At present, the level of cancer is quite high. This can be explained by various conditions: poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle, a large number of chemical additives in food. Among all cancers, one of the leading places is breast cancer in women.
Unfortunately, it often happens that we ask for help quite late, so we have to remove the breast, and this entails other problems, such as lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy. Here we will try to deal with this disease in our article.
What is lymphostasis?
An operation to remove the mammary gland is carried out already in extreme cases, when doctors are sure that other methods of treatment will not give the desired effect. The most common complication after surgery is swelling of the upper limb, which develops due to the appearance of lymphostasis.
If after the operation there is a violation of the outflow of lymphatic fluid, then it is said that lymphostasis of the hand has developed after removal of the mammary gland. In this case, an increase in the affected organ occurs. If this problem is not eliminated, then the process spreads to neighboring tissues, there microcirculation of blood and lymph is disturbed. From this condition, it is not far from fibrosis and trophic ulcers.
If erysipelas are also added to this , then sepsis is a stone's throw away. When the operation results in the removal of large lymph nodes, the drainage function is disrupted, which leads to swelling of the hand.
Causes of the disease
With lymphostasis, persistent edema is observed, which occurs due to a violation of the outflow of tissue fluid. If you have been diagnosed with lymphostasis of the hand, the causes may be as follows:
- Operations with the removal of lymph nodes, which include mastectomy.
- Erysipelas.
- Chronic problems with the lymphatic and venous system.
Regardless of the cause, this disease requires immediate treatment to prevent serious complications from developing. There are cases when the lymph nodes and muscle tissue are completely removed, and lymphostasis does not develop, and for some, even with the slightest intervention, a severe complication begins.
Types of lymphostasis
Doctors distinguish several stages in the development of lymphostasis:
- Early edema.
- Late.
The first variety usually develops immediately after removal of the breast, as there is damage to the lymph nodes and the outflow of lymph. This edema is also called mild.
Late lymphostasis of the hand after removal of the mammary gland can also develop a fairly long time after surgery. Most often, such complications affect women who were exposed to radiation before or after surgery. Also, they can be triggered by scarring processes, which prevents the restoration of normal lymphatic drainage.
You should not take measures to eliminate this problem yourself, you must consult a doctor, because often late edema can signal a relapse of the cancer. If this is not confirmed, then it is possible to begin treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy.
Diagnosis of the disease
Usually, after the operation, the woman will be in the hospital for about three weeks under the supervision of doctors, therefore, upon examination, the doctor can detect problems with the lymphatic system in time.
If edema begins to develop at later stages, then you will also need to consult a gynecologist, who will certainly be interested in:
- What operation was performed and how many were.
- Were there any complications in the early stages after breast removal.
- The time when lymphostasis of the hand appeared after removal of the mammary gland.
- How the disease proceeds.
- What drugs have you taken.
- The presence of other chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease.
Since it is not a gynecologist who should be involved in the treatment of lymphostasis, he will recommend you consult a specialist for an adequate solution to this problem.
Lymphostasis of the hand: symptoms
If the disease proceeds in a mild form, it can be noted the appearance of swelling of the hand, which usually increases during the day, and passes after a night's rest. An increase in edema can result in physical activity or, conversely, a long stationary position.
At this stage, irreversible changes in the connective tissue are completely absent, therefore, if you turn to the lymphologist in time, the prescribed treatment will allow you to get rid of this problem.
The average degree of the disease is characterized by edema that does not disappear after rest. In this case, the growth of connective tissue occurs, the skin stretches and tightens, while you can feel pain. With persistent lymphostasis there is increased fatigue, convulsions.
If lymphostasis passes to the last stage, which is considered severe, already irreversible changes in the lymphatic system are observed. You can observe fibrocystic masses and elephantiasis. These changes lead to the fact that the contours of the hand change and its functioning is disrupted.
The worst thing is a serious complication of this period - sepsis, which can lead to death of a person.
Lymphostasis treatment
Therapy of this disease includes two stages:
- Ambulatory treatment. Appointed by a lymphologist. At this stage, the treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy is reduced to the following procedures:
- Wearing special compression hosiery.
- Hand massage.
- Magnetic therapy.
- Drug treatment.
- Laser Therapy
- Compliance with a certain diet.
- Physiotherapy.
