Breastfeeding corn porridge: recipes, benefits and harms

With the birth of a baby, concerns for each mother only increase. Thousands of questions arise daily: how to properly care, bathe, dress, feed. The issue of feeding should be taken seriously. In order for the infant to receive good nutrition along with breast milk, his mother's menu should be balanced and varied.

breast porridge

That is, to contain all the necessary supply of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances necessary for proper growth and development.

Nutrition in the first months

The digestive system of the newborn is still being formed, unfamiliar food in the mother’s diet can provoke allergies and all kinds of disorders. Even ordinary corn porridge during breastfeeding is not suitable for everyone. That is why in the first months a diet and a strictly limited set of products are recommended. From about three months of age, you can gradually return to your usual food.

is it possible to corn porridge with breastfeeding

But this does not mean that there is now absolutely everything possible. Nothing hot, smoked, salty. Also, a minimum of preservatives and products that cause fermentation in the intestines. The use of fruits and vegetables is possible, but only after heat treatment and in small quantities. Introducing a new product, you should observe the reaction of the baby's body. If everything is normal, you can continue to eat it, if not, exclude it for a while.

Is it possible or not?

Unfortunately, some products can cause allergies, colic and other unpleasant symptoms in a newborn. Often, mothers worry about what can be eaten and what cannot. They are interested not in rare exotic fruits, but in familiar, familiar products from childhood. For example, is it possible to corn porridge with breastfeeding? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, his age and method of cooking. After all, even the food familiar to us may at first not be perceived by the body of a little man. In the first months of life there is no need to experiment. It’s better to wait until the baby grows a little.

How useful are porridges

As you know, cereal dishes are one of the few that can be included in the menu immediately after childbirth. They help the body recover, give a lot of energy, improve the digestive system and intestines, and help lose weight.

corn porridge during breastfeeding

It has been proven that corn porridge for breastfeeding is very useful. After all, it contains many useful substances, among which:

  • Vitamin A - promotes tissue regeneration, participates in metabolic processes, is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and has a beneficial effect on vision.
  • B vitamins are involved in metabolic processes, improve the digestive system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize heart activity, participate in cellular metabolism, improve mental activity, strengthen memory, help cope with stress, normalize sleep, are responsible for the beauty and growth of nails, hair, skin cell renewal. Here are some excellent results from corn porridge during breastfeeding. But a calm and rested mother is the key to normal growth, development and good mood in the baby.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, ensures the normal functioning of the reproductive system, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, removes excess fluid, and prevents fatigue.
  • Iron is involved in hematopoiesis, prevents the development of anemia, removes cholesterol, prevents fatigue, and improves skin tone.
  • Potassium normalizes metabolism, supports the normal functioning of the heart, normalizes blood pressure, successfully fights swelling, supplies the brain with oxygen, increases strength, and increases endurance during physical exertion.

breastmilk corn porridge reviews

Here is another plus in favor of how useful corn porridge for breastfeeding.

Magnesium increases the energy potential of the body, combats stress, depression, normalizes sleep, tones, soothes, prevents allergic reactions.

Of course, this is not a complete list. Corn also contains selenium, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, iodine, calcium, sodium, copper, and other components necessary for a growing body.

Colic Myths

It is a misconception that corn porridge causes colic when breastfeeding . On the contrary, due to the high content of active components in corn grains, the intestinal fermentation processes are inhibited. Its use is indicated for enterocolitis in infants. According to pediatricians, she must be in the diet of a nursing mother. Moreover, due to its high fiber content, corn porridge during feeding has a good effect on intestinal motility, removes toxins and helps to quickly recover after pregnancy and childbirth.


Despite a number of useful properties, corn porridge during breastfeeding can cause constipation in the baby. This results in a high starch content. Therefore, this cereal should be introduced gradually, carefully observing the reaction of the child's body.

breast porridge causes colic

The tendency to allergies in infants also needs to be considered when drawing up the daily menu of a young mother. After all, the carotene contained in corn porridge can sometimes give a negative reaction. In this case, you should refrain from using this product for a while.

Like other cereal products, corn contains gluten. For babies with intolerance to this component, corn porridge is contraindicated during breastfeeding. Like any other. In this case, making a menu should only be done after consultation with your doctor. Also excluded is the use of fresh corn, sweet sticks and cereal.

In case of problems with the digestive system of the child, such porridge should also be abstained.

Cooking right

At first, corn porridge during breastfeeding should be present on the menu of a young mother. But it needs to be cooked correctly. During this period, it is worth restricting the use of salt and sugar, remove spices, various sauces and preservatives. Groats need to choose high-quality, be sure to consider the expiration date. Cooking is better on the water.

To make porridge, we need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • incomplete glass of corn grits;
  • salt, sugar to taste;
  • low-fat yogurt or butter for dressing.

Rinse the groats thoroughly in running water, add water, add salt and cook over low heat, stirring so that no lumps form. If desired, the finished dish can be seasoned with butter and sugar.

Alternatively, such porridge can be poured with chicken stock, add finely chopped dill greens. But the dish should not be greasy. Remember the baby!

For breakfast, corn porridge goes well with baked apples and raisins. You can add nuts and prunes.

How delicious

Often young mothers are concerned about being overweight. The kilograms gained during pregnancy go away slowly, and sports training is not accessible to everyone. In this case, a balanced menu will help. Cereals, by the way, also contribute to weight loss. Corn porridge is especially useful for breastfeeding. Reviews of many mothers prove that it is low-calorie, and its regular use contributes to weight loss and helps to quickly return to its previous shape without much effort.

corn porridge during feeding

The main thing is to cook it without all kinds of sauces, not to fry, and boiled chicken or beef with stewed vegetables will be suitable as an addition. They are best done steamed or in a pan in their own juice. As a dessert, you can add a little raisins or dried apricots in it. Give it a try! There are many options, besides it is really delicious!

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