Baked Eggplant - Blue-Purple Yummy

On the shelves of shops all year round you can easily find a beautiful oblong-shaped vegetable of blue-violet color. Previously, eggplant was mainly used for frying. However, baking whole eggplant in the oven is not only tastier, but also healthier. When they are fried in oil, they absorb a huge amount of carcinogens and other harmful substances. In the modern world there is a large number of equipment that is highly functional and allows you to get rid of harmful substances, while keeping the products healthy and tasty.

Baked Eggplant
The development of technology has brought an increase in the number of possible recipes. Zucchini, eggplant, baked in the oven, have long been popular. These dishes can be eaten without problems by people who are on diets, because both vegetables are low-calorie and have a set of all the substances necessary for the human body. The most popular are eggplants, which are baked in the oven. Not surprising!

oven-baked eggplant zucchini
Baked eggplant is a delicious and healthy dish that goes well with so many products. It can be cooked even every day, and at the same time its taste will always be varied. And where there is diversity, there are new discoveries. Eggplants themselves are great for a balanced diet. They simultaneously provide the body with many beneficial substances. In the oven, the moisture is absorbed by the filling, which protrudes from the fruit, and therefore, oil or any other fats are not absorbed into it. Therefore, the dish can be not only low-calorie, but also very useful. Even the most inexperienced housewife will be able to bake aubergine perfectly, because cooking this dish is simple. And you can open this vegetable on the other hand, just by changing the filling.

bake whole eggplant in the oven
Before baking vegetables, proper preparation is required. To do this, you do not need to make much effort, it is enough to cut the fruits in half, salt them and leave for 20 minutes. After this, the eggplant must be washed with running water, and along with the washed juice, the bitterness of the vegetable will also be removed.

For baking, it is better to use small fruits that differ in uniform color, and their tails are green. The peel in this case does not need to be removed. However, if overripe fruits are used, it is necessary to get rid of the core. It can not be used, since in it in a large number (this applies to overripe fruits) there is solanine, which is harmful to the human body. In order to make baked eggplant, the filling must be brought to a half-preparedness before being sent to the oven. Most often, only 30-40 minutes are enough to prepare this vegetable, this must be considered when choosing a filler. If meat or fish filling is used, then it must be cooked before baking longer. Baked eggplant goes well with sauces, especially dairy. An additional flavor to the dish can be given with the help of garlic. To do this, just cut the eggplant skin and stuff it with small cloves.

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