"Dopegit": instructions for use, reviews and analogues

According to the instructions for use, Dopegit tablets are designed to normalize blood pressure. Pharmacies are dispensed strictly with a doctor’s prescription. They can provoke side effects if the medication is used incorrectly, therefore Dopegit is allowed to be taken strictly under the supervision of the attending doctor.

Technical points

In the instructions for the use of Dopegit tablets, the manufacturer describes how the product looks. Each capsule is white or painted in a grayish tint, close to white. The tablets are round, flat. One side is smooth, the name of the drug is engraved on the other. The medicine either has no smell at all, or it is very weak.

Dopeg tablets

The instructions for use of Dopegit indicate that one tablet contains 250 mg of the main active substance of methyldopa in the form of methyldopa sesquihydrate. Additional substances were used to ensure the storage duration, effectiveness and ease of use of the medication, as well as increasing its digestibility. Without exception, all compounds used in the manufacturing process are listed in the instructions for use attached to Dopegit. Mentioned here:

  • starch;
  • talc;
  • stearic acid;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • cellulose.


Instructions for use "Dopegita" 250 mg (dosage of the active substance in one tablet) indicates that the drug is able to correct high blood pressure. The medication has a central effect. The metabolic process is associated with the production of alpha-methylnoradrenaline. The metabolite is active, lowers blood pressure. Efficiency is due to several mechanisms.

The manufacturer notes that the metabolite of the active substance of the tablets decreases the sympathetic tone, since it activates the work of α2 receptors. In addition, dopamine is replaced in certain parts of the nervous system, so a false neurotransmitter is included in the work.

In the instructions for use for the drug "Dopegit", the manufacturer indicates a decrease in the activity of plasma renin, a decrease in peripheral resistance in the cardiovascular system. The active substance of the tablets inhibits dopa-decarboxylase, therefore, the production of certain active compounds (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine) decreases. Under the influence of the active component of the drug, tissues are less able to accumulate adrenaline, norepinephrine.

Important Nuances

In the instructions for the use of Dopegit, the manufacturer indicates: methyldopa does not have a direct effect on the activity of the heart muscle. When this compound enters the human body, the cardiac output does not decrease, and reflex tachycardia is not stimulated. There is no glomerular filtration adjustment; the process speed does not decrease. The drug does not affect blood flow in the kidneys. Cases are known when, while taking tablets, the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle decreased. The drug helps to lower the pressure, acts when the patient is standing and lying. Orthostatic hypotension is rarely observed.

Prescribing the drug, the doctor will tell you at what pressure “Dopegit” should be used according to the instructions for use, what dosages are indicated to the person. The choice of dose, frequency of doses is prescribed taking into account the fact that the most pronounced effect on lowering pressure is observed 5 hours after the drug is ingested. Sometimes the gap is slightly shorter or longer, deviations in both directions - within an hour.

The duration of the hypotensive effect is from half a day to a day. The instructions for use for Dopegit clarifies that with repeated use, maximum effectiveness is observed after two to three days of the course. If the tool is canceled, gradually the pressure returns to its previous values. On average, it takes no more than two days.

dopegit instructions for use

When and how

The main indication for the use of tablets is arterial hypertension. The medication is allowed to be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. From pharmacies, a drug without a doctor’s prescription (according to the rules) is not sold - this is paid attention to both on the packaging and in the instructions for use of Dopegit. The reviews, however, indicate that you can buy pills without a prescription - the drug is popular and effective, many people prescribe it, but people often forget recipes at home.

The rules for using the medicine at the reception will be explained by the doctor. The scheme is individual, compiled taking into account the particular case. The tablets are intended for oral use shortly before or immediately after a meal.

For adult patients, the Dopegit medicine (instructions confirm that doctors often prescribe the drug according to this scheme) for adults, it is recommended to use the tablet up to three times a day for the first two days of the course. The doctor evaluates the response of the body and adjusts the program. Both a reduction in volumes and an increase in them are possible. The optimal adjustment step is 250 mg in a couple of days. In order for the sedative effect to be less pronounced, you must first adjust the evening dose. To maintain the patient's condition, 0.5-2 g is prescribed. The total number is divided into several openings: from two to four.

One of the advantages of the drug is the ability to use it during pregnancy, lactation. The instructions for the use of "Dopegit", reviews of patients using these pills, mention that the drug is relatively safe, therefore it is prescribed to pregnant women, sometimes even to nursing mothers. The manufacturer mentions that this is possible only if the patient is constantly monitored.

Subtleties of use

For a day, “Dopegit” for adults is allowed in an amount of not more than 2 g. If such a volume of the drug does not show a pronounced effect, you need to combine the medication with other substances that correct blood pressure.

