How to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis: doctor's prescriptions, list of pharmacy drugs and home treatment methods

Every year, the diagnosis of osteochondrosis is getting younger. Increasingly, he is diagnosed in schoolchildren and students, and young people suffer from manifestations of radicular syndrome, which seriously complicates their lives. Headache, discomfort in the upper back and neck, decreased vision and hearing, migraines and impaired cognitive abilities are the main consequences of impaired cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis. It is important not only to increase blood flow, but also to restore intervertebral joints. How to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis? The article presents 8 groups of drugs for this purpose, as well as recommendations on special gymnastics, the regular implementation of which will help to improve well-being.

What to choose - traditional methods of treatment or therapy with pharmacy drugs?

Cervical osteochondrosis can turn into serious torment for the patient. A sedentary lifestyle, significant excess weight, spinal injuries, a long stay in one position sooner or later lead to abrasion of the intervertebral discs, as a result of which the spinal nerves are pinched. This process can be accompanied by radicular syndrome, and also lead to many other pathologies. They may not be externally associated with osteochondrosis, but any experienced neuropathologist will instantly understand "where the legs grow" from a particular pathology. Each patient with this diagnosis should know how to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis. If the symptoms worsen, then it is time to start a course of treatment.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, which can increase as cerebrovascular accidents and pinching of the spinal nerve are disturbed:

  • At the first stage - frequent dizziness, darkening in the eyes, which intensifies when the head turns in different directions. Sight or hearing may deteriorate for no apparent reason, headache often, constant ringing in the ears, numbness of the tongue, impaired coordination, decreased performance can begin.
  • In the second stage, the patient begins to worry more often about pain in the neck and shoulders, sometimes it gives to the hands. The head hurts more often and more severely, while the pain partially disappears after a light massage of the cervical-collar zone. All symptoms characteristic of the first stage gradually increase.
  • In the third stage, the danger is no longer simply in the violation of blood circulation and pinching of the nerves, but also in the possibility of the formation of hernias of the intervertebral discs. As a result, the patient may partially lose mobility of the spine in the cervical spine. Due to impaired blood circulation, intracranial pressure may increase, private headaches, migraines with and without aura may begin.
  • At the fourth stage, there is a complete or partial destruction of the intervertebral discs, their replacement with connective tissue. At the same time, the patient partially loses working capacity, suffers from severe pains, vision and hearing can sharply deteriorate to critical values, coordination also suffers.

It is possible to improve blood circulation in the brain with cervical osteochondrosis with the help of medications, as well as with the help of folk remedies. It is impossible to state with accuracy that one method is better than another - all patients are individual, and the remedy that is suitable for one may not be suitable for another. The only exceptions are gymnastics and massage - these two methods guarantee an improvement in cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis for all patients, regardless of age, gender and stage of the disease. Usually, neurologists in parallel with the course of massage give direction to physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy. Together, such events always give excellent results.

Some patients are afraid of taking medications and purposefully choose exclusively alternative methods of treatment. This approach is quite dangerous, since most alternative methods of treatment are only partially effective. Gymnastics can not be considered a folk treatment method, its effectiveness has long been proven, and this method of therapy is classified as physiotherapeutic.

Treatment of cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis should be comprehensive - only with this approach can slow the progression of the disease and achieve long-term remission. After the alarming symptoms recede, you can’t give up - a couple of times a year you need to take drugs and visit the physiotherapist’s office, otherwise the disease will come back to life.

restoration of blood circulation in osteochondrosis

8 groups of pharmacological drugs to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis

Without consulting a doctor, it is difficult to choose an effective medication on your own. As a rule, drugs that improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis should be taken in combination. The classification of the entire variety of drugs that can affect the quality of blood circulation in cervical osteochondrosis is presented below.

