Is it possible to take "Phenazepam" with alcohol: consequences of co-administration. Release forms, dosage and instructions for use "Phenazepam"

The drug belongs to the group of tranquilizers. Forms of release of "Phenazepam" and dosage: tablets (0.5, 1 and 2.5 mg) and a solution for parenteral administration (1 mg / ml).

The composition of the phenazepam tablets includes bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. Additional components are: talc, lactose, starch, polyvinylpyrrolidone, a salt of calcium and stearic acid.

The composition of the solution includes the following substances: bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine, polyvinylpyrrolidone, glycerol, polysorbate 80, sodium hydroxide, water.

What analogs, reviews, price and instructions for use does "Phenazepam 1 mg" have?

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When a medication is prescribed

According to the instructions for use with "Phenazepam" it is known that it is recommended for use by people to eliminate the following conditions:

  1. Psychopathies (mental illness, in which there is a persistent violation of character, affecting several personality characteristics).
  2. Protracted depression, which is accompanied by increased irritability, as well as fear, anxiety.
  3. Psychosis (a mental illness in which the patient is not able to correctly perceive the world around him and react to it properly).
  4. Hypochondria (a condition characterized by frequent anxiety about the possibility of contracting any illnesses, complaints, or increased preoccupation with one's health, as well as perceiving one's standard sensations as unpleasant).

Additional indications for the use of "Phenazepam"

Injections and tablets are prescribed in the following conditions:

  1. Autonomic disorders (decreased functioning of the nerves).
  2. Loss of sleep.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress.
  4. Muscle stiffness (a disease characterized by high muscle tone and resistance when trying to make one or another passive movement).
  5. Nerve tic (a pathology characterized by the occurrence of sudden and repeated movements of muscle groups).
  6. Epilepsy (a chronic neurological lesion, which is characterized by a predisposition of the body to a sharp appearance of seizures, the occurrence of convulsive attacks).
is it possible to take phenazepam with alcohol


Before therapy with "Phenazepam" it is important to consult with a neurologist or psychiatrist. The drug cannot be used in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. Diseases characterized by air restriction in the respiratory system, which is progressive in nature and provoked by the reaction of lung tissue to irritation by various pathogens.
  2. Angle-closure glaucoma (damage to the organs of vision, which is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure due to impaired outflow of aqueous humor).
  3. Shock conditions (acute violation, due to which tissue hypoperfusion occurs).
  4. Coma (impaired consciousness, which is caused by the defeat of special structures of the brain and is characterized by a complete lack of patient contact with the outside world).
  5. Myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune disease characterized by impaired nervous and muscle transmission, manifested by weakness and fatigue of striated muscles).
  6. Acute respiratory infections.
  7. Pregnancy.
  8. Age to eighteen.
  9. Breast-feeding.
  10. Individual increased sensitivity or intolerance to the drug.

What other prohibitions does the drug have

Relative restrictions on the use of the medication are:

  1. Damage to the kidneys and liver.
  2. Patients are over sixty-five years old.
  3. The use of other psychotropic drugs.
  4. Depressive disorders.
  5. Diseases of the brain.
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How to use the drug

Tablets are taken orally, without chewing, washed down with water. Dosing "Phenazepam" is determined by a medical specialist, depending on the indications and individual characteristics of the body.

According to the annotation, the daily concentration of the drug varies from 1.5 to 5 milligrams, which should be divided into several doses, consuming most of the daily dosage (at least 2.5 mg) at night. In the absence of positive dynamics, the dosage of the drug under the supervision of a doctor is increased. The maximum daily concentration of the drug is 10 milligrams.

"Phenazepam" should be consumed no longer than two weeks to avoid addiction. In severe situations, the duration of therapy can be increased to two months. With the withdrawal of the drug, the dosage is reduced gradually, since all the clinical symptoms of disorders of the central nervous system and psychosis can resume with renewed vigor. Can I take Phenazepam with alcohol? It should be remembered that the drug is not recommended for use with alcohol.