2. Surgical treatment if the lymphostasis of the hand in breast cancer could not be defeated by conservative methods. Surgery is also indicated in cases where the disease progresses rapidly.
Drug therapy
If hand lymphostasis develops, treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor. Along with all physiotherapeutic methods, drug therapy is used, in which:
- Angioprotectors.
- Phlebotics.
- Immunostimulants.
- Enzymes
- Antibiotics if erysipelas join.
All of these groups of drugs in combination with procedures make it possible to restore normal outflow of lymph and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Physiotherapy exercises for lymphostasis
Not only massage with hand lymphostasis will be effective, but also a set of physical exercises, which your doctor will recommend. All complexes are aimed at improving the outflow of lymph. You can start classes from 7-10 days after the operation.
After breast removal, a woman feels a certain stiffness in her arm and shoulder girdle, from this she begins to stoop, press her hand to her body. This leads to additional problems in the form of a headache, spasms that disrupt the movement of lymphatic fluid.
Massage and physiotherapy exercises will help to avoid such consequences or get rid of them, if any. The effect will depend on the time when classes begin - the sooner the better.
You can perform the proposed exercises while sitting on the bed, straightening your shoulders. Repeat each exercise 4 to 10 times. Do not bring yourself to exhaustion, if you experience unpleasant or painful sensations, you need to rest.
- Straighten your arms and put your knees down on your knees. It is necessary to turn over the brushes, only without straining at the same time.
- The situation is the same, fingers alternately squeeze into a fist and unclench.
- Hands should be bent at the elbows, while the palms lie on the shoulders. Raise and lower your hands slowly.
- Lean in the direction where the operation was performed, lower your hand and make small movements back and forth with it.
- It is necessary to raise the hand from the operated side up and hold it in this position for several seconds.
- Inhale - raise your hand in front of you, hold your breath and take your hand to the side. Exhale - lower your hand.
- Make circular movements in the shoulder joint.
- Connect your fingers behind your back and straighten your arms. Try to raise your hands in this position.
- Put your hands behind your back in the "lock" and press them with the back of your hands to your lower back.
Perform all exercises slowly, take your time. In this case, regularity is not important, but regularity.
Healing massage
The attending physician will definitely recommend you not only to do physical therapy, but also massage your hand from the operated side. Massage can be done independently, or you can ask your loved ones to do it for you.
Before a woman is discharged from the hospital, the doctor will definitely have a conversation with her regarding the regimen of the day, the sets of exercises that need to be done, and also show and talk about the technique of massage.
Here are a few recommendations for this procedure for lymphostasis:
- It is necessary to raise the edematous hand and rest against a vertical surface, and the second while doing stroking movements from the fingers to the shoulder and from the elbow to the shoulder. You can use special ointments or creams.
- Massage movements must be done from all sides. They should be soft, calm and unhurried. During this procedure, you should not feel pain and discomfort.
- The duration of one massage session is a few minutes. Depending on the stage of the disease, it can be performed several times a day.
Folk doctors against lymphostasis
Do not panic if you have been diagnosed with lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy. Treatment with folk remedies in combination with other methods of therapy will give good results.
First of all, traditional medicine advises taking diuretic infusions and decoctions, which will not contribute to fluid retention in the body. A good effect is given by taking a diuretic tea, here is the recipe for its preparation:
- Collect, dry and chop blackcurrant leaves.
- Combine them with the same number of rose hips.
- Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water.
- Take 100 ml before meals 4 times a day after the tea has infused.
If you ask traditional healers about how to treat hand lymphostasis, they will give you a lot of recipes. Here is some of them:
- Compress of cottage cheese and potatoes. The cottage cheese should be dry, grated potatoes and without juice. You can put them together on a sore hand or in turn: today, cottage cheese, and tomorrow potatoes.
- Along with compresses from potatoes and cottage cheese, you must take tincture of the fruits of Sophora. It helps strengthen connective tissue, relieves the inflammatory process. To prepare it, you need to take 50 grams of fruit, pour them with 0.5 l of vodka and insist for three weeks, periodically mixing. It is necessary to take 30 drops 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
- You can prepare a collection of equal parts of sweet clover, meadowsweet, black elderberry, willow bark and dandelion root. Take 1.5 tbsp. l pour 0.5 l of water into the mixture and boil for several minutes. Leave to insist. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.
