Almost every day is filled with stress, and fatigue, nervousness and irritability have become constant companions of life. It is not surprising that more and more often we turn to specialists to get rid of these symptoms and to fully experience the joy of every second lived. Nootropics can help with this - drugs that stimulate the activity of the brain. Modern drugs of this group can not only increase the efficiency of brain processes, but also neutralize all the symptoms of stress. It is these drugs that receive the maximum number of positive reviews. “Phenibut” refers to these agents and has been used successfully to treat children and adults. Often, patients who took it once, in critical situations, again return to taking this medication, knowing its high effectiveness. If you are now in search of a stimulating drug, then pay attention to Phenibut. Instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues of the drug will be the topic of today's article.
We characterize the medicine
Reviews about Phenibut are quite numerous, and often they are left by specialists who have prescribed pills to their patients more than once. Therefore, a general idea of the medicine is not difficult. The instructions for use with "Phenibut" (reviews and analogues of the drug will be given later) indicate that it has two effects at the same time:
The first effect is expressed in the stimulation of mental activity, a general improvement in the functioning of the brain, and normalization of blood circulation. It is also noted that tablets improve memory and increase concentration. People working in positions requiring utmost discipline write in reviews of Phenibut that they felt its positive effect already in the first week of admission.
In parallel, the drug acts as a mild tranquilizer. It quickly removes insomnia, anxiety, irritability and relieves fears. "Phenibut" is indicated for various neuroses, treatment of alcohol dependence, stuttering in small and adult patients, as well as urinary incontinence. A more complete list of indications for the use of the drug is given in the instructions for use of Phenibut.
The reviews do not contain information about when and for what purpose the drug was developed. But in fact, his story is quite interesting. It was first synthesized back in the days of the Soviet Union. This was done in the seventies of the last century and was considered one of the most advanced developments in pediatrics. It was in this area that it was planned to use the medicine. Doctors noticed that the drug is very effective when it is necessary to conduct behavior correction in preschool and older children. Soon, pills became interested in specialists involved in the preparation of astronauts for flights. They evaluated the ability of the drug to relieve stress and at the same time not reduce the concentration of attention. Phenibut does not affect the reaction rate, which is very important for the space industry. Therefore, having passed a series of tests, the tablets were included in the list of drugs accompanying the astronauts into orbit.
Medical reviews of Phenibut often contain slightly conflicting information about the category to which it belongs. The fact is that in some circles there is talk of excluding from the name of a means such a characteristic as “nootropic”. However, the drug cannot be considered simply a tranquilizer, because it significantly improves metabolism in the brain tissues.
Phenibut treatment (reviews of patients taking the drug confirm all the information we provide) is possible not only for adults and children, but also for older people who are not shown all the drugs. They tolerate these pills very well and do not complain of side effects.
Drug Release Form
The reviews and instructions for Phenibut provide information that in pharmacies it occurs in two forms of release. For some reason, the powder is less common among Russian doctors and patients. Most often, Phenibut tablets are prescribed (instructions for use and reviews for this particular form of release of the drug we will consider today).
Manufacturers of the drug are not only in Russia, which brings some inconvenience to customers. The fact is that the reviews of patients taking Phenibut often contain conflicting information - one drug helped immediately, but others had to take it in two courses in order to feel the positive effect of the tablets. Pharmacists claim that this primarily depends on the manufacturer of the drug.
The best are the tablets of the company “Olinefarm” from Latvia, the quality of drugs produced by Russian factories located in Obninsk and Zhigulevsk is close to them. Worst of all doctors evaluate Phenibut, produced by Belarusian pharmacists and the Russian company Organika, based in Novokuznetsk.
Therefore, when buying a medicine, be sure to take into account the opinion of specialists, confirmed by feedback on the use of Phenibut.