As indicated in the instructions for use with Dopegit tablets, during pregnancy it is especially important to focus on the dose prescribed by the doctor, and in no case take the drug at your discretion. At present, it has not been possible to identify a negative effect on the fetus, but special care is required to ensure the safety of the child and mother. If there is no way to replace Dopegit with a safer product, it is important to use tablets, clearly following the instructions for use. “Dopegit” for pregnant women, although it is not included in the list of prohibited products, can provoke some risks.

Important Nuances

Some time after the start of taking the tablets, there is a chance of a lack of effectiveness. Usually this develops not earlier than in a month, sometimes in a quarter of a year. To increase the effectiveness of the drug program, it is necessary to combine Dopegit and diuretics. An alternative approach is to increase the dosage of the drug in question. These options are suitable for different groups of patients, including those who are pregnant. Instructions for use "Dopegit" is recommended as an element of a comprehensive course for controlling blood pressure.

If it is necessary to prescribe treatment for the elderly, the initial volumes are chosen as little as possible. Clinical trials have shown that the sedative effect of Dopegit in such patients is much stronger. If there is a need, you can increase the dosage, as for other patients (including during pregnancy) - according to the instructions for use. Reviews of "Dopegita" confirm that the need for this occurs in the predominant percentage of patients, since the minimum dose is sufficient to adjust only slight deviations. You can increase volumes no more than once every two days. The maximum daily dose for the elderly is 2 g. It is impossible to cross this border.

Negative consequences: what to prepare for?

Side effects when taking the drug occur - this is evidenced by reviews. The instructions for use "Dopegita" (for pregnant women, the elderly and the general group of patients) lists what are the possible negative consequences for the body. Most often, patients complain of craving for sleep, weakness. The head may hurt. These phenomena are more characteristic of the beginning of the therapeutic course and the period of getting used to the increased dosage after its correction.

From the reviews compiled by patients, the instructions for using Dopegit during pregnancy, in old age, as well as in all other groups of people undergoing treatment, there is a risk of an anxious or depressed state, psychosis. Nightmares are possible, sometimes dizzy. Fixed paresthesia. In an extremely small percentage of cases, paresis of the facial nerve, parkinsonism, and choreoathetosis developed.

The manufacturer warns that taking tablets may be accompanied by weight gain, swelling, impaired heart function (bradycardia, tachycardia, insufficiency). There is a risk of ulcerative processes in the tongue, increased gas formation, jaundice, hepatitis. As indicated in the instructions for use "Dopegita" (a photo of how it looks, you can see below), taking tablets can cause stool disorders, nausea and vomiting, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes in the salivary glands. There is a risk of leukemia, thrombocytopenia, anemia. Tablets can provoke an allergic response, gynecomastia, galactorrhea, amenorrhea, weakening of sexual function, myalgia, arthralgia, rhinitis.

dopegy during pregnancy instructions for use reviews

It is impossible!

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions for use for Dopegit: during lactation, the drug can be used, but only if it is possible to control the condition of the child, since the active compound is excreted from the mother's body with breast milk. In some cases, it is reasonable to consider the possibility of replacing the medication or transferring the child to artificial nutrition.

Absolute contraindications for the use of medicines will be:

  • depressive states;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • high sensitivity to any components of the drug;
  • acute heart attack;
  • anemia;
  • the use of MAOI;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis.

You can not use "Dopegit" if in the past, methyldopa was the cause of liver disease.

Particularly noteworthy are patients who have established renal failure. In this situation, the doctor chooses a reduced dose, based on the patient's condition. It is necessary to carefully select the dosage and monitor the condition, during the course, strictly follow the instructions for the use of "Dopegit" in lactation, in the treatment of patients of minor and old age, as well as people who have diencephalic syndrome.

It's important to know

As mentioned above, there is no strict prohibition on taking this drug by women who are bearing a child, breastfeeding. Specialized studies were conducted to identify how much the use of the medicine can harm the body of an adult, fetus, baby. It was revealed that when tablets are used in the second and third part of the term, there are no violations, damage to the embryo is not inflicted, the child is born normal. Currently, strictly controlled trials of the use of the drug by pregnant women in the third trimester have not yet been organized. The manufacturer advises to take pills during this period only if possible continuous monitoring of the woman and the embryo. The doctor must first analyze the possible dangers associated with the use of the medication, notify the woman about them, only then prescribe the drug.

A study of children born to women after the 26th week of gestation using the drug did not provide information on the possible negative effects associated with its use. The condition of the embryo in women who used Dopegit in the last third of the term was, on average, better than for those who did not use pills.

Studies have shown that methyldopa passes into milk. It is possible to use Dopegit during breastfeeding only if the doctor has previously analyzed the benefits of this practice, the possible dangers, and informed the patient about them.

Accuracy is the key to therapy success

The drug is categorically not combined with alcohol. They will have to be excluded from the diet for the period of treatment with a remedy for high blood pressure.