- You can use a compress that relieves swelling: brew the dough from rye flour, add the same amount of yogurt, preferably homemade. Mix everything well and soak a piece of gauze. Put the compress on the hand and fix it, leave it to dry. Repeat several times a day.
- Lymphostasis of the hand can be treated with natural beet juice, which should be drunk 250 ml per day.
If you combine folk recipes with physiotherapy, medication, then you will be able to get rid of lymphostasis.
Diet for lymphostasis
You should always monitor your weight, since extra pounds do not add health to us, and even more so if you have problems with the lymphatic system. Nutrition with lymphostasis of the hand should be rational and within reasonable limits, in the end we eat to live, and not live to eat.
Any food can be a medicine, as ancient philosophers spoke of this. The following dietary recommendations can be given during lymphostasis:
- Reduce the amount of foods containing animal fats.
- Remove smoked meats and sausages from the diet.
- Increase consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Do not give up whole grains in the form of cereals.
- The diet should be fermented milk products.
- Butter is not recommended to be completely excluded, but replace most of it with vegetable oil.
- Food should be boiled, stewed, not fried.
- In addition, you can add multivitamins.
Getting up from the table is necessary with a slight feeling of hunger. This will not only affect your health well, but also give you more strength.
Particular attention should be paid to the amount of fluid that you drink during the day. It should not exceed 1.5 liters per day. It is advisable to drink this amount until 16-17 hours. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink liquid, if you want, you can afford a glass of kefir or fruit.
The regimen of the day for the disease
After any operation, a person needs to be restored, but there is no need to talk about breast removal. This is not only a physical trauma, but also a great psychological stress for any woman.
First of all, in order to recover faster after surgery, and even more so if you have lymphostasis of the hand after removal of the mammary gland, a special role is given to the regimen of the day. For recovery, the body needs rest, so a night's sleep should be at least 7-8 hours. Do not sit up in front of the TV until midnight, it is advisable to go to bed at 22.00 or 22.30.
In order for the sleep to be sound and healthy, it is necessary to take a warm shower, paying special attention to water massage of sore spots. Many doctors do not recommend taking a bath. For a sore hand, you can prepare a second, higher pillow, if you have lymphostasis of the hand. The photo just demonstrates that this position is more convenient.
As long as there are problems with the lymphatic system, it is not recommended to sleep on the sick side, especially putting your hand under your head. After waking up in the morning, you need to pay attention to the morning toilet, light exercise and take a light breakfast.
If you don’t have to rush to work, you can take a walk in the park. At home, you can remove the bra with a prosthesis so that the body rests. During the day, a nap is recommended, it will help to quickly restore your strength after surgery.
Many women almost immediately after returning from the hospital rush into battle and begin to clean up, wash, clean. This is strictly prohibited, your household must take this into account, and they will have to take most of the cares on themselves if they want to see their mother and wife healthy.
After a mastectomy, the body will restore its lymphatic system for a long time. How successful this is can be judged by the presence of edema on the arm. A ring on the finger can be a good indicator: if it is worn as easily as before the operation, then everything is going well.
Those who have a personal plot or their own house with a plot of land, the amount of work there should also be significantly reduced. If this cannot be avoided, then prepare a little bench for work. As soon as you feel a little tired, you need to rest.
Do not forget not only about the area of operation, but also about healthy breasts. Try to avoid injuries, jolts, especially in crowded vehicles.
How to prevent the development of lymphostasis
If you were unable to avoid a diagnosis such as hand lymphostasis, treatment will still be needed to prevent more serious complications. But you can take some measures to minimize the risk of such a disease or even prevent it:
- Things with tight elastic bands and cuffs should be removed from your wardrobe in order to prevent crushing of the lymphatic and blood vessels.
- Use a healthy hand for physical labor, carrying bags and so on.
- Measuring blood pressure is necessary on a healthy hand.
- Try to exercise every day.
- As soon as you notice some changes in the hand, be it redness, swelling, pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- In the first year after surgery, a hand from the side of the removed breast can lift weights of not more than 1 kg.
- Avoid work that requires you to have a long position with your body tilted forward and your arms down.
- The hand must be protected from all injuries and injuries, even injections cannot be made into it.
- Sleep on your back or healthy side.
If you follow these simple recommendations, then you will be able to avoid complications such as lymphostasis of the hand after surgery.