The composition of the drug
Powder and tablets have the most similar composition to each other, differing only in a few auxiliary components. The active substance, which simultaneously stimulates and soothes the effect of tablets, is called aminophenylbutyric acid. This name is abbreviated and in the instructions for “Phenibut” (we will give reviews about the drug in one of the sections of the article a bit later), a more complex formulation of this active substance may occur.
In the powder form of the drug, there are fewer additional components than in tablets. They can be easily listed in the list:
- lactose;
- potato starch;
- stearic calcium.
In addition to the substances already listed, tablets also contain polyvinylpyrrolidone. The ratio of components is approximately the same in all forms of the drug, regardless of their manufacturer.
A few words about the dosage
The instructions for the Phenibut tablets and reviews about them contain information on the concentration of the active substance. The manufacturer produces a drug of this type in only one dosage - two hundred and fifty milligrams. This information is always indicated on the packaging of the drug.
If we talk about the powder form of release, then its dosage is much less. It is one hundred milligrams of aminophenylbutyric acid.
Phenibut tablets are white in color and are located on a blister, each containing ten tablets. All of them are packed in a cardboard box. It may have a different number of blisters:
Consult your doctor to choose the right package. He will tell you how long your treatment will be and how many tablets will be needed for this period of time.
Therapeutic effect of the drug on the patient's body
From the many reviews on the use of Phenibut, it is difficult to understand what exactly provides the stimulating and soothing effects of the drug. Pharmacists claim that the active substance of the drug was synthesized from two other chemicals, each of which is responsible for certain functions in the body. The first is gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is a participant in the metabolic process in brain cells. In a healthy body, this acid is produced naturally, stimulating metabolic processes in the brain tissue, improving memory, increasing attention and turning any mental work into productive work. But the second substance - phenylethylamine, on the contrary, relieves anxiety, stress symptoms, normalizes sleep and neutralizes anxiety. As a result, in the daytime a person feels active and even experiencing stress, remains calm and collected. Pharmacists believe that Phenibut is an ideal option for people who are forced to work constantly under stress, but at the same time need speed of reaction and composure.
The drug is very effective in detecting neurosises, accompanied by increased tearfulness, sudden changes in mood and an unusually violent reaction to irritants of any nature. If we consider all the therapeutic effects of the drug in more detail, we get an impressive list:
- neutralizes fear, anxiety and anxiety;
- relieves internal clamps and tension;
- enhances blood flow, which improves microcirculation in brain tissue;
- improves the quality and duration of sleep;
- enhances the effectiveness of mental activity;
- with severe speech and motor impairment, noticeable improvements are noticed after the first days of taking the pills;
- relieves the symptoms inherent in vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- enhances the effect of sleeping pills and sedatives;
- has a slight anticonvulsant effect;
- facilitates alcoholic effects on the body and so on.
It is noted that patients who have crossed the sixty-five year boundary do not experience weakness and distraction when taking the medicine. From the first days of treatment, they notice that they have become much more active and cheerful.
Indications for use
The diseases in which "Phenibutum" can be prescribed are numerous. Doctors most often prescribe the drug as monotherapy. With some problems, it is included as one of the components in the overall treatment regimen along with other drugs.
The drug showed itself well with complaints of general weakness, apathy and increased anxiety. Also, "Phenibut" is almost always prescribed with anxiety caused by any reason, a regular sense of fear and anxiety, as well as with neuroses of obsessive states.
Elderly people often complain that at night they experience a certain fussiness, difficulty falling asleep and intermittent sleep. In addition, in those rare minutes when they manage to fall asleep, patients see nightmares, which significantly worsens their condition. Phenibut easily copes with such problems and does not cause negative side effects.
Removes the drug and excessive suspiciousness associated with the excitement before any surgical intervention. In addition, it is indicated for diagnosed psychopathy, pathologies of the vestibular apparatus (they can be caused by injuries or some kind of hereditary factor) and vascular diseases. It is interesting that Phenibut copes with the problem of motion sickness. Usually, patients will find out about this already starting taking the drug, and perceive it as one of the positive side effects.