Solution: instructions for use

"Phenazepam" in such a dosage form is intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration. A single concentration of the active substance is 1 mg in 1 ml of solution. The maximum daily dosage is 10 mg.

The method of application of the solution "Phenazepam" for various diseases:

  1. To eliminate panic attacks, psychotic conditions, fears, anxiety, initially prescribed from 3 to 5 mg, which is equal to 3-5 milliliters of solution. In especially difficult situations, the daily dosage can be increased to 7-9 mg.
  2. For epileptic seizures, the drug is prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously, initially it is recommended to use 0.5 mg.
  3. With alcohol withdrawal symptoms, the drug is also administered intramuscularly or intravenously, the daily dosage varies from 2.5 to 5 mg.
  4. For neurological diseases that are accompanied by muscle hypertonicity, it is necessary to inject a solution of 0.5 mg into the muscle. The frequency of procedures per day is one or two.
  5. If you receive a positive pharmacological effect after the administration of "Phenazepam" intravenously or intramuscularly, the patient should be transferred to tablets.

The duration of phenazepam injection therapy should not exceed two weeks. In rare situations, with the permission of a medical specialist, it is extended to one month. When discontinuing the drug, dosage reduction should be carried out gradually.

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Can I use the drug during pregnancy and lactation?

In the first three months of pregnancy, the use of Phenazepam is strictly prohibited, since the active component of the tablets has a detrimental effect on the fetus and can cause the development of congenital pathologies.

In subsequent trimesters, the use of the medication is possible only if there are serious indications, in a situation where the benefit for the expectant mother exceeds the likely risks to the fetus.

"Phenazepam" is used in a minimum dosage under the supervision of a doctor. With prolonged use of tablets during an interesting situation, the fetus and newborn may experience disturbances in the nervous system.

The use of the drug during lactation is contraindicated, since "Phenazepam" is excreted in milk and can provoke suppression of the respiratory center in the baby, as well as hypothermia and drowsiness. If necessary, drug therapy for a nursing mother, it is necessary to solve the issue of breastfeeding and transferring the baby to the mixture.

Side Effects of Phenazepam

During the use of the drug, certain undesirable manifestations may occur, for example:

  1. Drowsiness.
  2. Vertigo (a symptom known as dizziness, manifests itself in diseases of the hearing organs, as well as damage to the brain).
  3. Impaired attention.
  4. Ataxia (loss of coordination of muscle movements).
  5. Loss of consciousness.
  6. Confusion.
  7. Headaches.
  8. Tremor of the limbs.
  9. Fatigue.
  10. Lack of coordination of movements.
  11. Myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune lesion characterized by impaired muscle transmission).
  12. Aggressiveness.
  13. Thoughts of suicide.
  14. Unreasonable fear and anxiety.
  15. Dry mouth.
  16. Impaired memory.
  17. Pain in the stomach.
  18. Heartburn.
  19. Nausea.
  20. Loss of appetite.
  21. Liver disease.

What other undesirable reactions does the drug provoke

The drug is capable of causing the following conditions:

  1. Disorientation in space.
  2. Inflammatory lesions of the pancreas.
  3. Itching of the skin.
  4. Vomiting.
  5. Rashes.
  6. Nettle rash.
  7. Reduction of white blood cells, neutrophils, hemoglobin, platelets in the blood.
  8. Decreased libido (a disorder of sexual function, which is characterized by weak sexual desire).
  9. Tachycardia (rapid heart rate, a symptom of serious disorders).
  10. Shortness of breath (one of the functions of the body, which is characterized by a change in frequency, as well as rhythm and depth of breathing, often accompanied by sensations of air deficiency).
  11. Decrease or sharp increase in blood pressure.
  12. Panic attacks (an attack of severe anxiety, which is accompanied by vegetative manifestations, as well as changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems).

If one or several negative phenomena occur, the patient should consult a medical specialist for advice; it is quite possible that therapy with the Phenazepam drug will have to be canceled or the dosage reduced.

