Roundworms are parasitic worms that carry out their livelihoods from the resources of the human body. Helminths themselves are not dangerous, but they can provoke the development of ailments that pose a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient. The process of vital activity of parasites in the human body is called ascariasis. If the first symptoms of infection occur, consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive examination and, based on the results of the diagnosis, make the most effective treatment regimen.
Roundworms are a large family of nematode worms that parasitize the intestines of animals and humans. Currently, there are several genera of these helminths. Each of them affects certain organisms. For example, some genera of ascaris are chosen only by dogs, others by birds, etc. Ascaris lumbricoides is the causative agent of a parasitic disease in humans.
It is important to know that roundworms are such worms that can reach 40 cm in length. These are very large individuals whose diameter varies between 3-5 mm. The life span of the parasite in the intestine is 1-2 years.
You need to know that roundworms are helminths that are among the most common on the planet. Including this is due to their structure, which provides them with a long life cycle. They feel great in the intestines due to the presence of a multilayer membrane that protects the parasites from the negative effects of toxic compounds and enzymes.
According to statistics, almost 1 billion people are diagnosed with the disease annually.
Ascaris life cycle
This process is launched in the human intestines. In it, an adult female is able to lay daily up to 250 thousand eggs. The latter then go into the environment with feces.
The life cycle of roundworm can be divided into the following stages:
- Fecal eggs enter the soil, which is considered the most favorable reservoir for the parasite. It is here that worms can retain their infectious potential for a long time. Eggs can be stored in the soil for up to 7 years. With the onset of favorable conditions (increased humidity and temperature of about 25 ° C), Ascaris larvae begin to develop. Immediately after ripening, they are not dangerous.
- Ascaris larva is molted. After completion of this process, it becomes ready to penetrate the human body.
- The larva enters the digestive tract along with insufficiently processed food or contaminated water. Then it advances to the upper intestine. It is here that it ripens to the end. The size of the parasite is still so small that it easily passes through the walls of the intestine and enters the bloodstream.
- Together with the liquid connective tissue, the worm penetrates first into the liver, then into the right atrium and completes its path in the lungs. Rarely, but it happens that the larva lingers in other organs.
- Pulmonary alveoli - a favorable environment for the life of the parasite. After about 10 days, they begin to rise to the trachea. Having penetrated the oral cavity, they, along with saliva, are swallowed repeatedly and again enter the intestines. In other words, reinfection occurs.
- Individuals that again enter the intestine are already quite large. Due to this, they cannot penetrate through its walls into the blood. The next 2-3 months, their active growth occurs. If larvae of both sexes are present in the intestine, the fertilization process starts. The resulting eggs are secreted into the environment with feces. After that, everything repeats again.
Thus, the life cycle of the parasite is closed.
Symptoms of ascariasis in adults
Most often, alarming signs appear from the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. The severity of clinical manifestations depends on the degree of helminthic invasion. If only a few individuals parasitize in the human body, the symptoms may be erased or absent altogether. Sometimes the patient complains of general weakness and reduced performance.
If the degree of infection is moderate or severe, the following warning signs appear in a person:
- Cough (wet or dry). When sputum is excreted, streaks of blood can sometimes be detected. The presence of impurities in the fluid connective tissue is due to tissue damage.
- Pain in the chest area.
- Dyspnea. It occurs, as a rule, after the commission of motor activity. If a person is prone to allergic reactions or suffers from bronchial asthma, shortness of breath can also appear at rest.
- An increase in body temperature to subfebrile values. Against her background, chills, excessive sweating, aching muscles and joints can be noted.
- Tachycardia.
- Regular episodes of sharp jumps in blood pressure (most often we are talking about hypotension).
In some cases, the life of roundworm in adults provokes the occurrence of an allergic reaction. The latter is manifested by swelling, skin rashes and itching.
With massive infection in the intestinal stage, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, acute abdominal pain, and stool disorders can occur. Often, body weight decreases.
Symptoms in children
Newborn babies are not affected by the disease. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children aged 3 to 10 years. In such situations, the symptoms are similar to those that cause roundworms in adults.
In addition, the following conditions are noted in children:
- Lag of physical development.
- Lethargy.
- Irritability.
- Increased fatigue.
