Hollywood Records: Danny Aiello

In this article, we will talk about the American actor, screenwriter and producer Danny Aiello. Consider his biography and personal life. We will take time for an acting career, as well as a list of partial filmography.

Danny Ayello


Danny Aiello (full name Daniel Louis Aiello Jr.) was born on June 20, 1933 in the city of New York, USA. He is currently 84 years old. The boy's father was an ordinary worker, and his mother worked as a seamstress.

After some time, trouble happened with the boy’s mother - she was blinded. Immediately after this, the father left the family. For a long time, Danny could not forgive him for such a betrayal, and all the time he condemned him for this act. For the first time after what happened, Danny saw his father only in 1993. They reconciled. However, the actor could not completely forgive his father.

Already in childhood, Danny Aiello showed interest in cinema. But at 16, the young man joined the American army, in which he served for 3 years. Then the young man returned to his hometown, where he worked not only as a bus driver, but also as a club bouncer.


He began acting directly at a fairly late age. The first film in the filming of which Danny took part, was released in 1972.

Basically, the actor’s roles are workers or tough policemen who are characterized by such traits as vulgarity, firmness, and sometimes even cruelty. Some of Danny's characters were also characterized by self-irony and a sense of humor.

The most important and significant in the career of an actor is considered the gangster film "Once Upon a Time in America", which brought him fame. After that, he worked with the famous American director Woody Allen. Aiello participated in such films as Radio Days, Broadway Danny Rose, and Cairo's Purple Rose.

danny aiello movies


Throughout his life, the actor played about a hundred roles, which indicates the permanently high talent of this person. Danny Aiello, films with the participation of which appeared in large numbers on the screens, began his career with episodic roles. These include the following: “Hit the drum slowly,” “The Godfather,” “Fingers,” “Brothers in Blood,” and others.

After the release of Once Upon a Time in America, Woody Allen invited the actor to play a major role in the film Purple Cairo.

Then again there were episodic roles in various films. In 1989, the drama “Do It Right!” Was released, where Danny played the character Sal - one of the main roles. In the same year, the films “January Man”, “Delirium tremens” and “Killing Graduates” were released, in which Aiello got the main roles.

last don danny ayello

In 1997, the film adaptation of the novel "The Last Don" was released. Danny Aello entered the main cast. He also starred in the sequel - "The Last Don-2."

Until that moment, he played about 20 roles in films, the most significant of which are "I and the child", "Mistress", as well as "Kommersant". In the early 2000s, the comedy film "Bride by Mail" was released. In 2006, the actor took part in the filming of the thriller "The Lucky Number of Slevin." And in 2014, the dramatic film “Get Me If You Can” appeared at the box office.

Personal life

Danny’s personal life is behind the scenes, like the life of many other stars. In 1955, the actor made an offer, and then married the girl Sandy Cohen. The couple had two sons - Rick and Danny. The full name of the second is Danny Aiello III. He works as a stuntman.

Surrounding people especially emphasize in the actor one of the characteristic features - demonstrative conservatism. A conservative is a person who adheres to traditional values ​​and orders. Many are very surprised at this. As Ayello himself says, this is all the result of Catholic education.

In addition to the movie, the actor is also interested in music. He released several of his own records. At the moment, despite his age, Danny Aiello wants to act in films and starred in Hollywood movies.

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