Samsa is a popular dish of Central Asian cuisine. It is an ordinary baked puff pastry pie filled with different fillings. This article presents recipes for cooking and calorie samsa.
With wild garlic and spinach
This unusual baking is not only tasty, but also healthy. Its main secret lies in the presence of a large amount of greens, which goes well with a puff base and soft cheese. It will be a good addition to a plate of hot soup or a cup of tea. To prepare samsa, the calorie content of which is low enough so as not to affect the figure, you will need:
- 400 g of puff pastry (yeast-free).
- 100 g of feather onions.
- 100 g of fresh spinach.
- 100 g wild garlic.
- 100 g of soft cheese.
- 1 tbsp. l butter.
- 1 tbsp. l sesame seeds.
- Egg yolk, salt and pepper.
Start cooking samsa, calorie content 100 g of which is 288 kcal, you need to process greens. It is washed, shaken, cut and fried in melted butter, not forgetting to salt and pepper. Once it has cooled, it is supplemented with soft cheese and gently mixed. The resulting filling is laid out in portions on circles cut from thawed and rolled dough. Each workpiece is framed in the form of a triangle, greased with slightly whipped yolk and sprinkled with sesame. Samsa is baked at 200 ° C for about twenty minutes.
With chicken
This recipe will appeal to those who love pastries with meat filling. Samsa prepared according to it, the calorific value of which can be regulated by adding different parts of the bird carcass, turns out to be moderately satisfying and extremely tasty. To create oriental pies you will need:
- 500 g of puff pastry.
- 3 potatoes.
- Chicken fillet.
- Onion head.
- Egg, salt and spices.
To prepare a delicious samsa with chicken, the calorie content of 100 g of which is 205.45 kcal, you need to unfreeze the dough in advance and roll it out in a thin layer. The resulting sheet is cut into equal squares, filled with ground bird fillet, combined with chopped onions, grated potatoes, salt and spices, arranged in the form of triangles. Each of them is transferred to a baking sheet, greased with a beaten egg and subjected to heat treatment. The best addition to the browned samsa is a plate of hot soup or a serving of the second dish.
With pumpkin and minced meat
Juicy and aromatic puff samsa, the calorie content of which depends on the fat content of the selected meat, will be an excellent option for a quick snack. To bake it, you will need:
- 300 g twisted beef.
- 400 g of pumpkin pulp.
- 10 g of sesame seeds.
- 1 kg of puff pastry.
- 2 heads of white onion.
- Egg and salt.
Such samsa is being prepared quite simply and quickly. From defrosted and rolled out dough, identical circles of a rather large diameter are cut. Each of them is filled with a mixture of twisted beef, chopped onion, chopped pumpkin and salt, and then decorated in the form of triangles or squares, smeared with pre-beaten egg, sprinkled with sesame seeds and baked on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Samsa is served as an independent treat or as an addition to a hot first course.