Agar agar jelly recipes for home cooking

Many of those who are interested in cooking and cooking various dishes at home, most likely, have at least once encountered such an ingredient as agar-agar. Especially often on the Internet and in cookbooks you can find jelly recipes with agar-agar. And it is also often recommended to use it, and not gelatin. But not everyone knows the word agar-agar. What it is?

What is agar agar?

A substance with strong gelling properties is agar-agar. What is it, chefs and confectioners are well aware. In the world of cooking, it is known as a great alternative to gelatin. It acts as a thickener for the preparation of various kinds of desserts, puddings, jellies, soups and sauces. Agar-agar is extracted from several types of red algae. The output is a white or yellowish powder. Agar can also be found in the form of granules, flakes and plates. Therefore, professional chefs and housewives always have a choice, which form is more convenient for them to use.

What is agar agar

Its composition is distinguished by the presence of many useful minerals, including iodine, magnesium, iron, zinc and some others. In addition, carbohydrates and fiber are present in it. Therefore, its use is not only more convenient, but also more useful.

Agar Agar Properties

Of course, the main property of this substance is the ability to turn any liquid into a jelly-like mass with a small amount. Agar-agar in the preparation of jelly is most often used. It, as already mentioned, is produced from algae, which are pre-washed and cleaned, and then they go through several stages of processing. So it turns out a powdery substance with strong jelly-forming properties. Agar-agar has neither taste nor smell, which is quite convenient for its use. Moreover, he easily incorporates the aromas of spices and spices used with him.

Agar Agar Orange Jelly

Agar agar is known for its health benefits. Firstly, the body does not absorb jelly from algae, as if it simply passes through it, simultaneously cleansing the intestines. In addition, it helps lower cholesterol, has the benefit of preventing breast cancer and strengthens the lungs. And due to the fact that it has almost zero calorie content and quickly causes a feeling of fullness, he found great popularity among lovers of healthy nutrition and doing weight loss.

Comparison of agar-agar and gelatin

At its core, these two substances are very similar: they have gelling properties and, therefore, are used to prepare various dishes where necessary. But if you delve into their composition and properties, you can find a lot of significant differences, as a rule, not in favor of gelatin. Among the first, there is a lack of taste and odor in agar, while gelatin has a rather specific aroma. This also implies the following advantage of agar-agar: it is not scary to overdo it, because in this case, unlike gelatin, it will not give any flavor to the dish.

Jelly with agar agar

Going deep into the composition, it can be noted that agar is a product of plant production, since it is based on algae. For this reason, it is popular among followers of vegetarianism. Agar agar jelly recipes are more popular than gelatin recipes. The difference also exists in the texture - agar-agar is denser and firmer, does not melt in the language. This may be the only negative for lovers of soft jelly texture.

How to make plain jelly with agar agar

Jelly recipes with agar agar are very popular. Again, the whole point is the convenience of using this substance for the preparation of jelly-like dishes. But in order to cook such a delicacy at home, you need to know how to dilute agar-agar for jelly. When choosing it for jelly, it is worth giving preference to a powdery additive, since it is most convenient to work with it. For example, consider making jelly from fresh strawberries.

Agar Agar Jelly Recipes

So, for starters, add sugar and lemon zest to the water, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Now add the strawberries, after mashing it, and lemon juice, mix and remove to the side. Following the proportions indicated on the package, add the agar to the water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. During the boil, pour the berry mass here, again bring to the boil, not forgetting to stir. In this case, a rather high foam will rise. When the mixture boils, remove the foam and pour the liquid into the molds. It remains only to give a couple of minutes to cool, and the dessert for the whole family is ready. It is very convenient that cooking such an interesting treat will take the hostess no more than half an hour, which cannot but rejoice.

How to make Orange Jelly

Orange itself is a very interesting fruit. And orange jelly with agar agar will definitely please fans of juicy citrus fruits. The most common methods for making orange jelly are in juice and milk. Consider both.

To make jelly with juice, you must directly put the juice on the stove and let it warm. When it has already become warm, add agar-agar and stir well, remove from the stove, not allowing to boil, and remove to the side for 15 minutes. After that, return to the stove, bring to a boil. Do not forget to stir, hold for one minute and remove. At this stage, the jelly is already ready, it remains only to pour in the forms and let cool. For fasting, this jelly has an undoubted advantage, since it can also be prepared during fasting.

For milk lovers, the next way. Here, the principle is similar to the one that underlies the method for preparing strawberry jelly described above. We mix milk and sugar, separately bring the agar-agar to a boil with water and sugar as desired, cook for several minutes, stirring constantly. Add milk, as well as juice and pulp of orange, pour into molds and let cool.

What else can I add in jelly

Regardless of whether you choose jelly recipes with agar-agar or gelatin, a lot depends on your imagination. You can give any taste to your delicacy, do not be afraid of experiments. The basic additives are a variety of fruits and berries, ranging from apples and strawberries to watermelon and mango. You can make milk jelly, the recipe of which is indicated above. In fact, there are many different variations and interesting combinations, you just have to try to fantasize.

Mango agar jelly

Jelly itself is a very unusual and delicious dessert that will be welcomed by both adults and children. Agar-agar is only an inconspicuous assistant in its preparation. Do not be afraid to show imagination and come up with something new to surprise and delight your loved ones.

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