins to ask his friends and acquaintances how to get rid of this ailment.

Risk groups

This delicate problem affects almost 15% of the adult population of the planet. The word "hemorrhoids" came to us from the Greek language. There it means "bleeding." As we see, the ancient Greeks were familiar with this disease. Today, many doctors believe that hemorrhoids is a kind of reckoning of humanity for upright posture. If we consider all risk groups, then this pathology can be considered a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.

Hemorrhoids is a professional disease of accountants, drivers, programmers and people of other specialties who spend a lot of time in a sitting position.

Who can be at risk? Who is at greater risk of manifestation of signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids? These are men and women who spend most of their time in the office, as well as people engaged in physical labor and often lifting weights. Another risk group includes those who suffer from constipation. Such people have to push hard during a bowel movement. This leads to excessive pressure on the veins and walls of the anus.

Doctors believe that the symptoms of hemorrhoids (the photo below illustrates the layout of an organ affected by this disease) develop due to an increased tendency to thrombosis, as well as due to various vascular lesions.

manifestations of hemorrhoids

Such manifestations are characterized by an increased flow of arterial blood, which occurs in the rectum. And the level of outflow in this case becomes lower. This leads to filling the veins with blood and stretching them. Subsequently, a node is formed in the pathology zone, which gradually grows in size and eventually becomes inflamed.

Another cause of hemorrhoid symptoms is a genetic predisposition. However, this is only a tendency to ailment, which manifests itself as a result of exposure to provoking factors.

Often, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are confused with other pathologies. For example, the presence of blood in the stool may be a sign of a malignant tumor in the intestine.

Causes of hemorrhoids in women

The development of this delicate disease sometimes provokes menstruation. Indeed, during the cycle, blood flows to the organs of the pelvis of the fairer sex. It is important that the woman does not have problems with the intestines, which together with these processes will become factors that provoke hemorrhoids. To eliminate the risk of pathology, it is very important for every lady to establish a chair, daily adhering to a balanced diet.

It provokes the occurrence of hemorrhoid symptoms in women and the pregnancy process. During this period, the body of the expectant mother is subjected to heavy loads. Pregnant women are sometimes afraid to move a lot, which leads to stagnation in the intestines. In addition, the uterus gradually increases and begins to put pressure on the vessels. A similar phenomenon provokes stagnation of blood. All these factors, as well as increased stress during childbirth itself, provoke the development of hemorrhoid symptoms in women.

Another reason for the occurrence of pathology, experts consider stress. At risk here are mostly women. After all, they are very emotional, therefore, subject to stress. Most often, they experience stress associated with fear for children. The constant anxiety state of a woman and contributes to the development of pathology.

What is hemorrhoids

As you can see, this delicate ailment arises not only because of a sedentary lifestyle. This explains the fact that ancient times suffered from hemorrhoids. After all, blaming our ancestors for a sedentary lifestyle is very difficult. Scientists suggest that in ancient times hemorrhoids overtook people who lifted weights or took very hot baths. It is worth noting that in addition to those who have to sit for a long time at their desk, hemorrhoids often overtake overweight people. They always have a whole bunch of diseases.

So what is this disease? Hemorrhoids is understood as nodular varicose veins that occurs in the lower rectum. Pathology has its own varieties. Hemorrhoidal nodes are internal (submucosal) and external (subcutaneous). In the first embodiment, they are practically not visible. Of the main symptoms of internal hemorrhoids, blood is noted on toilet paper, on feces or in the toilet.

As for the external nodes, they are already noticeable, they look like painful swelling or solid tubercles surrounding the anus. At the same time, they bleed from time to time, itch, and cause severe pain during movement and bowel movements.

Common symptoms

If hemorrhoids arose for any reason, and the symptoms of the disease in the form of venous nodes cause significant discomfort, then the specialist should choose the appropriate treatment for the patient. The doctor selects the course of therapy strictly individually, taking into account the patient’s gender, his age, the nature of the course of the disease, its stage, as well as existing concomitant ailments.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids, it is advisable to know everyone, so that in the event of any signs do not confuse it with another pathology.

As a rule, the first manifestation of the inflammatory process in the lower rectum is a slight itching, which is observed in the anus. Often men and women ignore such an uncomfortable sensation, considering it a manifestation of other factors. Gradually, the symptoms of hemorrhoids make themselves felt more and more often. In the future appear:

  • Increasingly unpleasant sensations in the rectum and in the anus.
  • The feeling of a foreign body in this area.
  • Seemingly inadequate bowel movement.
  • Feeling of heaviness.
  • Drawing pains, burning and itching.

