Demodecosis blepharitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Demodectic blepharitis is a disease of the eyelids that occurs due to tissue damage by ticks, resulting in the formation of growths of a characteristic white color, accompanied by itching. An adult tick can grow up to half a millimeter in length. In more detail about the symptoms and treatment of demodectic blepharitis further.

demodectic blepharitis symptoms

How does it all start?

Sometimes a person does not suspect the presence of parasites, they do not affect the well-being in general. Ticks are capable of affecting even healthy people. When the disease progresses, and symptoms occur, it should be treated immediately, but unfortunately getting rid of the disease is not easy at all, and the treatment process itself may take several months.

Common causes of the development of the disease is reduced immunity. In this case, it is observed:

  • redness of the eye;
  • inflammation of the eyelid;
  • eye fatigue increases.

Types of lesions

The following types of lesions are also distinguished:

  • allergic
  • scaly;
  • infectious.

Against the background of weakened immunity, older people, less often young ones, are mainly at risk. Also, the disease can occur in children due to the presence of worms in the body.

blepharitis demodectic photo

Often inflammatory processes form on the eyelid in the eyelash zone. If you let the disease take its course, the ailment becomes more severe, as a result of which a person can become blind.

Demodecosis blepharitis was thoroughly examined by specialists, and a conclusion was made about this: in most cases, the disease affects men rather than women, since ladies use cosmetics, which prevents ticks from affecting tissues.

Basically, a person seeks help already in the advanced stage of the disease, because at the initial stage it is difficult to identify the ailment. In order to accurately diagnose, it is necessary to undergo studies of the ciliary cover in a special medical institution. After a course of treatment. When the disease flows into a severe form, a very long and complex therapy will be required.

demodectic blepharitis reviews

Main reasons

The main causes of the development of the disease are:

  • heredity;
  • mite skin lesion;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infections: viral, fungal or bacterial;
  • bad habits;
  • prolonged exposure to high temperature;
  • burns from the sun;
  • ophthalmic interventions;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene.

Often there are cases when symptoms indicating the presence of the disease are absent. If a person notices the formed white flakes that appear in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the eyelashes, then you need to immediately seek help from a doctor. Do not forget that timely treatment helps prevent an increase in the area of โ€‹โ€‹damage to demodecosis of the skin of the face.

treatment of demodectic blepharitis

The main symptoms and signs of the disease

The main symptoms of demodectic blepharitis (photo of the disease are in the article), signaling the disease, are:

  • growths on white eyelashes;
  • redness of the eyelid skin and its tightening;
  • eyelashes begin to fall out strongly;
  • there are discharge in the corners of the eyes;
  • drying of the skin in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the growth of eyelashes, due to which there are bleeding;
  • constant itching, burning, secretion of tears, the skin begins to peel off;
  • sensations of sand in the eyes;
  • eyes get tired quickly.

With untimely elimination of the disease, a more severe stage is formed, in which the tick affects the skin of the face. During this stage, the skin on the face begins to itch and peel.

blepharitis demodectic treatment reviews


When a person feels irritation of the eyelids for a long period of time, then you should immediately consult a specialist. The doctor must conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, which includes a check for visual acuity. Additional studies are also carried out: biomicroscopic examination, taking eyelashes for examination. In the case when the patient has conjunctivitis (triggered by an ailment), the doctor must take a smear for analysis.


In the treatment of demodectic blepharitis of the eyelids, the patient needs to have a lot of patience, since the course of therapy takes several weeks, and the result directly depends on the implementation of all prescriptions and recommendations. It is better to start therapy immediately after the onset of the first symptoms and not bring the disease to a severe form.

To quickly recover, you need:

  • stick to personal hygiene;
  • add protein-containing foods to the diet;
  • acquire vitamins to strengthen immunity;
  • knead eyelids with massage.

In addition, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the eyelids. This can be done with tar soap - just soaping your hands and thoroughly washing your eyes. It is also necessary to apply compresses for the eyes, they can be made with black or green tea without any additives.

The patient should have personal linen, hygiene products and cosmetics prepared for the entire course of treatment. During therapy, doctors are advised to completely abandon decorative products. It is recommended to change the pillowcase on the pillow daily; it should be clean and ironed with a hot iron.

To get rid of ticks, you need to use an ointment with an antiseptic and antifungal effect, it is also allowed to use alcohol to treat the edges of the eyelids.

demodectic blepharitis

The use of ointments and drops

The most famous and effective ointments are:

  • Metrogil.
  • "Metronidazole".
  • "Tetracycline ointment."

Basically, a course of treatment using these funds is a week. In addition, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed for the therapeutic effect.

Most popular:

  • Maxidex
  • Indocollyr.


In order for the patient to quickly recover completely, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed:

  • Magnetotherapy
  • electrophoresis;
  • irradiation with ultraviolet rays;
  • high frequency therapy.

Every day when passing a therapeutic course, one must not forget to treat the eyelids with a solution of alcohol. To make this convenient, you can use cotton buds. The resulting crusts can be eliminated with infusions of herbs or tea, sanitary napkins, lotions. Calendula tincture will help reduce inflammation and remove allergic reactions. Putrid formations at the edges of the eyelids are well eliminated with antiseptic drugs such as brilliant green or alcohol, but only with the addition of essential oil.

During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to visit baths, saunas, pools and similar entertainments. It is worth paying attention that blepharitis refers to chronic diseases, which is capable of recurrent consequences. When a person suffers diseases, care must be taken so that in the future the disease does not appear again.

demodectic blepharitis symptoms and treatment


It is very important at the first signs of the disease to consult a doctor, since if you start the process, such complications may arise:

  • keratitis;
  • abscess;
  • eyelid deformity;
  • eyelash loss.

To properly process the eyes, you must adhere to the developed scheme: first you need to tightly close the eyelid, then apply a little cleanser to its upper part. When the top is fully processed, you can proceed to the processing of the bottom. Pull a corner of the eye with a finger and use a cotton swab to remove the crusts from the eyelashes.

Alternative treatment

In addition to drug treatment, there are alternative ways to combat the disease. The main proven tool is a tincture of natural herbs:

  • rose hips;
  • dill;
  • eucalyptus;
  • aloe.

Folk methods will help get rid of discomfort and contribute to quick healing. Aloe is recommended to be applied a couple of times a day: squeeze the juice and make compresses from it. From rose hips, dill and eucalyptus, decoctions are prepared. In addition to these herbs, blackcurrant fruits are allowed to be used. A cloth for eye treatment is wetted with the prepared product. A decoction of wormwood helps in the fight against ticks, it must be drunk on time (the first day every hour, and then the time is gradually increased by an hour). Eye drops can also be prepared on their own, for this use dried tansy flowers.

But you should not engage in and be very carried away by self-medication without the knowledge of a specialist, only after receiving permission from him, you can use this method (but only as an addition to the main therapy). Traditional medicine for the treatment of demodectic blepharitis is not enough. All events should be held only in the complex.

Treatment for demodectic blepharitis has only positive reviews. It is necessary to carefully observe all the recommendations of the doctor. After all, only he determines the desired course, which will undoubtedly help get rid of the disease. Only in rare cases did the therapy not help. And all due to the fact that patients did not adhere to the doctorโ€™s recommendations and missed the use of medications.

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