Filmography of Samuel Leroy Jackson. Biography, creativity

The filmography of Samuel Jackson is the films Pulp Fiction, Tropical Fever and Games of the Patriots. Samuel Jackson's life is a single mother, a segregation school, an early criminal record, and then a successful film career. What happened to the actor as long as he remained in the shade? And what kind of films with Jackson must be watched?

early years

Actor Samuel Jackson was born in the city of Washington. When he was still very young, the family father left his wife and child and went to arrange his life in Kansas. Samuel saw him only two times in his life before he died.

filmography of samuel jackson
Soon, the mother of the future actor got into a psychiatric clinic. So Samuel was raised to the feet by joint efforts of numerous relatives.

Jackson went to black school. Racial discrimination and segregation have always deeply offended the actor.

In school, Samuel was fond of music - he played wind instruments in the school orchestra. But Jackson saw a profession different for himself: he decided to study as an architect at Morehouse Men's College.

A few years later, Jackson transferred to the faculty of drama and even organized his own theater for black students. However, the future actor was soon imprisoned: once he participated in the blockade of members of the college board, trying to defend the rights of students. For this, he spent two years in correctional work and received his bachelor's degree at only 24 years old.

Filmography of Samuel Jackson: the first steps in the movie

Samuel still can not explain why he chose the acting profession: "Maybe I was interested to look at myself from the outside?" - says Mr. Jackson. Anyway, the filmography of Samuel Jackson began to replenish with films in 1972. And the first in this list was the tape "Together forever."

Jackson Samuel Leroy
Jackson played episodic and supporting roles until 1993. Twenty years on the sidelines is a serious period. But we must pay tribute to the artist, he did not shade: he persistently continued to bend his line.

Of the first episodes on the screen, the most famous can be called the cafe robbery episode in Eddie Murphy’s famous film “A Trip to America”. Then there were the films “Do it Right” by Spike Lee, “Sea of ​​Love” with Al Pacino in the title role and “The Temptation” by James Bond. And then the first serious project appeared on the horizon.

"Good guys"

The action movie "Goodfellas", shot by Martin Scorsese in 1990, is now considered a classic of Hollywood cinema. The film is about a clan of gangsters who constantly get involved in group wars and frame-by-frame rotate their dark deeds.

movies with samuel jackson
Jackson in this film got the role of Edwards criminal. On the set, the actor worked in the company of Robert de Niro (The Godfather 2), Ray Liotta (Hannibal), Joe Pesci (Home Alone) and Paul Sorvino (Romeo + Juliet). Martin Scorsese received 5 BAFTA awards for Good Fellows, and Joe Pesci won an Oscar.

Unfortunately, working on such a project did not benefit Jackson: he soon became addicted to drugs and was placed in a New York hospital for a couple of months. But the actor during this time gained new experience to work on further roles in the movie.

"Johnny Suede"

In 1991, Samuel was already quite popular and starred with the first stars of Hollywood. In the film "Johnny Suede," he appeared in the company of the famous actor Brad Pitt.

This comedy was the debut film for Tom Dichchilo, who subsequently directed Life in Oblivion with Steve Buscemi, The Moon Box with John Turturro and The Real Blonde with Matthew Modine.

The film "Johnny Suede" tells the story of a loser guitarist who dreams about a big stage, and even more about suede boots. Subsequently, he meets a woman who forces Johnny to rethink his values. Samuel appears in the frame for a short while in the image of B-Bop.

The tape was recognized as avant-garde and had some popularity in the 90s, but today few people remember it.

Jungle Fever

In the same year, Jungle Fever, directed by Spike Lee, was released, which enjoyed far more success than Johnny Suede. The cast of this drama can be called "starry": on the screen you can see Wesley Snipes ("Blade"), Annabella Schiorr ("Clan Soprano"), Holly Barry ("X-Men") and Anthony Quinn ("Walk in the Clouds") .