Stages of the disease

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women and men are not limited to those listed above. With further disregard for the resulting discomfort, the disease begins to progress.

symptoms of hemorrhoids in stages

In general, hemorrhoids pass through four phases in their development. Symptoms of the first of them are subtle and are expressed in the formation of small venous nodules.

The second phase of the disease is more noticeable. In this case, the signs of hemorrhoids become more pronounced. The nodes at the same time sometimes fall out.

For the third stage, the manifestation of venous tubercles is characteristic not only during the act of defecation. They make themselves felt even with little physical effort.

In the fourth stage of the disease, the symptoms of hemorrhoids and the treatment are already much more serious. At this stage, the nodes are located outside and constantly bleed. The problem can only be solved by surgery. Consider the development of the disease in more detail.

First stage

Any disease has certain clinical signs that clearly indicate the beginning of the pathological process. Symptoms of hemorrhoids in men and women do not have any differences. They are typical for patients of any gender. The differences are only in those factors that provoke the occurrence of pathology. So, if men suffer from hemorrhoids, as a rule, due to irrational physical exertion, then in women the first signs of the disease appear during pregnancy and also after childbirth.

The initial symptoms of hemorrhoids in men and women are:

  • Discomfort that occurs in the rectum or anus after a bowel movement.
  • Itching and burning, not related to intestinal disorders, viral, microbial and fungal diseases, which also appear after a bowel movement.
  • Slight sensations of a foreign body and heaviness in the region of the lower rectum.
  • Occurrence of blood from time to time in feces.

With the development of symptoms of the disease in men and women associated with the growth of hemorrhoidal nodes, gradually increase. However, such venous inflammation is so small that it is impossible to notice them from the outside.

Since the symptoms of hemorrhoids are almost invisible in men and women at the beginning of the disease, and treatment at the first stage, as a rule, does not begin. After all, 80% of patients are in no hurry to consult with a specialist.

Signs of the second stage

In the future, the disease begins to progress and manifest itself in a more pronounced picture of the clinical process. Those nodes that were small in the first stage, significantly increase and may begin to fall out of the anus in case of intense exposure to various provoking factors. During this period, men and women present such complaints:

  • Increased burning and itching, which begin to bother not only after bowel movement, but also at another time.
  • The presence of blood in the feces.
  • Strengthening pain during bowel movements.
  • A distinct sensation of a foreign body located in the rectum and anus.

Distinctive features of this stage are nodes falling out. Most often this happens during stress caused by constipation, which is present during bowel movements. At this stage, the nodes themselves are sometimes pulled back.

Symptoms of the third stage

At this stage, the disease begins to progress. During its exacerbation of pain, discomfort and itching bother a person almost constantly. There is an increase in bleeding. A characteristic symptom of this stage is an increase in hemorrhoidal nodes. At the same time, inflamed veins do not self-adjust after defecation. Correct their position can only be done by hand.

At this stage, a person experiences unbearable pain at the slightest overfatigue and tension. His inflammatory processes begin to intensify, and the nodes that arose in the anus are also pinched. In addition, cracks form in the anus.

At this stage, how to treat hemorrhoid symptoms in women and men? Therapy of the disease in this case is very complicated. If at the initial stages it was possible to achieve remission using non-drug methods, then with the further development of the disease, this becomes impossible. Even after an appropriate course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease may not completely disappear. They just become less pronounced.

Signs of the fourth stage

Symptoms of hemorrhoids, which were described above, are also characteristic of the late stage of the disease. However, the severity of all available signs in this case increases significantly. All manifestations of pathology cause real pain to women and men. Some patients say that surgery at this stage is much easier to tolerate than the need to endure pain that does not abate during clinical treatment.

A characteristic symptom confirming the transition of the disease to its last stage is the inability to set the nodes in the anus after they fall out. People with such a pathology are not able to lead their usual way of life. After all, the inflamed sections of the veins make it difficult not only to sit, but also to walk. This forces patients to take a recumbent or semi-sitting position.

bowel image

Almost always, the fourth stage of the disease is accompanied by such complications as easily occurring and profuse bleeding, thrombosis and infringement.

Urgent action will be required if the symptoms of hemorrhoids are so serious in women and men. And treatment in this case with medicines is unlikely to help. Taking medication will bring only minor relief. The main method in this case is surgery.

Signs of internal hemorrhoids

If the pathology is diagnosed as internal hemorrhoids, the characteristic signs are very different.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are similar to those that occur in the initial stages of the external form of the disease. This is the period when the nodes have just begun their formation, therefore they are absolutely invisible. That is why the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women and men are so weakly manifested. Almost nothing bothers people. Only some situations lead to discomfort or sensation of a foreign object in the anus. Hemorrhoidal nodes with this form of pathology do not protrude outward, which does not allow the patient to determine what is associated with his unpleasant sensations. Not often, spotting on the toilet paper after bowel movements can be seen.

