Suppositories for hemorrhoids "Anestezol": reviews, instructions for use

A disease such as hemorrhoids brings a lot of suffering, both physical and moral. The vast majority of people suffering from this problem for a long time do not dare to contact a specialist, missing the opportunity to solve it in a quality manner, without serious medical intervention or serious consequences. One of the drugs often prescribed in hemorrhoid therapy is Anestezol (suppositories). Instructions, reviews about it will be discussed below.

What is not customary to say out loud

Unfortunately, human life is so arranged that it is almost impossible to avoid health problems. Moreover, some diseases are considered something shameful, which is not customary to talk about. These diseases include hemorrhoids. With a bowel problem, soreness, itching, the appearance of bumps in the anus, the doctor is most often consulted when the disease is already sufficiently started and requires long-term medication or even surgical treatment. Since the beginning of hemorrhoids, "Anestezol" is one of the sought-after medicines in the treatment of hemorrhoids. But you should always remember that high-quality treatment can be prescribed only after an adequate diagnosis, and therefore self-medication of intestinal problems is not worth it.

suppositories for hemorrhoids anestezol reviews

What is part of the drug?

Suppositories from hemorrhoids "Anestezol" composition are multicomponent, because 4 active substances work in this preparation:

  • benzocaine - a widely used anesthetic;
  • zinc oxide - a chemical compound of natural origin, used in pharmacology as an absorbent, antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Racementol - a natural substance of plant origin with anesthetic and antiseptic qualities;
  • bismuth subgallate - a compound with anti-inflammatory, drying properties.

To give the drug a specific shape - conical suppositories, it includes components such as polyethylene oxide 1500 and polyethylene oxide 400 in the amount necessary to give the mass the moldable consistency.

suppositories from hemorrhoids anestezol

How do active substances work?

Suppositories for hemorrhoids "Anestezol" reviews from patients suffering from hemorrhoids are mostly grateful, because the drug is used as a local anesthetic, drying and antiseptic. How does it work, which for several decades remains a demanded antihemorrhoidal remedy?

Benzocaine acts on receptors, blocking the sodium channels of cell membranes, which prevents the passage of a nerve impulse.

Racementol stimulates the cold receptors of the skin, which makes pain less apparent. Antiseptic properties are manifested by the action of a substance on microbial cells.

Zinc oxide has the ability to form albuminates and denature proteins, which reduces inflammation and irritation on the skin.

Vi smoot subgallate at the site of application causes the process of coagulation of proteins, cell membranes and extracellular fluid. As a result of this , a film is formed that protects sensitive nerve endings from irritation, which relieves pain and prevents the development of edema. It also causes narrowing of local blood vessels, lowering vascular permeability, decreasing exudation and reducing tissue inflammation. This substance, when applied externally, is slightly absorbed into the systemic circulation.

It is on the complex effect of the active substances of the suppository for hemorrhoids "Anestezol" that the majority of respondents receive positive reviews.

suppositories for hemorrhoids anestezol instruction

In what cases can I use the drug?

The instructions for use attached to the drug "Anestezol" (suppositories) indicate its use in problems such as anal fissures and hemorrhoids. The medicinal substances that make up rectal suppositories help to relieve pain, have an antiseptic and drying effect, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of these diseases. This drug is most often prescribed in combination with other means and methods of treatment.

And when can’t you use candles?

Quite often, the recommended remedy is suppositories for hemorrhoids "Anestezol". The instruction for him indicates some contraindications to their use. This is children's age - up to 12 years, as well as intolerance to the components of the drug, in particular methanol and benzocaine. Allergies can be established on bismuth and zinc, which also serves as a reason to abandon such therapy.

