Why hemorrhoids itch, and what to do?

Hemorrhoids - an inflammatory process in the rectum, characterized by the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins, with the formation of nodes and their loss. There are three types of disease, but most often there is an internal one, in which inflammation occurs directly on the veins of the rectum.

For all types of disease, one symptom is characteristic - itching. Why does hemorrhoids itch? There are many reasons for this condition, but during the period of exacerbation, itching appears necessary.

Main reasons

Before you start treatment, you should definitely find out why hemorrhoids itch.

Most often, itching bothers during periods when the inflammatory process in the area of ​​nodes begins. The stronger the inflammation, the more itchy region of the anus.

A chemical reaction can cause discomfort. In the process of excreting feces, it comes into contact with inflamed nodes, which causes an inadequate reaction. The stool itself contains active chemicals, which are the cause of itching and burning.

Often unpleasant sensations appear against a background of constipation. Feces turn into a solid mass, which in the process of exit damages the intestinal walls, nodes, begins the inflammatory process and, as a result, infection. Because of constipation, wounds and ulcers very often appear.

When diagnosed with external hemorrhoids, feces can also cause a lot of trouble. When leaving the anus, the remains of the stool remain on the external nodes, which irritates it, causing a sensation of itching and burning.

Why does hemorrhoids itch? What other factors can cause discomfort? Cracks in the anus can also be a provoking factor, like ulcers and erosion. In fact, the patient falls into a vicious circle. Daily bowel movements do not allow wounds to heal, new ones appear, and old ones only increase in size.

Another reason is surgery. Indeed, severe itching can be observed after it, but this is due to the fact that damaged tissues are actively restored. Such a phenomenon usually disappears on its own after a certain time and does not require additional therapy.

problems with hemorrhoids

What to do before going to the doctor?

Why hemorrhoids itch, and what to do, while there is no way to contact a professional? In this case, you will need to follow a number of rules to reduce discomfort:

  • It is necessary to maintain a dry environment in the anus. To do this, you can use starch, but in no case do not use products containing flavors, deodorants, that is, products that will increase irritation.
  • You will have to abandon the use of soap when carrying out hygiene procedures, since it greatly dries the skin and becomes the cause of new microtraumas.
  • You will have to abandon the use of toilet paper, after a bowel movement you can rinse the anus, then getting wet with a damp cloth or gauze.

And most importantly, you have to control yourself - do not comb the anus.

problems with hemorrhoids

How to deal with the problem?

Why is a hemorrhoid bump scratched? Any doctor will say that you should first undergo a full examination and only then eliminate the cause of its appearance.

After diagnostic measures, ointments, creams, suppositories and other drugs can be prescribed. It is not necessary that these products contain only pharmaceutical substances, for example, hydrocortisone, bufexamak or lidocaine. Treatment can be carried out with drugs based on natural ingredients. Indeed, in many cases, the same hydrocortisone is contraindicated for use, for example, during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Why hemorrhoids itch and what to do? You can use the drug "Proctosan" - a combined pharmaceutical product that is used to treat hemorrhoids. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, perfectly relieves itching and accelerates the regeneration of the mucous membrane. The components of the drug reinforce the effect of each other, so the therapeutic effect is achieved as soon as possible.

The drug is not recommended for use in the presence of specific or concomitant diseases in the anus, for example, if tuberculosis or syphilis is diagnosed. You can not use "Proctosan" if there is atopic or contact dermatitis. There is no information about the danger or safety of using the drug during gestation or in persons under the age of 18 years, therefore it is not recommended for use by such patients.

The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments, complete with an applicator. The ointment can be used to treat the surface of the anus, as well as for oral administration using an applicator.

hemorrhoid treatment


This is a two-component drug with tribenoside and lidocaine. It tones veins well and has an analgesic effect. It helps with itching, eliminates congestion. Lidocaine, in turn, has a local anesthetic effect.

The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories and creams. Often used in conservative therapy when it is not possible to carry out a surgical operation.

In isolated cases, the remedy can cause a burning sensation. It is not used in pediatrics, as in the first trimester of pregnancy.


Why hemorrhoids itch, and what are the means to help? One of the most popular is Relief. The product incorporates components of natural origin. The drug copes with small wounds, cracks, eliminates itching and relieves inflammation. It has immunomodulatory properties and eliminates secretions.

Like the three previous drugs, it is available in the form of ointments and suppositories.

The active ingredient is phenylephrine hydrochloride, and the candle itself consists of shark liver oil, cocoa. It is these components that have an anti-inflammatory effect, heal wounds, narrow vessels and eliminate the sensation of itching.

So, it was found out why external hemorrhoids itch. How to eliminate the cause? The Relif drug can help with this. Use it and with a diagnosis of internal hemorrhoids, if there are problems with the rectum.

You can not use the drug if there is a history of blood vessel thrombosis, if the number of granular leukocytes in the blood is reduced or there is a thromboembolic disease. The presence of diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems and Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome are those diseases in which Relief is not used. It is also not used in pediatrics. During the period of gestation and lactation, it can be prescribed, provided that the woman is under strict medical supervision.

The drug also has side effects, although patients rarely encounter them. This is a high probability of hypercoagulation, but this can only happen if the dosage is significantly increased relative to the recommended.

