The causes of swelling of the testicle may be different. I remember how back in the days of the USSR one guy was badly beaten. First, his right testicle was swollen, and then his left. By the way, normally the right testicle is almost always smaller than the left. This is physiology and is not a pathology. However, in the case when something seems unnatural to you, not the same as usual, then it seems worth it to a specialist. Especially when it comes to the child.
Testicles swell with some diseases. Moreover, such a symptom may be accompanied by pain. For example, this was the case with the aforementioned guy with a testicular injury. Other pathologies include infections in a specific area, mumps, veins in the scrotum, and twisting of the spermatic cord.
The testicles are protected from external influences with the help of the scrotum - a skin-muscle sac. Thus, the function of thermoregulation is performed, and at an unfavorable moment, due to pulling the testicles to the stomach and cushioning, they are protected from shock. Each testicle is equipped with its own "lifter". If it is cold outside, then such “lifters” also pull the testicles closer to the body.
The boys' testicles swell if a loop of intestines enters the inguinal canal. This of course is clearly a pathological case. Sometimes the inguinal ring can even overgrow, and then the testicles are not backward. The inguinal canal does not fully grow, since the spermatic cord passes through it. However, when lifting weights or applying other excessive forces, an omentum can also enter the channel, in addition to the loop of the intestine.
In such cases, the testicles swell or one of them, but there may not be pain. It is characteristic that with light pressure on such swelling, it quickly disappears. What is dangerous with inguinal hernia is that the released intestinal loops are prone to infringement. Then, of course, the pain can be very severe. Injuries of this kind can also lead to necrosis of a certain part of the intestine. Naturally, such a pathology requires an early medical examination and the appointment of quality treatment. As a rule, this is surgery. In some cases, long-term wearing of a special bandage may be prescribed.
If the testicles swell, then this may be a symptom of a cyst developing in the scrotum . Such a cyst is filled with various kinds of contents, and the pathology is called hydrocele or dropsy. In such cases, patients complain that their right testicle is swollen (maybe the left one). In this case, the examination reveals the formation of a cyst, which is filled with fluid. The fluid is clear and bright, and the tumor itself is watery, painless and soft.
Such swelling practically does not bring any particular inconvenience. However, progressing, it can provoke the accumulation of fluid in the scrotum cavity, which presses on the nerve endings and blood vessels and can disrupt the nutrition of the testicles, and even lead to atrophy. It may sound corny, but if the testicles swell, then a timely qualified examination will help to avoid many of these problems.
Due to severe injuries during rupture of the urethra, a pathology occurs in which urine accumulates in the cyst cavity. This pathology is called urocele. Surgery in such cases is required. When the scrotum is felt, painless nodules can be detected in which pain is felt with more compression. In this case, it can also be a varicocele in which changes occur, both in the vessels, and in the scrotum and in the vas deferens. This pathology may not cause discomfort, but in those cases when it causes anxiety, pain, you need to see a doctor. The specialist can remove the affected vessels.
Due to a blow to the scrotum, a cyst with blood can form - a hematocele, which almost always resolves without treatment. However, the conclusion from what was read is as follows: if you notice a swollen testicle, contact a specialist and avoid many health problems!