Coccyx Direction: Methods, Technique, and Reviews

Sometimes there are situations that are associated with a traumatic effect, involving such medical manipulation as reduction of the tailbone.

Injuries that led to his displacement in relation to the previous position are divided by specialists into subluxations and dislocations, with or without tears of the sacrococcygeal ligaments, as well as fractures and fractures.

About dislocation

Dislocation of the coccyx is accompanied by a displacement of the surfaces of the sacrococcygeal joint with respect to each other. Incomplete dislocation (subluxation) is characterized by a partial violation of congruence. Dislocations and subluxations can be directed anteriorly (for example, after a person falls on the gluteal region) and posteriorly (for example, after delivery). These lesions can provoke sprain and even rupture of the ligaments of the sacrococcygeal region, strengthening the joint connecting the sacrum and the coccyx.

how do the tailbone

Dislocation Therapy

Therapy of subluxations and dislocations involves the following activities:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Manipulation aimed at reducing dislocation.
  3. Compliance with bed rest or gentle during the week.
  4. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other analgesic drugs.
  5. Physiotherapy.
  6. Physiotherapy.


In medical practice, fractures and coccyx fractures are much less common than subluxations and dislocations. They are characteristic of elderly patients. The main difference between the tailbone fracture and its dislocation is that the fracture is accompanied by displacement of the fragments (usually anteriorly, in some cases laterally and anteriorly, that is, anteriorly to the side).

Fracture treatment

Therapy for a fresh tailbone fracture involves:

  1. Adequate anesthesia.
  2. Manipulations aimed at returning fragments to their original location.
  3. Compliance with bed rest for 2-3 weeks. The state of health is fully restored by the end of the first or second month after injury.
  4. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other analgesic drugs.
  5. Physiotherapeutic effect.
  6. Performing exercise physiotherapy exercises.

Let’s find out whether it is painful to straighten the tailbone.

reposition of the coccyx through the rectum

Soreness of the procedure

Immediately before the procedure, the patient should receive adequate anesthesia. This is due to the fact that the anterior sacral surface and the surface of the coccyx are anatomically located close to the coccygeal plexus of nerves. Fresh trauma in this area gives the patient severe pain, while the victim is often rushing about, not being able to take any kind of sparing position. Anesthesia is performed by novocaine blockade or blockade using novocaine and lidocaine (or alcohol) to create a prolonged effect.

To conduct anesthesia, the patient is placed on the right side, while the legs lead to the stomach. In addition, it is possible that the patient is lying on his back, and his legs are fixed in special holders up at a right angle. First, the patient is anesthetized with skin and subcutaneous tissue, and then, controlling the process with a finger inserted into the rectum, a needle is inserted into the area between the anus and the coccyx (first through the dense muscles, then through the pararectal tissue). The needle is inserted to a depth of about 8 cm. About 100-120 ml of anesthetic is used for pain relief.

How does the reposition of the coccyx pass through the rectum?

coccyx subluxation reduction reviews

Dislocation reduction technique

After the injured area is anesthetized, the patient is placed in a position on the abdomen, and then the index finger of the right hand is inserted into the rectum and the fingers of the left hand create careful pressure in the coccygeal region, trying to give the coccyx the correct position. After the coccyx reduction procedure, the result is checked using x-ray examination.

With a fresh fracture, the reposition of fragments is performed in a similar way, the technique for performing the manipulation is similar to that for a dislocation.

tailbone bruise

In case of an old injury

Old (more than 6 months after the traumatic effects) injuries of the sacrococcygeal department are mainly conservative therapy. If the patient has severe pain, the use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants with a central type of exposure (Sirdalud, Tolperizon) is recommended. In some cases, novocaine blockades and blockades based on hydrocortisone or other corticosteroids are performed.

The procedure of a chronic subluxation or dislocation is not performed, since the ligaments that strengthen the joint of the coccyx and sacrum are stretched and cannot hold the surfaces of the joints in a normal position. And the possibility of their fixation for a certain period is absent due to anatomical features. In addition, an attempt to reposition the coccyx with a chronic dislocation can lead to additional damage to the ligamentous apparatus and the occurrence of severe pain.

tailbone bruise on falling

Stale tailbone fractures are also conservative. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Bone callus has already formed, in this regard, the fusion of fragments is already a fait accompli.
  2. In cases where the fusion has not yet occurred, a pseudoarthrosis is formed, which facilitates the possibility of resection (coccigectomy). It is, more simply, straightening and matching fragments.

If conservative therapy of chronic injuries of the sacro-coccygeal department does not give the necessary effect, and the patient experiences severe pain that interferes with normal life, specialists recommend a coccyx resection.

Self reduction

If there is no medical education and appropriate practice, then try to independently carry out the reduction of the tailbone should not. There are many reasons for this:

through the rectum
  1. Acute injury to the tailbone causes a rather pronounced soreness in the victim, which prevents self-regulation in the absence of anesthesia.
  2. It is impossible to correct dislocation or put fragments into place without using both hands. That is, the patient practically does not have the ability to independently carry out the specified manipulation.
  3. An attempt to independently return the coccyx, if it was dislocated, can lead to additional damage to the ligaments of the sacro-coccygeal department, the regeneration and healing of which will go very slowly. The result of this may be the development of coccyalgia.
  4. An independent attempt to compare fragments with sharp edges during a coccyx fracture (returning them to their place) is fraught with the probability of damage to the walls of the rectum. This can cause infection of pararectal fiber, the development of paraproctitis, the formation of fistulous passages.
  5. The severity of the pain syndrome does not allow to determine the type of injury: there are no specific complaints with such injuries. Fracture, dislocation and simple injury to the tailbone during a fall have the same symptoms.
    Does the tailbone hurt

In addition, after the procedure, x-ray control is required, which is absent after self-reduction.

Reviews on reposition of the coccyx in case of subluxation

Patients respond to this procedure quite positively: with adequate anesthesia, pain is practically not felt, the procedure itself takes a little time. The only thing that does not suit patients is a long rehabilitation period, but without it it is impossible to fully restore the state of health and, as a result, a full life.

It was considered how the tailbone is adjusted.

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