Phenibut is prescribed to children very often; it is indicated for the following problems:
- stuttering;
- teak;
- urinary incontinence;
- Dizziness
- weak vestibular apparatus.
In combination with other drugs, "Phenibut" is prescribed to relieve withdrawal symptoms in alcohol dependence, as well as to facilitate exit from intoxication.
General rules for taking the drug
Patients need to know that "Phenibut" is effective only with a course admission. One course is at least three weeks, maximum it lasts up to six weeks. After taking the tablets, a rest period is required. It can be up to three weeks, then treatment can be repeated.
The initial dosage of the drug should not be less than usual, that is, Phenibut does not require a specific entrance to treatment. But withdrawal can still occur. Of course, doctors often dispute this fact, but the patients themselves testify to something else. The fact is that during treatment, the brain receives the metabolites necessary for its successful functioning thanks to the medicine. Brain cells cease to produce them on their own, and with a sharp cessation of taking pills, a person can feel the whole range of sensations that he sought to get rid of during treatment. Therefore, one week before the end of the course of administration, you need to gradually reduce the dosage of the drug. Doctors recommend reducing the dose to a quarter of the tablet once every three days.
Do not forget in the process of treatment about monitoring the general condition of the body. For this purpose, blood tests are taken once every seven days. The doctor should warn the patient about this before prescribing the pills.
If you plan to get rid of motion sickness with Phenibut, then you need to take the medicine about half an hour before the intended trip. In those cases when you are already experiencing all the symptoms of motion sickness, drink the pill late - you will not feel the effect of it.
Instructions for use
Phenibut is recommended to drink only after eating. Tablets are washed down with a large volume of water, in no case should they be chewed. If you take the drug on an empty stomach, then there is a high risk of irritation of the mucous membrane.
The general treatment regimen involves taking one tablet three times a day. In rare cases, the dosage is increased to three tablets in one go. The maximum concentration of the drug per day cannot exceed three tablets when we talk about adult patients, two for senior citizens and one and a half for children from eight years old. Young children can not tolerate more than one hundred and fifty milligrams of the drug per day.
Due to the fact that it is quite difficult for crumbs up to eight years of age to give the correct dosage of Phenibut, counting it from ordinary tablets, it will be more convenient for them to purchase powders.
Keep in mind that some diseases require a different dosage regimen. For example, with encephalopathy per day, you need to drink only one tablet. In this case, the course of treatment lasts up to two months, and after a six-month break it can be repeated.
If you are trying to get rid of migraines, then one hundred and fifty milligrams of the drug is taken per day. If neurosis is detected, the doctor prescribes one tablet twice a day for patients for a month and a half. The drug is also drunk in cases of insomnia, anxiety and with frequent nightmares. With such indications, the course of treatment can be extended up to three months.
Analogs of "Phenibut"
In reviews, patients often indicate possible analogues and synonyms of the drug. Their selection is quite large. Analogues include those preparations that contain the same active substance as in the original. Among the most popular products are Adaptol, Mebikar, Tenoten and Elzepam.
Synonyms always have a similar mechanism of action, but completely different active components. Such medicines are Anvifen and Noofen.
The drug "Phenibut": patient reviews
The vast majority of comments on the drug are positive. Patients write that they did not even expect how effective the drug would be. Phenibut has helped some cope with even the most severe consequences after severe stress. He not only normalized the psychological state, returning the joy of life, but also significantly improved the physical, making the patient more active. In such cases, we are talking about the long-term use of the drug, but it receives good reviews with a single dose.
In the comments on “Phenibut” you can find eulogies from those people who drank tablets from time to time in order to increase their working capacity for a certain period of time. Often it was accompanied by high psychological stress.
In rare negative comments, it was noted that taking Phenibut caused some apathy, drowsiness, and lethargy. These symptoms were sometimes accompanied by headaches and nausea. However, such reactions of the body to treatment can be considered the exception rather than the rule.