How to remove swelling from the eye after a blow at home?

Among facial injuries , the area around the eyes is most at risk. She suffers from a blow to the nose, temple, forehead. Inevitably, a tumor and hematomas form, even if the force of the shock was small. How to remove swelling from the eye after an impact at home, quickly and without returning symptoms, you described this article.

First aid after injury

The first step is to examine a patient who has just been injured as a result of a blow, a fall from a height, etc. Is he in a clear mind? Did he feel sick? Can he focus his gaze at one point? The answers to these questions are important: if a person has lost consciousness or is sick, he most likely received an injury or injury (closed head injury) or a concussion. In this case, it must be delivered to traumatology for examination and treatment.

It is worth examining the eyeballs: whether they are damaged or capillaries burst. The patient should be interviewed: does he see well, is the clarity and field of view not disturbed.

how to treat swelling and swelling of the eye

Exposure to the cold is the most effective method

The easiest, and at the same time effective way to remove swelling from the eyes quickly after an impact and prevent the formation of a hematoma - this is to apply cold or ice to the injury site as soon as possible.

If the patient is at home, you can open the freezer and take either ready ice or a frozen piece of meat. Apply to the place of impact and hold for ten to fifteen seconds. When the burning of cold becomes unbearable, give the skin a minute to rest and apply again.

How to remove swelling under the eye after an impact if the patient is outdoors and there is no ice at hand? You can buy bottled water from the freezer. There are almost every supermarket, as well as fast food kiosks. By applying a bottle of ice water to the site of injury, you can significantly reduce the manifestations of swelling and bruising.

swelling after stroke treatment

How many days will it take for a person to return to normal?

Many patients are interested in how to remove swelling from the eye after an impact in 1 day. Even if some kind of pharmacy remedy or folk recipe promises such a cure, you know - this is impossible. After a strong blow, a bruise does not form immediately.

Within three to four hours, severe swelling develops. When using ice and special ointments, the tumor can be removed within three to four days. This is the fastest time.

It is worth considering that edema never comes alone - on the second day after a blow around the eye (one or two at once), a hematoma begins to form (a bruise, in other words). This process occurs because blood begins to accumulate in the subcutaneous fat of the face. It is as if “attracted” by a blow and violation of the integrity of bone and muscle tissue. As a result, the more blood flows (i.e., the stronger the blow), the brighter and longer the hematoma will be. In some cases, bruises have to be treated within a month or two.

Rules for applying ointments and compresses to the area around the eyes

The most important thing is to prevent medical suspensions from getting on the mucous membrane of the eye. This can cause a burn, and then the treatment will be even longer and more expensive.

Any tool is best used simply as a cream or ointment: apply a thin layer on the area around the eyes. Then gently rinse with a cotton pad dipped in warm water.

Compresses must not be applied completely to the eye (even if it is closed, the likelihood of the therapeutic composition penetrating the mucous membrane of the eyeball), but either to the lower eyelid region, or to the superciliary arch. You can immediately to both of these areas.

"Troxevasin" in the fight against puffiness and hematomas around the eyes

How to remove swelling from the eye after an impact, to prevent the development of a hematoma to the maximum and reduce pain? To kill several birds with one stone will help Troxevasin ointment. It has a coagulant effect, i.e., resolves blood accumulations in subcutaneous fat.

Ointment "Troxevasin" is applied to the affected areas of the skin with light massaging movements. You should wait until it is completely absorbed into the skin, then rinse off with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. The optimal amount of application is twice a day, in the morning and evening. The drug should be used regularly for a long period of time. To apply gel on damaged skin is strictly prohibited. since with wounds and cuts, an abscess may begin.

