A complex meat dish: recipes and cooking tips

Experienced cooks very often love to test their strength and try to cook complex meat dishes. They need to be able to make intricate processes and fully focus on cooking. When the dish is more difficult to prepare, then the final result will be better, the food is incredibly tasty and original. Here will be presented many different recipes for meat dishes, the preparation of which requires certain culinary skills.

Home-made boiled pork

The cold appetizer prepared according to this recipe is incredibly tender and juicy. To make it really tasty, the meat must be marinated for a long time, at least 12 hours.

Home-made boiled pork

To prepare homemade pork pork in the oven, you need to take the following products:

  • pork shank - 1.5 kg (meat must be fresh, if it was frozen, then the necessary tenderness cannot be achieved);
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • French and ordinary mustard - 100 g;
  • ground paprika;
  • red and black pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

This is a standard set of ingredients for cooking. If you like aromatic meat with lots of spices, you can add thyme, suneli hops, rosemary, coriander and cardamom.

Cooking process

Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Peel and rinse the meat under running cold water. Dry with paper towels.
  2. Grate half the garlic, and cut the second half into several parts.
  3. In a piece of shred, make deep but thin cuts with a knife and put whole pieces of garlic in it.
  4. Sprinkle the meat with seasonings, add two types of mustard and vegetable oil. Rub all ingredients thoroughly into the meat.
  5. Put the pork in a container, cover with cling film and refrigerate for a long time. The meat should be marinated for 12 hours, if there is time, then it is possible and a day. In this case, it will be very soft and juicy.
  6. Wrap the shredder in foil, put on a baking sheet and pour a glass of water. Turn on the oven 220 degrees. Bake the dish for 2 hours.
  7. After the allotted time, the foil must be removed, in the thickest part make a puncture with a knife, look at the color of the juice. If it is slightly pinkish or white, then the dish is ready, you can only put the shredder in the oven for a few minutes, so that a brown crust appears. But if the juice is still red, roll the meat back into the foil, bake it for another 30-40 minutes.
Grate garlic

On this, the process of preparing homemade pork pork in the oven is completed, it remains only to wait for the meat to cool. Cut the finished product into thin slices and put on a plate. This complex cold meat dish should be served with hot sauces, mustard or horseradish.

Potato zrazy

Such a fairly popular dish is very difficult to create, here you need to properly prepare potato dough, as well as well-fried semi-finished products so that the meat does not turn out to be raw. Cooking time is about 2 hours.

List of required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of peeled potatoes;
  • 500 g of minced meat (can be taken in equal proportions of pork and chicken meat);
  • 3 eggs;
  • one large carrot;
  • two large onions;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. l

In the classic version of zraz with meat, many spices are not used, only salt and pepper are enough. But modern cooking involves the use of a large number of seasonings, so it is recommended to use dried basil, thyme and turmeric.

Cooking potato dough

As previously reported, there is a lot of trouble. The first step is to peel and rinse the potatoes, cut it into several parts and boil until cooked. Take a meat grinder, twist on it a boiled and slightly cooled vegetable. Put eggs and flour in a bowl of potatoes. Mix all these ingredients very carefully.

Depending on the moisture content of the potato, much more flour may be required. The consistency should result in a very tender dough. The mass should not stick to the hands, so it must be well mixed.

Note! After twisting in a meat grinder, the potatoes should be sticky, strongly stick to the hands and stretch. If it does not have such a consistency, then you need to pass it through this device again.

Cooking toppings and frying

Put the minced meat in a small bowl, add salt and all the necessary spices. Grate one onion on a fine grater and put to the meat. Cut the second into small cubes, and chop the carrots heavily, fry until tender, add to the rest of the products. Mix everything thoroughly, taste it.

Potato zrazy

Now you need to form zrazy with meat, for this you should take about 80 g of potato dough. Roll a ball out of it, then make a cake with your hand, put about 60 g of filling in the center, and mold the edges of the dough. Then, on the table, sprinkled with flour with the help of a hand and a knife to form oval semi-finished products. A knife is necessary for pressing the corners, then they will be smooth and beautiful. If this process is too complicated, you can simply form the semi-finished products in the form of large cutlets.

It is necessary to fry this complex dish of meat over medium heat under a closed lid in a large amount of vegetable oil. Zrazy should often be turned over so that the dough does not burn, but the filling is cooked. When there is too much meat or the semi-finished products are too thick, you can bring the dish to readiness in the oven.

How to Make French Pork Meat

A wonderful festive dish, which is often served at a solemn feast. In the cooking process uses a fairly large number of ingredients. This recipe is slightly different from the classic. In the original, grated cheese just sprinkles on top, there will also be a magnificent cheese cap. In this case, this complex hot meat dish will have a unique appearance and taste.

French meat

List of products for cooking:

  • pork cue ball - 1 kg (from this weight you get 20 pieces of meat);
  • two onions;
  • one carrot;
  • 400 g mayonnaise;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 200 g of mushrooms;
  • one or two eggs;
  • 400 g of hard cheese.

The dish itself is quite fragrant, so only thyme and rosemary should be used from spices.

How to cook?

You must follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Peel pork from veins and excess fat, rinse and dry with paper towels or napkins.
  2. Cut into 50 g portions. Cover each piece with cling film and beat off with a culinary hammer. The thickness of the meat should be about 0.3 cm. Salted prepared pork, add pepper and other spices.
  3. Now you need to chop peeled onions and carrots into strips. Fry them in a pan until cooked, set aside for cooling. It is also necessary to fry the mushrooms, sliced ​​in slices.
  4. In a deep bowl, mix the mayonnaise with cream, grated cheese and eggs. Stir everything until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  5. Put prepared meat on a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Lubricate with a thin layer of cheese dressing, top with vegetables and mushrooms, and then spoon with mayonnaise and sour cream.
  6. Heat the oven to 190 degrees. Bake the dish for 20 minutes. After that, it can be laid out on portioned plates, previously decorated with greens.
Beat the pork

Now you know how to cook pork meat in French so that it turns out to be really tasty and original.