For some time, at the beginning of a therapeutic course, it is impossible to drive vehicles or work with high-precision devices and mechanisms. Any potentially dangerous activities will have to be avoided. This is due to the sedative effect of the drug - possibly slowing down psychomotor reactions. The duration of this period is determined by the doctor, focusing on the characteristics of the patient's response to the therapeutic course.

dopegit instructions for use in lactation

"Dopegit": analogues

Instructions for use indicate that the main active ingredient of the described drug is methyldopa. The following drugs were based on it:

  • Methyldopa.
  • "Dopanol."
  • Aldomet.

All of them are currently retired.

If it is necessary to choose an alternative option, it is necessary to coordinate the replacement with the doctor - only the doctor will be able to suggest what, in a particular case, is suitable as an analogue. Reviews and instructions for the use of "Dopegit" allow us to talk about the effectiveness of this tool, and its average price in pharmacies (about 140 rubles per package) is about accessibility, so in practice the need for replacement arises infrequently.

Methyldopa: what is it?

The official chemical name for this compound is 3-hydroxy-alpha-methyl-L-tyrosine.

medicine dopegit instructions for use

The substance is formulated as a pressure reducing agent. It is produced by an odorless powdery mass of white or a yellowish tint close to white. The powder consists of small particles. It is characterized by increased solubility in water. Belongs to the group of phenylethylamines. As a medicine, it is available as tablets.

Methyldopa acts on central mechanisms to control blood pressure in the arteries. The effect is on alpha-2-adreno receptors located in the presynaptic neural membrane. Due to this effect, the direction of impulses to the vascular system slows down.

The peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure in the arteries are reduced, and blood flow in the kidneys is activated. Methyldopa stimulates glomerular filtration and in moderate mode inhibits the activity of plasma renin. The content in the tissues of epinephrine, serotonin, dopamine is reduced. Prolonged use of the drug may cause regression of left ventricular hypertrophy. Under the influence of the drug, an increase in the concentration of collagen in the muscle tissue of the heart is possible.

Effects of influence

Occasionally, the first dose of the drug causes hypertension, but the effect is short-lived. With increased physical activity, the effectiveness of the drug decreases. Under the influence of the substance, the sinus rhythm slows down, there is a delay in the body's fluids, the accumulation of sodium. Baroreceptors become more active, which leads to refractoriness with a prolonged therapeutic course. If you stop using the drug abruptly, the patient will experience withdrawal symptoms.

Methyldopa is characterized by a sedative effect, most pronounced after the start of the course, somewhat weakening 2-3 weeks after the start of stable administration. The pressure decreases on average five hours after taking the pill, and the effectiveness of a single dose can be observed up to two days. In some cases, methyldopa is indicated for patients in the form for intravenous infusion. With this use case, a persistent positive effect on pressure is noticeable after three hours, the maximum - after another hour. The duration of action is estimated at 10 hours on average.

medicine dopegit instructions for use reviews

Chemistry and biology

The biological transformation of methyldopa begins on the mucosa of the digestive system. Orthosulfated metabolites are formed here. On average, bioavailability is estimated at 50%. The highest concentrations of the active compound in the circulatory system are observed 2-6 hours after taking the drug. The substance may enter the central nervous system. One tenth of the reaction enters into hydrolysis and decarboxylation reactions, as a result of which alpha-methyloradrenaline, alpha-methyldopamine are formed. With plasma proteins, the ability to communicate is estimated to be low. For methyldopa, the indicators do not exceed 20%, for active metabolites - up to 40%.

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Side effects

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Less commonly, methyldopa provokes anxiety, a slow reaction, parkinsonism, gait instability, manifestations similar to cerebrovascular insufficiency, as well as a weakening of quick thinking. Possible inhibition of psychoemotional status, sleep disturbance, anxiety, decreased pressure above normal, impaired heart rate and heart rate, edema, redness of the skin of the face. Sometimes patients feel sick, possibly weakening sexual activity, increased blood nitrogen, necrolysis, fever, eosinophilia, anemia.

dopeget instructions for use reviews and analogues

Reception Nuances

Methyldopa in the form of tablets is prescribed to the patient first in an amount of 250 mg per day. The tablet is used in the evening, shortly before bedtime. Every two days, the dose can be increased by 250 mg. The maximum allowable volume for a day is 3 g. It is necessary to divide the amount of the drug recommended by the doctor into several doses. It was hardly possible to achieve a lasting effect, the dose is reduced to 0.25 g, used once every two days.

In old age, methyldopa is first prescribed in the amount of 0.125 g for one or two days. Raising is allowed up to 2 g, but no more. The dose is divided into two doses.

For children, the starting dose is selected based on the patient’s weight: 10 mg per kilogram. Thus calculated for one day, the dose is divided into 2-4 servings. At one time, the child can use no more than 65 mg / kg.

With an overdose of methyldopa, it can provoke a violation of the rhythm and heart rate, craving for sleep. Tremor is observed, headache and dizziness, stool is broken, gas formation is activated. Against the background of an overdose, acute hypotension is possible.

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