The main problem of the painting “Jungle Fever” is the relationship between the black architect Flipper (Wesley Snipes) and the white-skinned Italian Angie (Annabella Schiorra). This union is condemned by the families of both lovers. And even having stopped contact with relatives, Flipper and Angie find it difficult to maintain their love.

Samuel Jackson in this picture got the role of the second plan - a drug addict. The actor managed to cope with it, especially since he already had experience with drugs. It seemed the Jungle Fever, which had grossed $ 43 million at the box office, was supposed to provide Jackson with recognition. But, according to the artist himself, he was rarely recognized on the streets. So far, the Games of the Patriots has not been released.

"Games of the Patriots"

The filmography of Samuel Jackson is very diverse, but it is difficult to imagine without the film by Philip Noyce "Games of the Patriots."

The main role in this action went to Harrison Ford (Star Wars). The supporting role - Robbie Jackson - went to Samuel L. Jackson. Also in the film you can see Ann Archer ("Fatal Attraction"), Sean Bean ("The Lord of the Rings") and Patrick Bergin ("Dracula").

The film is about the CIA agent Jack Ryan, who in London saves the royal family and neutralizes two dangerous terrorists. Ryan hands over the third criminal to the relevant authorities and calmly returns to America. But very soon his carefree life came to an end: the terrorist he had caught, managed to escape from an English prison and is now heading to the States to crack down on Jack's family.

The film "Games of the Patriots" collected at the box office 178 million dollars and finally strengthened Jackson's position in Hollywood.

"Crime novel"

One of the most popular films Samuel Jackson has ever taken part in is Pulp Fiction.

Travolta and Samuel Jackson
The film "Pulp Fiction" was released in 1994 and was immediately recognized as a cult. The director of this tape was Quentin Tarantino, also known for his work such as Mad Dogs, Four Rooms and Kill Bill.

The main roles in Pulp Fiction are played by Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, John Travolta and Samuel Jackson. The film is built on three short stories, the action of which develops on the screen mixed with each other. For 166 minutes, the viewer is shown episodes in which Vincent Vega has fun with his mafia wife, a couple of Vincent and Jules are engaged in robbery, and boxer Butch Coolidge is hiding from the guys he owes. The tape abounds with violence and murder.

At the box office, “Pulp Fiction” raised almost $ 214 million at a cost of $ 8 million. In total, the picture received three prestigious awards: an Oscar for the screenplay, BAFTA went to Samuel L. Jackson, and David di Donatello went to John Travolta.

"Star Wars"

Jackson Samuel Leroy became the hero of another sensational film - Star Wars. The actor appears in the 1st, 2nd and 2nd episodes in the image of Mace Windu.

johnny suede
Mace is the head of the High Council, which includes the Jedi. Windu fought with a purple lightsaber, but more often than not he used his diplomatic abilities rather than physical strength. Mace Windu was one of the few who did not trust Anakin Skywalker to the last. And partially he was right.

Star Wars directed by George Lucas is one of Hollywood’s most successful projects since its inception. $ 200 million was invested in the last part of the franchise called "Awakening of Power". At the box office, she raised a record amount of money - a billion dollars. And this is only by the end of December 2015, although the tape was still shown in movie theaters.

The Avengers

Films with Samuel Jackson pay well at the box office. Leaving the Star Wars franchise, the American actor found himself a different role in the Avengers series of films.

samuel jackson pulp fiction
All parts of The Avengers were shot based on comics. Each piece brings its creators approximately 400-500 million dollars. Samuel L. Jackson plays Nick Fury, the one-eyed CIA agent in these films, who later became the head of the secret squad "Sch.I.T." The last picture in which Jackson was involved is Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2015. Next time, Samuel will be seen as Nick Fury in 2018, when Avengers: Infinity War will be released.

Personal life

actor samuel jackson
Samuel is characterized by enviable constancy: back in 1980, he married an actress named Latana Richardson, with whom he lives to this day. The couple has a daughter, Zoe, who works on the sports channel.

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