Mushroom rolls with mushrooms and onions

A very tasty dish, which is first a little fried in flour, and then stewed in a large amount of sour cream and herbs. It takes about 1.5 hours to cook. Required Products:

  • pork cue ball - 500 g;
  • 150 g of carrots and onions;
  • 250 g of champignons (forest mushrooms can also be used);
  • a few tablespoons of flour;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • bouillon cube.

The recipe for meat rolls of pork stuffed with no specific instructions for spices, so you can take the universal seasoning "For meat dishes", it can be purchased at any supermarket in the spice department.

Preparatory phase and cooking

The easiest way to cook this dish is if you follow the step-by-step instructions exactly:

  1. Peel the pork and rinse it under a stream of cold water. Cut into small pieces and beat them well, then salt.
  2. Grind all vegetables and mushrooms in small cubes. Fry until tender in a pan, adding a small amount of salt and seasoning. Set aside, the filling in pork meat rolls should be cooled.
  3. After some time, put the fried foods on each piece of meat and roll the rolls, the edges need to be wrapped inside.
  4. Pour a small amount of flour onto a plate, put the pan on the fire, pour oil into it and heat it well.
  5. Roll each roll in flour, fry until golden brown. Semi-finished products are folded in a deep pan with a thick bottom. Pour with a little water, add sour cream.
  6. Stew meat on low heat for 30 minutes. Then finely chop the dill, add to the pan, cook the dish for another 30 minutes.
  7. Serve rolls in deep plates with sour cream sauce.

Stuffed rabbit in the oven

This dish is a real delicacy, the meat of this animal is very healthy. Despite this, it’s quite difficult to cook a rabbit properly, if you only overexpose it a little, the meat will become hard and dry. For cooking, you need to take:

  • one carcass of a rabbit;
  • 150 g of rice;
  • 200 g of mushrooms (recommended forest, they have a brighter flavor);
  • some tomatoes;
  • 150 g of onions;
  • some eggs.
Stuffed rabbit

The following spices are very well combined with a rabbit: coriander, turmeric, basil, marjoram and oregano. It is not necessary to use all of them in one dish, only 2-3 items are enough.

Food Preparation and Stuffing

  1. The preparation of a complex meat dish begins with the preparation of the main product. Rinse the carcass under water and dry with paper towels. Rub it abundantly with seasonings, salt and vegetable oil. Put the rabbit in the refrigerator for 2 hours, it should be marinated.
  2. In the meantime, you can start preparing the rest of the ingredients. Boil the rice until half cooked, then rinse it, in which case it will turn out friable. It is also necessary to boil the eggs and peel them, cut into small cubes, put to rice.
  3. Peel onions and mushrooms, rinse in cold water. Finely chop both products, fry them in a pan until cooked, put them in the rest of the products. There, send chopped tomatoes. Grind all the internal organs of the rabbit, fry, put in a bowl. Season the mass with salt, pepper and spices. After mixing, taste.
  4. When the time allotted for the pickle passes, the carcass should be removed from the refrigerator and stuffed with rice filling. The hole through which the stuffing was carried out must be tied with thread. Put the rabbit on a baking sheet, bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour. Periodically, you need to water the carcass with juice, which stands out from it. Thanks to this, the dish will turn out more juicy. If the size of the rabbit is small, then it may take less time to cook, so you need to regularly monitor the readiness so as not to overdry this complex meat dish.

Instead of rice, you can use any other cereal that is available. Optionally, you can take a larger number of vegetables, for example, add asparagus, bell pepper, broccoli or cauliflower.

Batter-fried heart

A very unusual and delicious beef heart dish. Before cooking, the main product must be soaked in a special brine, so the preparatory phase begins 1 day before the main processes. Essential Ingredients:

  • beef heart - 500 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of flour;
  • lemon.

Of spices, it is recommended to use paprika, cayenne pepper, rosemary.

Cooking heart

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Cut the heart into several parts and rinse it very thoroughly under water.
  2. Take a saucepan, draw 1.5 liters of water into it, add 50 g of salt, lemon juice and lemon zest. Throw a heart into the brine and set it aside for the whole night. This is necessary so that the product is perfectly pure and has a pleasant aroma. Also, thanks to the brine, the heart becomes more tender.
  3. Prepare a simple batter based on eggs, flour and water, if desired, you can use milk.
  4. Remove the heart from the pan, cut it into thin enough strips, add all the necessary spices. The offal is recommended to be made sharp enough.
  5. Put the pan on fire, fry the heart in vegetable oil. When it is heated, pieces of meat must be rolled in batter, put in a pan.
  6. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Note! Since the beef heart is used in the recipe, it is recommended not to bring it to full readiness. In this case, the dish will turn out incredibly juicy and tender.

Cut beef heart

Also from this product you can make a kind of steak. The preparation of the main ingredient occurs in the same way. Only instead of frying in a pan in batter, the heart needs to be grilled. You can serve it with any red sauce and baked potatoes. It is worth noting that a fried heart with whole, large piece is served only in a few good European restaurants.

Now you know many different recipes for preparing complex hot meat dishes. In fact, difficulties can arise only during certain processes. Having once prepared such a dish, the next time you will make it much better and much faster, so do not worry, but rather take and cook, honing your culinary skills.

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