Combination with other medicines

"Phenazepam" can not be used in conjunction with anticonvulsants, sleeping pills, sedatives, as well as other tranquilizers. This is due to the fact that under the influence of these drugs, the pharmacological effect of "Phenazepam" is enhanced, which increases the likelihood of adverse reactions and poisoning.

People who take Levodopa are not recommended to use a tranquilizer, because under the influence of the drug Phenazepam, the effect of antiparkinsonian drugs is reduced.

"Phenazepam" increases the antihypertensive effect of drugs to eliminate arterial hypertension, which is important to consider and adjust the dosage of drugs to avoid a significant drop in blood pressure. Can I take Phenazepam with alcohol? It must be remembered that the drug is not combined with ethyl alcohol.

"Phenazepam" cannot be combined with "clozapine," because such a drug interaction increases the likelihood of suppression of the respiratory center and respiration.

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Is addictive

Even if used correctly for therapeutic purposes, observing the recommended dosages, Phenazepam can provoke severe addiction. After prolonged continuous use, the patient becomes dependent on Phenazepam, which can result in serious problems with the central nervous system.

What is the danger of the drug

If at the initial stages of Phenazepam treatment the patient has drowsiness and positively colored emotions, then after a certain time they are replaced by negative ones.

People who abuse the drug suffer from hallucinations, as well as delusions, fear and sleep disorders. Others may even have obsessive suicidal thoughts. Can I take Phenazepam with alcohol? Let us further consider this issue.

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Phenazepam and spirits

Every day, patients go to medical facilities after taking medication and alcohol at the same time.

Doctors often have to deal with poisoning with drugs and alcohol. What are the consequences of phenazepam and alcohol taken together?

There are several reasons why it is not recommended to combine alcohol and the drug. This interaction enhances the toxic effects and the possibility of developing negative manifestations of "Phenazepam."

phenazepam and alcohol effects

What is alcohol compatible with phenazepam? Even a small dosage of alcohol taken after using the drug can cause dizziness, as well as increased drowsiness, loss of clarity of consciousness and a tendency to suicide. In addition, the simultaneous use of tablets with alcohol can disrupt the respiratory center, causing an attack of suffocation.

If a person does not receive medical care on time, the consequences of alcohol and Phenazepam, which are used together, can be sad. It so happens that sometimes doctors are powerless and life can not be saved.

Even in situations where help arrives on time and the patient’s life is not in danger, significant health damage will be inflicted. This is due to the fact that the simultaneous use of a medication with alcohol can have an unpredictable effect on the body.

Can I take Phenazepam with alcohol? Judging by the responses left on the Internet, in some people poisoning with a drug with alcohol appears in the form of shortness of breath, while others fall into someone or die.

So, summing up the above, we can conclude that the compatibility of alcohol and Phenazepam is impossible. In addition, you can also not take medication for a hangover. A tranquilizer along with alcohol are serious consequences for the brain.

In combination with ethyl alcohol, which remained in the blood after drinking alcohol, the medication can provoke the same symptoms as with a single dose.

How much alcohol can I drink after Phenazepam? The drug in combination with alcohol leads to serious consequences. Therefore, you need to know how long it is permissible to drink alcohol. The half-life of the drug is 12 hours. This means that every twelve hours its content in the body is halved. That is, you can take alcohol at least a day after taking the medicine. It is better to give up alcohol at all during therapy.

Analogs of "Phenazepam", price, reviews

The drug has a number of substitutes:

  1. Tranquesipam.
  2. Elsepam.
  3. Fesipam.
  4. Sonapax.
  5. Alprazolam.
  6. "Etaperazin".
  7. Amitriptyline.

The cost of "Phenazepam" varies from 130 to 240 rubles.

Doctors' reviews about the drug allow us to conclude that the medicine is considered effective and helps patients who suffer from sleep problems, psychoses.

The responses to Phenazepam that people who take the medicine leave are varied. Some note its increased effectiveness, while others are unhappy with side effects.

Most patients note that in between the use of the drug, all negative emotions and symptoms worsen, and the next pill is the way out of the problem situation.

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