The name of Antonina Chebotareva began to appear in the press and on television only after the start of the girl’s relationship with Sergei Svetlakov. As it turned out, almost nothing is known about her, so in the article we will tell you absolutely everything.
Antonina Chebotareva: biography
Antonina was born in Nalchik. She studied at school only on "4" and "5", and classmates affectionately called her Tosya. The girl was engaged in athletics in a sports school, and her hobby brought prizes in competitions. In the social network, it was possible to find a former young man, Tony, whom she met while studying in high school. They broke up almost immediately after its end, but did not cease to be friends. The former guy, Sergei Zelenkovsky, said that before him, Tonya met with the young man a little older, but he joined the army and died there. The girl had to face the first tragedy in her life.
Then she entered the college of design in Kabardino-Balkaria, and in 2002 she left for Krasnodar and began to study there in the specialty "Advertising". It was there that Tonya began to build a career. For several years she worked as a manager in the television company Kuban. All colleagues respond warmly about her. Many say they consider her a man who is far from show business. Later, Antonina Chebotareva began working in a film company, where she soon took the place of the deputy director, and was not going to leave or move to another city. However, fate decreed otherwise.
Antonina and Sergey Svetlakov
Chebotareva Antonina met Sergey in Krasnodar, where he presented the film "Stone". A year later, he again came to this city, but with a new film - “The Jungle”. And three days later, Antonina Chebotareva left work and moved to Moscow.
At a press conference of the Jungle, the actor admitted that he had a girl whom he really loves. The place of his former lover Anastasia, with whom Sergei lived for 14 years, took Tonya. The couple broke up in 2012. They have a daughter, Nastya.
Chebotareva Antonina and Sergey Svetlakov quietly married in the embassy of Riga, without triumph and witnesses. As the man himself said, they decided to legalize relations on the way to fishing. In the spring of the same year, Tonya moved to the actor’s house in Jurmala, where they live a quiet family life.
Birth of a child
Antonina Chebotareva, wife of Svetlakov, on July 18 gave birth to his son, who was named Ivan. The father offers to guess in honor of whom the baby was named. Sergey’s entourage has only one close friend, Ivan Urgant, with whom they worked together in the movie Fir Trees and led ProjectorParisHilton.
Acquaintance with Sergey's daughter
The artist took a crucial step and introduced Tosya with his daughter. Naturally, before this Sergey was very worried, but in vain. The girl found a common language with Tosya and even listened to her brother's movements in her tummy. Two beloved women Svetlakova perfectly got along. Tonya and Nastya even came to the set together. Sergei himself said that it was incredibly reassuring, it became easy and good. Throughout her pregnancy, Nastya chatted “with her tummy” and was offended if she was not called, when Vanya began to move. But Antonina is not going to replace the girl with her mother. When she asked Sergey about this, he explained to her for a long time that Tosya was like a friend to her, and her parents - they were alone for life. Tonya herself says that they communicate very well with Nastya: she is an outgoing, quick-witted and cheerful girl. Now they are real friends.
Forecast relations from a famous psychic
According to Mohsen Narusi, pleasant energy comes from Antonina’s photo. She always worked on herself and continues to do this. In life, she had a hard time, but difficulties did not anger her, but, on the contrary, taught her to love and appreciate every moment. The girl is beautiful not only externally, but also internally. This type of women was present in the life of Sergei almost always. But, according to the psychic, she can quickly get bored with him, so it is difficult to draw a conclusion about the long-term nature of these relations.
But, as we know, the couple has been together for several years and is not going to diverge, which means that there are real feelings between them. I want to believe that in the future only success awaits them, and bad weather will pass by.