During pregnancy, hemorrhoids are a common problem, but due to the fact that bismuth enters the systemic circulation, albeit in small quantities, and from there through the placental barrier into the bloodstream of the fetus, this drug is not recommended for use during gestation. The same restriction applies to the period of breastfeeding.

suppositories for hemorrhoids anestezol instructions for use

Side effects

Suppositories for hemorrhoids "Anestezol" reviews are mostly recommendatory, although some of them mention the appearance of not very pleasant side effects, such as itching and burning. In addition to these sensations, when used in the treatment of hemorrhoids or anal fissures, an allergic reaction can develop. It should also be remembered that rectal suppositories can have a laxative effect.

How to use suppositories?

About a drug such as suppositories for hemorrhoids "Anestezol", the instructions for use say that the method of their use is rectal, that is, suppositories are introduced into the anus. The introduction algorithm is as follows:

  • after natural defecation or a cleansing enema, it is necessary to wash and dry the anus area with a clean cloth;
  • it is most convenient to put candles lying on your side, but you can do this by standing with one foot on a raised platform, for example, on a chair;
  • with clean hands, open the contour cell with the drug, remove the candle;
  • gently insert it into the anus, moving your finger as deep as possible;
  • lie down for a while.

It is not worth putting suppositories before bowel movement, since their introduction will cause bowel movements, and the drug will be removed from the body without having any therapeutic effect. The candle will be used in vain.

Apply this medicine 1-2 times a day. A single or repeated intake is best done before bedtime, so that the medicine works actively during the rest period.

suppositories for hemorrhoids anestezol composition

How to buy and how to store suppositories from hemorrhoids?

Suppositories for hemorrhoids "Anestezol" reviews are positive from those who, with the help of this drug, got rid of the painful sensations caused by problems with the intestines. You can buy this drug at any pharmacy, it is sold at the request of the buyer without a doctor’s prescription. Its price is as affordable as possible - a drug package costs from 80 to 120 rubles, depending on the pharmacy network.

Suppositories are stored in a cool place, avoiding exposure to high temperatures - above 25 0 C. Candles must be kept away from small children.

anesthesol candles reviews

What do doctors and patients say about the drug?

The antihemorrhoidal drug "Anestezol" (suppositories) reviews from both specialists and patients are recommendatory and grateful. Doctors talk about the effectiveness of the drug in complex therapy, and patients note that suppositories relieve unpleasant and painful sensations arising from cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids. Very rarely, drug responses mention side effects - burning and itching. Many of the patients who used this drug in the treatment of hemorrhoids note its low cost, which is important for such drugs, because people from all walks of life suffer from this disease.

There are grateful reviews from women suffering from postpartum hemorrhoids and cracks. They note a quick relief of soreness, as well as a cure for the problem.

Since the evening with hemorrhoids "Anestezol", reviews from doctors are also positive, because experts base their opinions on the condition of patients, the course of the disease, the rate of disappearance of painful symptoms.

anestezol suppository

Are there any analogues?

Hemorrhoids - a serious disease that can cause a serious deterioration in the quality of life, and often leading to much more serious problems than recurring pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease on time. Since the evening with hemorrhoids "Anestezol" reviews have positive, like many similar drugs.

For example, rectal suppositories "Anuzol", which have the same properties as "Anestezol", but as active components include xeroform (bismuth tribromophenolate), belladonna extract thick and zinc sulfate. Another drug available to treat the “silent problem” is Olestesin, which employs benzocaine, sulfaethidol, and sea buckthorn oil.

There are undoubtedly hemorrhoid medications that are in a different price category, for example, Proctosedil, Relief, Proctoglivenol. Which rectal suppositories to choose for the treatment of a painful and serious disease - hemorrhoids, the attending physician should say after a thorough examination and an adequate diagnosis.

anesthesol suppository instruction reviews

Discomfort in the anus, the appearance of itching, hemorrhoids, bleeding require a mandatory visit to a proctologist. Health is the most important thing, and you don’t need to be shy to see a doctor with your problems, because time for medical assistance may be missed and then you will have to resort to surgical intervention. In addition, cancer of the rectum can have symptoms of hemorrhoids. Therefore, first - a visit to a doctor and a thorough examination, and only then - the use of drugs and physiotherapy prescribed by a specialist.

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