Brynza Serbian: composition, useful properties, calorie content

Brynza is a representative of pickled cheeses, which have recently become very popular. It is usually eaten in kind or used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. One of the most famous cheeses of this class in our country is Brynza Srpska.

feta cheese Serbian

A little about the product itself

It is believed that the first brynza in ancient times was made by an Arab merchant. Legend tells how, on the road, he took a fat tail with milk. But in hot weather, under the influence of high temperature and bacteria contained in the product itself, it turned sour. So it turned out the world's first piece of feta cheese. Since then, production technology has changed a bit. Modern feta cheese (Serbian including) is done as follows:

  1. Milk under the influence of special types of bacteria is sour. For production, it is customary to take goat or sheep’s milk, but sometimes cow’s is also used.
  2. The resulting cheese is sent for ripening by immersing it in a container with a specially prepared brine. Such a process lasts about 30 (but no more than 60) days.

It is interesting that the Serbian cheese Brynza, like other products of this species, has virtually no crust and is a soft dense mass with a minimum amount of voids. If any crust is present, then this is only due to improper storage. Brynza retains its freshness for the longest time in the same liquid in which it ripened.

serbian feta cheese reviews

The benefits and harms of the product

Brynza Srpska, like any dairy product, contains a fairly large amount of calcium. This contributes to the natural strengthening of bones and teeth. And it should be noted that calcium itself is in this cheese in a special digestible state. In addition, the constant use of feta cheese has a positive effect on the body as a whole, and in particular on the condition of human skin. It becomes smoother, more tender, supple and velvety. And vice versa - a large amount of potassium makes this product forbidden for those who have disorders with nerves or the circulatory system. And people who have problems with the digestive tract should limit the consumption of these cheeses due to the high content of salt in them. If desired, this amount can, of course, be reduced if the product is soaked for some time in water or kept in boiling water for only a few minutes. The qualitative characteristics of the cheese will not change, and the salt will be noticeably less.

What buyers say

Sometimes the opinions of ordinary consumers disagree with what the manufacturer says or experts say. Serbian cheese is completely different in this matter. Customer reviews fully confirm all the best that is said about this product, with the exception of salt content. Many argue that its amount is so small that it almost does not taste, so the cores may not be upset about this. Otherwise, everything is true. There is another important factor, which of the whole mass of pickled cheeses stands out exactly Serbian Brynza. The reviews confirm the words of the manufacturer about the naturalness of the feedstock. Nowadays, you can often find dairy products made from reconstituted components. In this case, everything is different. The naturalness of this cheese is noticeable not only by the inscription on the package. This confirms a soft, delicate taste and uniform consistency. After all, a real good clot cannot be obtained from water with powder. To do this, you need natural fresh milk.

cheese Serbian cheese

Application area

This cheese (Serbian cheese) for a good cook is a real find. From it you can cook hundreds of interesting and truly delicious dishes. It can simply be served as an original snack along with fresh vegetables and herbs. In addition, they make delicious hot and cold sandwiches, soups with it and use it as an ingredient for making pizza. Brynza is also good as one of the components of the baking toppings. But most of all, such cheese is familiar to the consumer as the main component for all sorts of salads and vinaigrettes. This refers not only to the famous "Greek". There is also a rather tasty and very simple option - Shopsky salad. To prepare it you will need: 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, onion, sweet pepper pod , 4 grams of cheese, 100 grams of olives, 5 grams of apple cider vinegar, 15 grams of olive oil and a tablespoon of thyme with thyme.

Preparing a salad in minutes:

  1. Bake the pepper in the oven for 20 minutes, and then put it in a plastic bag and leave it in this condition until it cools down.
  2. At this time, cut the remaining products into cubes and put in a plate.
  3. Grind the cooled pepper into strips and add to the salad bowl along with vinegar, oil and seasonings.

Such a dish will surely appeal to those who love tasty and healthy food, but at the same time carefully monitor their weight.

Serbian feta cheese composition

What's inside

Usually, when buying cheese in a store, the buyer is primarily interested in what is good Serbian cheese. The composition of the product is able to give an exhaustive answer to this question. First you need to pay attention to what cheese is made of. In this case, only natural components are used: milk, rennet extract, edible salt and special sourdough. No food additives, flavors, thickeners or other chemical compounds. Such cheese can be eaten without fear for your health. The following are indicators of nutritional value, from which it is clear that 100 grams of such a product contains: about 20 grams of protein, 19 grams of fat, about 0.5 grams of carbohydrates, about 5 grams of ash and 52 grams of water. The composition is more than eloquent. And when you consider that the energy value of such a product does not exceed 260 kilocalories, it becomes clear that it is simply ideal for a healthy diet. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the rich vitamin composition (A, B, E), which practically does not collapse, since the process of making cheese is at a relatively low temperature.

Serbian Brynza photo

With my own eyes

You can talk for a long time about the world famous cheese Serbian Brynza. A photo can best describe any product. The picture, of course, cannot convey the original taste and delicate aroma. But it gives you the opportunity to personally see and evaluate how good the product itself or the dish that is prepared from it. Photos of many salads are so eloquent that you can cook them without even reading recipes. Brynza is extremely popular in the national cuisines of the Balkan countries, Ukraine and Moldova. Here real miracles are created from it. For example, Bulgarians like to bake this cheese in the oven. To begin with, it is abundantly sprinkled with pepper (ground red), then a little butter is added and after that, wrapped tightly in parchment, sent to the oven. The taste of such feta cheese changes dramatically. It becomes more juicy and acquires a unique aroma. Culinary rich fantasies make it possible to discover the best qualities of a familiar product. <! - EndFragment -> it’s natural fresh milk.

Serbian Brynza producer

Who makes cheese

Very often lately on the shelves of shops meets Serbian cheese. The manufacturer of this cheese - the company MLEKARA SABAC - supplies its products to many countries around the world through distributors. The largest of them in Russia are the Moscow company Foodland and the company Market Line from St. Petersburg. They are engaged in direct deliveries and provide the market with dairy products of Serbian origin. The most famous product for the Russian buyer is Adria brand products. Cheeses with this name are of high quality, and the product itself attracts attention with a convenient plastic container and good packaging. Thanks to its representatives, MLEKARA SABAC is known not only in Europe. Its products are bought with pleasure even in America. In addition to Serbia, brynza is produced by Albena (Bulgaria), Prezident (France), Denmax, Brynza from Uglich and Umalat (Russia). But nevertheless, it is MLEKARA SABAC products by Russian customers that are recognized as the absolute leader.

Serbian feta cheese at home

Do it yourself

Many people know that it is not necessary to buy cheese in a store. It can be easily done with your own hands. For example, Serbian feta cheese at home is made from the following products: for 2 liters of milk 6 eggs, 400 grams of sour cream and a couple of teaspoons of salt.

When everything is ready, you can begin work:

  1. Pour milk into a pan, add salt and bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. Beat eggs well at this time, and then combine them with sour cream.
  3. Pour the egg mass into hot milk.
  4. Cook everything together until the separation of cottage cheese and whey occurs. It takes about 5-6 minutes.
  5. Strain the hot mass through two layers of dense gauze laid in a colander.
  6. Wrap the remaining cheese with the ends of the material and put it under the press for 5 hours. For better ripening, the product can be refrigerated.

If you take the ingredients of high quality and very fresh, then this cheese cannot be distinguished from the one that is sold in the store. Only the price of the finished product will noticeably please the hostess.

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