How to cook "Vinaigrette" (sauce)?

How to make classic Vinaigrette sauce? You can find the answer to this question in this article. It also provides information about what the gas station is and what features it has.

vinaigrette sauce

General information

Vinaigrette is a sauce that is very popular in French cuisine. This salad dressing, the main components of which are vegetable oil and vinegar.

Vinaigrette is a sauce ideal for stewed and boiled fish, as well as appetizers made from leaves of a lettuce salad. Depending on the recipe used, other ingredients, including fresh herbs, may be added to this dressing.

Making Classic Vinaigrette Sauce

You can use different components to prepare the fueling in question. However, the traditional recipe for this sauce requires the following products:

  • salt and black pepper - at its discretion;
  • wine vinegar (you can also use lemon or lime juice) - 1 part;
  • quality vegetable oil - 3 parts;
  • fresh herbs in the form of parsley, chervil, green onions, dill and tarragon - at the discretion;
  • capers - to taste;
  • white onion - 1 small head;
  • shallots - to your liking;
  • white sugar - at its discretion;
  • mustard or hard-boiled egg yolk - 1 small spoon or 1 pc.
    classic vinaigrette sauce

Cooking process

How to make a French vinaigrette dressing yourself? Sauce for salad or fish is quite simple to prepare. Black pepper and table salt are completely dissolved in wine vinegar (or in lime or lemon juice). After that, they add high-quality vegetable oil. Whip all ingredients with a blender until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. To stabilize it, some cooks add mustard or egg yolk, pre-cooked hard-boiled.

At the very end, finely chopped greens, including parsley, spring onions, tarragon, chervil and dill (only one of the presented species) is laid out at the dressing. Also, chopped onions and capers are added to the sauce. After tasting it, sugar is added to the ingredients to taste.

Vinaigrette sauce: instant recipe

In the event that you do not have time to make a classic French dressing using the above ingredients, we suggest you prepare it using improvised components.

So, to quickly create a tasty and fragrant sauce, you will need the following products:

  • natural vinegar 6% - 2 large spoons;
  • olive oil without a characteristic odor (i.e. refined) - about 6 large spoons;
  • Dijon mustard - 1 dessert spoon;
  • salt, ground pepper - to your personal taste.
    vinaigrette sauce recipe

Fast cooking method

How to prepare a quick French dressing "Vinaigrette"? A sauce with such an unusual name is made very simple. First, two large spoons of natural vinegar are poured into a half-liter jar. Next, salt is added to it.

Having closed the container with a lid, it is shaken vigorously. This is necessary so that the laid out spice completely dissolves.

After the steps described, refined olive oil is added to the ingredients. After repeating the mixing procedure, a little mustard, as well as chopped pepper, are laid out on the ingredients.

Having closed the lid again, it is shaken vigorously. At this point, the process of preparing a French dressing is considered complete.

Cooking a delicious salad

Salad with Vinaigrette sauce is quite unusual. To cook it at home, we need:

  • fresh cherry tomatoes - about 250 g;
  • fresh corn salad - not more than 20 g;
  • arugula - about 20 g;
  • iceberg salad - about 20 g;
  • juicy fresh carrots - about 100 g;
  • grated parmesan and walnuts - 20 g each;
  • ready-made Vinaigrette sauce - to your liking.
    salad with vinaigrette sauce

Step by step cooking light salad

To make such a tasty snack, cherry tomatoes must be cut into quarters, after having cut the stem from them. Next, you need to peel fresh and juicy carrots, and then grate it with a long straw using a Korean grater.

Thoroughly rinsing fresh lettuce leaves in a large container filled with cold water, they are thrown into a colander. After that, they are torn into medium pieces.

As for parmesan, it is crushed into crumbs. The same goes for walnuts. However, before that they are thoroughly washed and dried in the microwave.

Vinaigrette sauce for such a nutritious salad can be prepared in many ways. Usually it is made from flavourless olive oil, mustard, natural apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice, as well as salt and black pepper.

After thoroughly whipping all the ingredients, they fill in all processed foods and mix well.

Having laid the salad in a plate, it is sprinkled with chopped parmesan and walnuts.

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