The gel has a cheaper analogue of domestic production called Troxerutin. If you know how to remove swelling from the eye after an impact using Troxevasin, then it makes sense to save and buy Troxerutin - the principle of its application is similar.

heparin ointment for bruises and swelling

Dolobene and heparin ointment: cheap and effective

The composition of "Dolobene" includes the following components:

  1. Heparin sodium - inhibits the biochemical synthesis processes involved in blood coagulation, normalizes microcirculation, and thins blood clots.
  2. Besilnikotinat is a nicotinic acid extract that increases vascular lumen at the site of application. Accelerates the absorption of heparin through the walls of blood vessels by increasing their area.
  3. Anestezin is a substance that eliminates the pain that accompanies most ailments.

Together, these substances can reduce puffiness. They also contribute to the rapid resorption of hematomas.

How to remove swelling from the eye after hitting the eye with Dolobene or heparin ointment? You should use the funds once or twice a day, apply a thin layer to the area of ​​impact and the hematoma. It doesn’t matter which area is affected more - above or below the eye. Heparin ointment will have an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect in any case.

"Dolobene" from edema after stroke

The use of silica to relieve swelling and resorption of the bruise

Silica is silicon dioxide. It is a component of almost all gels and ointments from puffiness and bruising. Most popular remedies with it:

  • "Bruise off";
  • "Tramp";
  • "Tramp Plus".

How to remove edema from the eye after a hit in an adult with the help of "Tramp"? Very simple: apply the gel on the affected area of ​​the skin once or twice a day.

It should be prepared mentally, because, unlike the above tools, preparations with silica cause pain and discomfort when applied. Light tingling is the minimum that the patient will experience. Sharp pain - as a maximum. Such discomfort during application is unacceptable and indicates an individual intolerance to silica.

Do not tolerate if burning and pain are too strong - perhaps the patient is allergic to silica. Rinse off immediately with a cotton pad dipped in warm water, in case of excessive pain.

"Tramp" for the treatment of edema after a stroke

Beekeeping products in the fight against edema and hematomas

Do not neglect folk methods, how to remove swelling from the eye after an impact. For example, honey and honeycombs have excellent healing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Fresh flower honey is the best choice for those who are looking for a way to remove swelling from the eye after a blow in a child. First you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction: apply honey on the elbow bend from the inside. If after two hours redness and a rash are not detected, the product can be used to reduce the swelling on the face.

Honeycombs are very effective both as part of a compress and when taken orally. The healing power of honeycombs lies in the fact that the wax stores particles of pollen and propolis. With regular chewing of honeycombs, the state of the gums normalizes and the immune system strengthens, the vascular tone strengthens - this helps to ensure that even with a strong blow, the tumor and hematoma simply do not form. The main disadvantage of such a product is its relatively high cost.

honey and honeycombs in the fight against edema after an impact

Potato juice - a folk recipe for edema number one

Fresh potato juice is an excellent tool for those who are looking for the answer to the question: "How to remove swelling from the eye after an impact?". You can simply cut the tuber into circles and attach one of them to the site of the tumor. When it dries, use the following.

Another way to use: grate the peeled potato and squeeze the juice. Impregnate a cotton pad with them and use as a compress, or simply wipe the injured area of ​​the skin with wet fingers.

Of course, the effectiveness of potato juice does not compare with professional therapeutic ointments "Troxevasin" or heparin cream. They win the competition in terms of healing power. But if there is no way to visit the pharmacy, the use of potato juice will accelerate the return of the face to its normal form.

Iodine grid: benefit or harm

The solution of alcohol iodine is famous for its healing agents. Iodine network is a common and effective method for absorbing an abscess after injections or hematomas due to various household injuries. Bruises most often occur in people with weak vessels, and iodine, even when applied superficially, can positively affect the tone of their surface.

iodine network for swelling and bruising

Alas, the use of an iodine grid on the face, especially in the eye area, is dangerous. This is a rather aggressive solution, and its action often provokes the formation of burns on thin, sensitive skin of the face. As a result, the patient will be forced to treat not only swelling and bruising, but also a burn after applying iodine solution.

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