Epistaxis in a child: causes and methods of control

Bleeding from the nose in children is a fairly frequent phenomenon. The causes of the problem can be many. But the very first question parents face is: "How to stop nosebleeds in a child?"

I would like to dispel the myth that with bleeding it is necessary to throw your head back. The child must not be allowed to swallow blood: it causes nausea, and it can be choked. Try to give your child a position so that the blood drips calmly.

Epistaxis in a child

The nose and lower forehead must be cooled. You can attach ice in the bag. Heavily cold objects are best wrapped in a towel. The best way to stop blood is to make a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide (at a concentration of 3%) from the bandage. You can also pinch the nose for a few minutes. When the blood stops, the child should still be at rest for some time. He should not lift weights, run or jump. Since tension can again cause bleeding.

Nosebleeding in children

If stopping nosebleeds in a child alone fails, then you need to go to the hospital. Specialists will carry out the introduction of a swab or cauterizing sponge.

Bleeding in children can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common is injury. Her child can inflict itself by picking a nose with a finger or a foreign object. A banal scratch on the mucous membrane can cause quite prolonged bleeding. Also, nosebleeds in children can occur from a blow to the nose. Capillaries in the nose burst under the influence of force, and blood begins to flow.

Epistaxis in a child

Why are bleeding in children a frequent occurrence? The mucous membrane of the baby’s nose is more tender than that of an adult. The capillaries are closer to the surface, so it is very easy to damage them. Even just dry air can disrupt the integrity of the mucosa. Epistaxis in a child occurs with colds. The virus and runny nose loosen the surface of the mucosa, making it even more tender. Drops in the nose should not be abused: they constrict the blood vessels, and they can simply burst.

There may be more serious reasons. These include high blood pressure. The child must be examined. There may be problems with the vascular walls. In this case, they need to be strengthened. The most popular drug is ascorutin, which can be prescribed to children from three years old.

So, if nosebleeds in a child are not associated with external injuries and injuries, then most likely the reason is the baby’s health. If blood from the nose runs periodically, you need to contact specialists and undergo examinations. A study of the nasal cavity for the presence of benign and malignant tumors is prescribed. Also, a blood test for coagulation, determination of pressure. If there are no serious problems, then a complex of vitamins is prescribed for the general strengthening of the body and blood vessel walls. Special nutrition will help achieve better blood coagulability (if necessary).

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