  1. Vasodilator drugs help improve blood circulation, accelerate blood flow to the brain, even in people with osteochondrosis. The most popular drugs from this group are Cavinton and herbal medicine Tanakan.
  2. A group of drugs with an antioxidant effect reduces harmful oxidative processes in the cells of the body and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues. The most commonly used drugs in this group in neurology are Mexidol and Tocopherol in tablet form (Vitamin E).
  3. Nootropic drugs can not only improve blood circulation, they also restore cognitive functions (memory, thinking, reaction speed can also improve with the reception). Regular intake of drugs with a nootropic effect improves metabolism, restores neurons. Cerebral blood circulation with osteochondrosis of the neck can be improved by constantly taking nootropics in conjunction with vasodilator drugs (the neurologist prescribes the exact treatment regimen).
  4. Venotonics contribute to the dispersal of venous blood and the restoration of microcirculation throughout the body. They also have an angioprotective effect. Drugs that improve blood circulation in cervical osteochondrosis, which have a venotonic effect - Diosmin, Detralex.
  5. The appointment of diuretics and osmodiuretics is advisable only if the patient is threatened with such a serious complication as cerebral edema. Diuretics are also effective if the patient suffers from increased intracranial pressure due to a violation of cerebral circulation.
  6. The appointment of histaminergic agents is advisable if activation of histamine receptors in the inner ear is necessary. Regular intake of histaminergic drugs improves the conduction of impulses along the nerve endings. This action reduces the severity of vestibular disorders, which inevitably develop as cervical osteochondrosis progresses.
  7. Complexes, which include B vitamins, are prescribed by neurologists to almost every patient with cervical osteochondrosis. As a rule, the patient should receive a course of daily injections - "Combilipen", "Milgamma" or "Neuromultivitis". Preparations that contain B vitamins are not fully absorbed by oral administration. Therefore, it is optimal to use exactly the form of release for intramuscular administration.
  8. Chondroprotective drugs that improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis are also very popular. Chondoprotectors are necessary for joint repair. Due to their even partial recovery, cerebral circulation is also improving.

Antioxidants to improve overall blood circulation

Often patients, and doctors too, underestimate the effect of antioxidants. Meanwhile, Mexidol, known to everyone and often prescribed for cerebrovascular failure, belongs to the group of antioxidants. Do not underestimate "Tocopherol", and it should be purchased separately (and not as part of the vitamin-mineral complex):

  1. Forms of release of the drug "Mexidol" - tablets and solution for intravenous administration. It is actively used in neurology as a means of improving cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis. Also, the drug is prescribed for atherosclerosis, vegetovascular dystonia, as well as for cognitive impairment of various etiologies. Mexidol is also used in psychiatry to relieve alcohol withdrawal and post-withdrawal symptoms.
  2. "Tocopherol" can be taken as part of vitamin-mineral complexes, or separately in capsules. In the second case, it will be more effective, since nothing will interfere with its assimilation. Vitamin E is able to slow down the aging process, it has a positive effect on metabolic processes, reduces the total number of platelets in the blood, and restores tissue respiration. When used in combination with nootropics and vasodilator drugs, it can significantly alleviate the condition of a patient with cervical osteochondrosis.

Drugs that improve blood access to the brain

How to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis? The easiest way is to start taking medications that directly improve cerebral circulation.

  1. Cavinton is available in tablet form. With regular admission, a vasodilating effect is achieved. There is also the drug "Cavinton Forte", in which the active substance is twice as much. When taking, such side effects as headache, dizziness, drowsiness are possible. some patients, on the contrary, feel cheerful against the background of the course of taking the drug and note an increase in working capacity.
  2. "Tanakan" is made from the plant extract of gingko biloba. This plant is famous for its vasodilating effect. Against the background of treatment, patients note an improvement in well-being - headaches go away, a person becomes alert, falls asleep more easily and wakes up. "Tanakan" is indicated for use in patients with cervical osteochondrosis if they suffer from cerebrovascular accident.
Cavinton for cervical osteochondrosis

Nootropic drugs for cervical osteochondrosis

Nootropics can significantly facilitate the well-being of patients with osteochondrosis. Most commonly prescribed drugs:

  1. Pantogam (and its cheaper counterpart called Pantocalcin) is currently prescribed even for children. Against the background of admission, improvements in the cognitive sphere are observed, blood circulation is restored (partially or completely - depends on the degree of neurological disorders and diagnosis).
  2. "Phenotropil" is advisable to take if, due to a violation of cerebral circulation, the patient suffers from impaired attention, memory, and cannot concentrate. Patients who take "Phenotropil", note the appearance of vigor, vitality, they are cheerful and efficient. The disadvantage of the drug is its rather high cost (about a thousand rubles per package).
  3. "Cerebrolysin" is an ampoule preparation for intramuscular administration. The main active ingredient is a peptide (extract from the brain of pigs), which in structural terms resembles a human. Usually, neuropathologists prescribe a course of ten to twenty injections daily. "Cerebrolysin" - a medicine that improves cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis, after injuries and concussions, strokes, etc. Also, this drug is prescribed for children with delayed speech and mental development.