The drug Lelif


Regardless of the reasons, the treatment of pruritus with hemorrhoids should be carried out without fail. Another effective and inexpensive tool is "Depanthenol". A cream is available. The active substance is pantothenic acid, which allows you to quickly eliminate the sensation of itching and burning.

This tool can be used even in pediatrics and during pregnancy, since side effects are minimal and are very rare.

If the tool is used on an ongoing basis, then due to the ability of the acid to regulate metabolic processes, anal fissures and wounds are quickly delayed.

Other drugs

If the patient is very worried about the itching sensation in the anus, glucocorticosteroids may be prescribed. Their effect is not very long, about 6 hours. Such drugs include Celestoderm B, Cortade, Proctosedil, Akortin and others. However, such funds can be used by pregnant women only after consulting a doctor, since hormonal drugs can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.

On the pharmaceutical market there is still a huge amount of funds that can cope with itching and other symptoms associated with the disease, but a physician should prescribe them, because they all have a certain list of side effects and complications.

rectal suppositories

Folk remedies

Why does hemorrhoid itch and sore in the anus? Perhaps an exacerbation has begun or hygiene procedures have been carried out incorrectly. To help yourself, you can use recipes that were still known to our grandmothers.

The easiest way to do baths with medicinal herbs. A broth for a bath is prepared very simply: for 200 milliliters of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of grass will be required, the broth must be infused for 2 hours. Baths are recommended for 2 weeks, no less, and best of all, until the symptoms disappear. In this treatment, you can use herbs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, namely:

  • daisy flowers;
  • buckthorn;
  • elder;
  • sagebrush;
  • celandine and others.
baths for hemorrhoids

Ambulance at home

How to help yourself? Folk remedies can even be used as an ambulance. The easiest way is potato candles. Something very reminiscent of a rectal candle is cut from a raw peeled potato and placed in the refrigerator. If severe itching and burning began, then this makeshift candle is injected into the anus. In the case when the potato has a strong drying effect, it can be greased with honey. By the way, this remedy helps well with weeping hemorrhoids. You can use honey as an independent tool, in the form of homemade suppositories or lotions.

folk remedies

You can make cold baths from potassium permanganate. If there is a birch broom, then you need to steam it well and sit over it for about 15 minutes.

If the problem is outside

Why is hemorrhoids itching external, and what should I do? If the discomfort is very worrying, then you can make a compress of potato juice or cosmetic clay. Baths with the addition of chamomile and oak bark help well in such cases, they are recommended to be done for at least 14 days and better before bedtime.

A potato compress is very easy to make. It is necessary to grate one tuber on a grater, squeeze the juice, dip a cotton or gauze swab in it and attach to the problem area. Hold the compress for a quarter hour.

If you make clay cakes, then you need to dilute the cosmetic clay, which is sold in pharmacies, with water until the consistency of sour cream and apply on the anus. After it dries, rinse with cool water. This procedure is recommended for at least 10 days.

However, even if remoteness remove an unpleasant symptom - itching, then you should not have false illusions that the whole problem has been completely eliminated, you should still consult a doctor immediately.

Nutrition rules

If you read the reviews, why hemorrhoids itch, then many note that after treatment such a symptom disappears. Nevertheless, rarely, but still, such patients return to the hospital. This is almost always associated with non-compliance with the recommendations that were issued after treatment.

As many doctors and patients say, first of all, foods that can stabilize the condition should be present in the diet: dried fruits, fiber, dairy products (kefir, yogurt), linseed oil and any kind of fish and meat, but non-fat varieties.

In order to no longer raise the question of why the anus itches during hemorrhoids, you will have to abandon spicy foods and spices, sweets and spirits, fried foods. All these products provoke uncomfortable sensations, itching and burning.

Preventive actions

We found out why hemorrhoids itch. A photo of the disease is schematically represented in the above illustration. Many people have a question: is it possible to protect yourself from such a problem? If possible, what should be done?

First of all, you should pay attention to your menu, do not get involved in junk food, fried foods and alcoholic beverages. Everything should be in moderation. Naturally, it is better to quit smoking and load yourself with moderate physical activity.

It is very important to comply with sleep and rest. These two factors make it possible to avoid or at least easier to transfer difficult emotional moments in life and prevent depression.

Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene, use soft paper. If hemorrhoids have already appeared, it is best to rinse the anus with cool water after each act of defecation.

Differentiation from other ailments

Why is it hemorrhoid itching internal? Without a survey, it is actually quite difficult to answer this question. Perhaps the problem did not even arise due to hemorrhoids, because other pathologies have similar symptoms. In particular, itching can occur with prostate, lichen or dermatitis. In women, vulvovaginitis may be the cause. Cancerous tumors can also give similar symptoms.

Helminthic infestations can cause a sensation of itching, so in some cases it is advisable to pay attention to the state of feces after defecation. Often, inflammatory processes in the genital area give a similar effect - itching in the anus.

In light of this, before fixing the problem, you should find out the causes of its appearance and only then begin the complex treatment, which the specialist will prescribe. That is, without a comprehensive examination of the body can not do.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note how important it is to follow hygienic rules and eat properly, monitor your health, give up bad habits, and then the risk of developing any pathology is reduced to almost zero.

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