Theater binoculars: prices, reviews. How to choose a theater binocular

Modern manufacturers present to our attention different types of binoculars. All of them differ not only in size, shape, but also in purpose. Theater binoculars are in great demand.

A bit of the history of theater binoculars

The first binoculars for the theater began to be made in the 17th century. And after a century, these devices reached the peak of popularity. Of course, they differed from modern ones and were small telescopes. Binoculars for the theater were available only to real ladies who selected them exclusively for their outfits.

Opera glasses

At the beginning of the 19th century, Pierre Lemierre improved the binoculars using the central focusing mechanism, which made it possible to adjust the sharpness immediately in both halves of the accessory. But the image was not as clear as with modern binoculars. And only after its improvement by Ernest Abbe (he placed achromatic lenses and binocular prisms in binoculars) did the picture become ideal.

But modern models of theatrical accessories are most often made according to the Galilean pattern. It is based on a simpler design: inside the tube are only the negative lens of the eyepiece and the positive lens of the lens. Thus, today's binoculars are compact and light.

Binoculars for the theater: its features and purpose

Every theater lover knows that it is not always possible to buy tickets for a performance in the forefront. As a rule, they are quickly sold out or their price is too high. In this case, it is enough to have theatrical binoculars on hand: with it you can sit in the gallery and enjoy the performance to the full.

theater binoculars how to choose

Theatrical binoculars are considered a unique thing. What is it called yet? Binoculars for the theater. Thanks to his 2-4x zoom, each viewer will be able to examine in detail not only all the nuances of the scenery, their shade, but even the facial expressions of the actors' faces. In a word, you will completely immerse yourself in the performance, while not feeling discomfort and not straining your eyes. It is worth noting that for people with low vision, binoculars are a necessary thing during a theater session.

How to choose binoculars for a theater

theater binoculars Price

In order for a purchase to please you, you need to consider every little thing. Many theatergoers want to buy theater binoculars, how to choose which, not everyone knows. Experts advise to pay attention to the following:

  1. Multiplicity of increase. Here you must understand that the larger it is, the more you will be able to bring this or that subject closer. For viewing theatrical scenes, the best option would be binoculars with 3-4x zoom. Each model can have its own approximation parameters.
  2. The diameter of the lens. Here you should be guided by a single indicator: the image quality in a dark room will be higher if you use theatrical binoculars with a large diameter. Experts recommend purchasing small models with a 30 mm lens: they are lightweight and provide an opportunity to clearly consider all the nuances of theatrical productions.
  3. Theater binoculars should differ from all other similar models not only in assembly, but also visually. Here, by the way, they can be equipped with special chains, pens and lights.
  4. Thanks to the numerous models, everyone can choose for themselves a particular model in color and design. As a rule, theater binoculars are made in the classical style.
  5. The optics of these stylish accessories should have good light transmission, as well as the absence of distortion at the edges.

The cost of binoculars for the theater

Everyone should understand that usually the price is directly proportional to quality. Therefore, experts do not recommend choosing cheap models. But this does not mean that you cannot afford high-quality binoculars. For $ 20-30 you can buy a very decent model.

theater binoculars veber

Of course, there are prices much higher than these. For example, theater binoculars Vixen 7 costs 5,700 rubles. Similar models are ideal. They are made of quality material, and are also based on the best modern optics.

Theater Accessories Manufacturers

What else should a buyer know when choosing a theater binocular? Its price depends not only on quality, but also on the manufacturer. As practice shows, most of these accessories, having the same parameters, sizes, quality and, sometimes, even shape, differ significantly in cost. Why is that? This question is very easy to answer. After all, the more the manufacturer is known, the higher the price of its production.

For example, theater binoculars Veber Opera BCG 3x25 are identical in their parameters to the Blesser Scala 3x25 model. They both have the same focus, resolution and accessories. But by buying the first model, you can save about 1000 rubles, since Blesser Scala is a manufacturer that sells not only the quality of its products, but also its name. Such binoculars for the theater will cost you about 2400-2500 rubles.

It is worth noting that today on sale you can also find immediately a theater set, which consists of the binoculars with a metal chain, a tissue for lenses, a case and a box.

Of course, such a set costs a little more than a separate binoculars for the theater, about 3000-4000 rubles. But some manufacturers put a case and a napkin as a gift. Therefore, there is a chance to buy such a set at the cost of one binocular.

theater binoculars called

Theater binocular reviews

Today you can find information about any theater binoculars. Reviews about a particular model can vary significantly. Therefore, if you really want to know the truth about the binoculars you are interested in, visit not only the official website of the manufacturer, but also read reviews from avid theatergoers.

According to discussions, we can conclude:

  • with binoculars you will be more interested in attending cultural events;
  • with him you will want to visit theaters more;
  • It can be a wonderful gift that will cause a lot of positive emotions.

Where can I buy theater binoculars

In each specialized store and department of the hypermarket you can buy theater binoculars. How to choose it, we have already considered. Now let's talk about where it is better to buy this accessory.

theater binoculars reviews

In the store you have the opportunity to consult with a consultant, ask him about a particular model, or ask questions about the manufacturer. In addition, you can hold the binoculars in your hands and try it in action. Based on this, then you should choose one or another accessory you like.

If you want to buy binoculars for the theater at a lower price, then you should look at online stores. It has been proven that on many sites there is the opportunity to purchase goods several times cheaper than on store shelves. In addition, in almost every virtual market you can get expert advice on the product you are interested in.

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