In the future, the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in men and women cause more tangible discomfort in the anus. This is due to the increase in nodes to such a size that they begin to put pressure on the intestinal wall. Going out with difficulty, dense stool touches the inflamed areas of the veins, which causes a person pain. Negative changes affect the mucous membranes located in the anal area. They become inflamed, which also gives the patient discomfort. From the rectum there is a constant release of fluid. In this regard, the problem area is moistened. This leads to burning and itching. One of the symptoms of internal and a harbinger of external hemorrhoids are bleeding. The gradual prolapse of inflamed nodes leads to the fact that the patient has a constant desire to defecate, even when his intestines are empty. Such inconveniences can physically exhaust a person and deplete his body.

External pathology

In the rectal area under the layer of adipose tissue are hemorrhoidal plexuses. In the presence of an inflammatory process, they begin to increase in size. In this case, the disease becomes a form of external or external hemorrhoids. Inflamed nodes protrude, bulging around the anus. Visually, such areas are similar to blood skin folds of various sizes and shapes, painted in a bluish color.

When protruding hemorrhoids, a person during a bowel movement is forced to endure severe pain. This is a clear symptom of the external form of pathology. It leads to thrombosis of blood vessels and veins in the anal region.

Signs of a chronic stage of the disease

Often, patients who experience hemorrhoids want to know what symptoms of this insidious disease occur with its protracted form.

A chronic ailment undergoes its undulating development. Often it is in a stage of calm (remission). But even in this period, a person continues to experience inconvenience, since he does not leave the feeling of a foreign object in the anus. The problem area continues to itch and is very hydrated. After some time, such painful sensations are replaced by bleeding. It can be observed not only in feces. Sometimes blood trickles down the toilet during defecation. Often blood appears on underwear.

blood on toilet paper

If at the first symptoms of hemorrhoids a person did not go to the doctor and tried to get rid of the pathology on his own, then the result can be disastrous. In this case, even temporary remission does not save, since after it the disease begins to progress again. In the advanced case, the symptoms of the disease become even more pronounced and painful.

Signs of Acute Hemorrhoids

There is a special form of the disease, which leads to serious consequences. This is acute hemorrhoids.

Sometimes this stage begins completely suddenly, without the influence of any significant factors:

  1. The jammed node is jammed. Tissues swell, the process of dying begins. Acute hemorrhoids are manifested by significant pain. They come in the form of twitching, tingling or pulling. Any movement, even slight, causes discomfort. A similar phenomenon is provoked by nerve endings, a large number of which are located in the anus.
  2. Thrombosis forms in the hemorrhoidal nodes. This process provokes infection, as a result of which inflammation begins to develop in the lower part of the rectum. In this case, painful symptoms occur, the body temperature rises. A doctor examining a patient observes swelling in the anus and cyanosis of the nodes. Self-diagnosis of hemorrhoids in the acute stage is impossible due to severe pain.

How to get rid of pathology

Knowing the causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids, the treatment of the disease should be started immediately. The sooner the patient consults a doctor, the more chances there are of a complete elimination of the disease.

In the acute phase of hemorrhoids, treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. In the future, the patient will need to adhere to all the doctor's recommendations, limit the mass of objects to be lifted and follow a diet.

In chronic hemorrhoids, which is characterized by periodic exacerbations, conservative therapy is prescribed, selected individually by the doctor.

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woman in the bath

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The danger of hemorrhoids

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There are certain methods that can accurately determine the presence of hemorrhoids in humans. The proctologist, to whom the person turns when the first signs of pathology occurs, performs an examination of the patient on a gynecological chair.

gloved doctor

In this case, the patient may be on his back, on his side or on all fours.

  1. At the initial stage, an examination of the canal area occurs. The doctor asks the patient to stay calm, then strain. Visually, a specialist is able to detect falling out external nodes, cracks, inflammation, pustules, etc.
  2. Palpation. She is considered an important diagnostic tool. Palpation, despite its simplicity, allows you to get information about the condition of the walls of the rectum and anus, check muscle tone, examine the pelvic organs and detect the presence of hemorrhoids.
  3. Sigmoidoscopy. Using this method, rectal pathologies associated with hemorrhoids are diagnosed.
  4. Anoscopy When carrying out this technique, a special tube having lighting is used. With its help, a study of the rectum and anal canal is carried out.
  5. Colonoscopy In this case, a special probe is used, which allows a visual examination of the colon.
  6. Coprogram. This method is an analysis of feces for mucus, as well as for foreign inclusions.
  7. Irrigoscopy. It is an x-ray examination.

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