Regardless of the severity of symptoms, treatment with roundworm cannot be delayed. This is due to the fact that their vital activity in the body of children most often provokes the development of serious complications, including pneumonia.
Who to contact
You must sign up to the doctor when the first alarming symptoms appear. Treatment for roundworm is carried out by an infectious disease specialist or parasitologist. In practice, most often, patients turn to the therapist, due to the presence of non-specific signs.
Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor can additionally refer you to an immunologist, gastroenterologist, and surgeon for a consultation.
Diagnostic Methods
Sometimes a parasite is extremely difficult to detect. This is due to the fact that he constantly migrates, that is, is at different stages of his development.
Currently, the following methods are used to diagnose ascariasis:
- Blood test (both general and biochemical).
- Examination of liquid connective tissue for antibodies to roundworms.
- Fecal analysis.
- Urinalysis
- Sputum analysis.
- Ultrasound
- Roentgenography.
- Anthropometry.
As a rule, no specific changes are detected in a blood test. The doctor may detect a slight increase in the level of white blood cells and eosinophils.
Analysis for antibodies to roundworms is the most informative way. This study relates to serological diagnostics and can be performed using several methods. Antibodies to Igg roundworms begin to form immediately after the penetration of parasites into the body. But at the same time, they are not able to destroy the worms due to the fact that the latter have a reliable protective shell. Antibodies to roundworms are able to only slightly impede the vital activity of parasites at an early stage of their development. A blood test is most informative at the larval stage.
Fecal examination is a standard procedure for suspected helminthic infestation. If roundworms are not found in the feces, this does not indicate that they are not in the body. As a rule, feces should be analyzed several times.
All other diagnostic methods are prescribed solely by decision of the doctor. With their help, it is also possible to detect parasites at various stages of development.
Ascaridosis Treatment
The disease requires an integrated approach. The standard treatment regimen includes the following items:
- Taking antiparasitic drugs. With their help, all roundworms that are in the patient's body are destroyed. Currently, the pharmaceutical market is selling many means that destroy the parasite. The most effective tablets from roundworm: "Dekaris", "Vermox", "Mintezol", "Albendazole", "Pyrantel".
- Symptomatic Therapy It implies measures aimed at improving the general well-being of the patient. As a rule, doctors prescribe medications that normalize stool, stop pain, relieve cough.
- Vitamin Therapy. The need to take vital substances is due to the fact that their helminths absorbed in huge quantities, depleting the body.
- Maintenance therapy It implies the use of probiotics, enzymes and other medicines (at the discretion of the attending physician).
For children, the doctor may additionally prescribe a hypoallergenic diet for the duration of treatment.
Possible complications
Many people live for many years, unaware of the presence of parasites in the body. Nevertheless, against the background of ascariasis, the following diseases may develop:
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Obstructive jaundice.
- Pancreatitis of an acute nature.
- Appendicitis.
- Peritonitis.
- Purulent cholangitis.
- Abscess of the liver.
- Pneumonia.
- Asphyxia.
In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. In severe cases, hospitalization in a hospital is indicated.
Folk methods
It is important to understand that using recipes of alternative medicine, it is possible to have only some negative effect on parasites located in the intestinal stage. In other words, the use of alternative methods does not exclude the need to consult a doctor.
One of the effective means is pomegranate infusion. Dried skins must be poured with boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it must be taken three times a day. Pumpkin seeds are also effective against roundworm. They must be cleaned and consumed in raw form twice a day for 2 tsp.
In order to prevent the development of ascariasis, you must regularly observe the following rules:
- Wash hands before any meal. Most often, parasites enter the body through dirty fingers.
- Thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits and any other products that could come into contact with roundworm-infected soil.
- In due time to poison insects. Cockroaches and flies are the main carriers of parasites.
In addition, it is important to timely replace the sewer and water pipes.
Roundworms are round nematode worms, whose adults can reach 40 cm in length. Parasites live, as a rule, in the human intestines, against which there is an increased risk of developing all kinds of complications. If the first alarming signs appear, consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive examination (blood for antibodies to roundworms, feces analysis, etc.) and draw up a treatment regimen. In the presence of complications, additional diagnostic methods are indicated. The standard treatment regimen includes taking Ascaris tablets, supportive, symptomatic and vitamin therapy.