The use of drugs with venotonic effect in osteochondrosis

Neuropathologists prescribe this category of drugs relatively rarely. Venotonics can strengthen the walls of veins and arteries, improve their tone. Good cerebral circulation with cervical osteochondrosis is rare, patients often need to use venotonics, if there is a tendency to thinning of the venous walls. The most popular drugs from this category are Phlebodia, Detralex, Eskuzan. The latter also has the ability to cause short-term vasodilation due to the presence of alcohol in the composition.

However, patients with cervical osteochondrosis are usually skeptical when the doctor prescribes a drug from the category of venotonic. People far from medicine believe that this category of drugs promotes recovery only with severe pathology of the veins. In fact, even relatively healthy people should take a course of venotonic drugs from time to time.

detralex for cervical osteochondrosis

Doctor's appointment of diuretics and osmodiuretics for cervical osteochondrosis

This category of drugs is usually prescribed when cervical osteochondrosis has led to an increase in intracranial pressure due to pressure on the nerves. This symptom is characteristic of the late stages of the disease. If possible, it is better not to bring the disease to serious complications.

Reception of diuretics for cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure (usually prescribed "Furosemide" or "Diacarb") promotes the outflow of excess fluid from all body tissues, including brain tissue. As a result, the pressure stabilizes and the patient feels better.

diacarb for cerebral circulation

Histaminergic drugs for cervical osteochondrosis: what is it prescribed for?

These drugs are prescribed if circulatory disorders in cervical osteochondrosis have led to impaired coordination and problems with the vestibular apparatus. Histaminergic drugs contribute to the normalization of blood circulation and the functioning of the inner ear, as a result of which the severity of unpleasant symptoms becomes less. After a course of treatment, dizziness and vestibular disorders can go away for a long time.

Preparations for cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis, which the doctor usually prescribes when complaining of problems with coordination, are Betaserk, Betagistin, Vestibo. They must be taken in a course for at least ten days. If the patient has a parallel pathology of cardiac activity, then Betaserk can be prescribed for a long period of time - about several months. Histaminergic drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects, therefore, they should be taken in case of emergency and only after consultation with doctors - a neurologist and cardiologist.

vestibo for cervical osteochondrosis

Chondoprotectors to restore joint surfaces and improve blood microcirculation

Tablets for cerebral circulation with cervical osteochondrosis should be taken regularly, in a course. Chondoprotectors are no exception to the rule. Since with cervical osteochondrosis, the layer between the vertebrae will inevitably wear out and thin out over time, the patient should take medications with chondoprotective action at least once a year for at least one month. This is Teraflex, Arthron or Chondroitin.

"Teraflex" is a combined drug with a chondoprotective effect. Sodium chondroitin sulfate (the main active component of Teraflex) is a high molecular weight component that is directly involved in the formation of joints and cartilage. Indications for use of the drug: dystrophic changes in cartilage and articular tissue, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, osteoarthrosis, etc.).

Chondroitin contains chondroitin sulfate as the main active ingredient. This component is a high molecular weight polysaccharide that is involved in the formation of articular and cartilage tissue. It is indicated for use in a variety of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as in periodontitis, periodontal disease and joint diseases of unknown etiology. The disadvantage of the drug is a rather high cost (about one and a half thousand rubles per package).

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Preparations for cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis with B vitamins in the composition have long established themselves as a simple and reliable way to improve the patient's condition. , , . : "", "", "". - "", "", "". , . - .

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Traditional methods of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis: myths and reality

Of course, alternative methods of therapy cannot be compared with pharmacological, therapeutic massage, or manual therapy. But alternative methods of treatment are very cheap, and many patients admit that these simple manipulations help to achieve short-term relief and relieve painful symptoms for several days.

Herbs that improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis:

  • green tea (contains many antioxidants);
  • mint (refreshes and relieves headaches, relieves nervous tension, improves microcirculation);
  • oak bark (has a mild analgesic effect, composed of tannins);
  • half a floor (removes salts and toxins from the body).

Any of these herbs can be bought at the pharmacy, it is better to purchase high-quality natural tea in specialized tea shops. Herbs should be taken on an ongoing basis, otherwise the improvement in well-being will be short-lived.

Hot compresses have proven themselves well. If your health worsens, you should heat the coarse salt in a pan. After it cools down a bit, put it in a cloth bag and attach it to the neck. After half an hour, the patient experiences relief, after such a procedure it is best to go to bed.

But hot baths with osteochondrosis are not recommended. Despite this, many patients with exacerbation of symptoms like to lie in a hot bath. This brings only temporary relief, and the next day the symptoms return with renewed vigor.

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