Tricks with fingers and their secrets: description and instructions. How to make focus with fingers

For an illusionist, magic tricks with fingers are dexterous tricks, which are based on deception of sight or attention with the help of quick gestures, distracting maneuvers, etc.

How to entertain children in their free time

All children are different. Active love to run, jump, jump. Passive people choose calmer activities: board games, drawing, watching cartoons, etc. But there is such a form of entertainment that everyone likes. This is the magic of focus.

tricks with fingers

Types of Tricks

The most common classification of tricks:

  • Simple. For such tricks you do not need to use any details. Their number may be minimal. This category includes tricks with fingers, coins, ropes, rubber bands, etc.
  • Complex tricks require more thorough preparation. The presence of a certain amount of equipment and props, time for practicing (improving skills), a way of serving the viewer. An assistant is almost always required.

Each person at least once in his life found himself in the role of an illusionist. It's nice to surprise friends and acquaintances, just pass the time. And if you find yourself in the company of children, then you can enthrall them using ordinary tricks with your fingers.

tricks with fingers and their secrets

Sometimes, watching a magician, at some point a person begins to confuse the illusion with reality. That which cannot be explained is perceived as a miracle or magic. But common sense returns to reality, explaining what is happening with ordinary sleight of hand.

The basic rules of the illusionist

How to do magic tricks with your fingers and become an unsurpassed master wizard? The following rules will help you:

  1. To get the result you need constant training. Sleight of hand does not appear on its own, it must be developed.
  2. The set trick needs to be rehearsed, and better in front of the mirror. The more times the focus is rehearsed, the better the result.
  3. The trick secret is important. It does not need to be disclosed, because the viewer will lose interest, and he should suffer in conjectures.
  4. During the demonstration of the trick, you should not warn about what should happen. Otherwise, the viewer will guess what and where to look. Consequently, the secret of focus will be revealed.

Simple tricks

Attract with its unpretentiousness. Foci with fingers belong to those. The ease of preparation and conduct is available to everyone.

Simple tricks with fingers and their secrets

Let's look at some interesting tricks and reveal their secrets.

  • "Torn off finger." This focus has been familiar to everyone since childhood. Its essence is that the magician first shows a hand on which all five fingers are clearly visible. Then with the second hand he takes the thumb of the first hand and, making a sharp movement, as if β€œtears” it. In fact, at the time of "tearing" the magician simply bends his thumb for the rest. As a result, he already shows the public four fingers on his hand. Such tricks can be done with any finger.
    how to do tricks with fingers
  • "Walking finger." This focus is a bit similar to the previous one. The difference lies in the fact that at the time of "tearing" the finger on one hand, the thumb of the second hand is located between the index and middle. Then begins the progressive movement along the first hand. It seems that the "torn off" finger is now in the usual position, then in the walking.
  • "Focus with rubber on the fingers." This trick is very popular due to the effect of jumping gum over your fingers. For example, two fingers of one hand (little finger and forefinger) are wrapped with an elastic band. Next, the hand must be clenched into a fist. The gum jumps to other fingers at a time when the fist is unclenched. The secret of the trick is that in the process of squeezing one hand into a fist, the elastic is slightly pulled by the finger of the second hand and those fingers are selected to which it will later jump.
    focus with rubber on fingers
  • "Finger with a carrot." For this simple focus, additional details will be required in the form of carrots, needles and a scarf. Its essence is as follows. Covering one hand with a handkerchief, the illusionist thrusts needles into it. Amazed viewers do not understand. The secret is that instead of a finger, the master holds a carrot (under a scarf). This trick is suitable for children under the age of seven.
  • "Finger and match." The match must be placed vertically, head down on the index finger, and squeezed with a large one from above. At some point, the thumb is removed, and the match remains upright. The secret of the trick is that the match must be placed with the index finger moistened with water.
  • Wet finger. The focus is simple, but an additional assistant is required. The meaning of the trick is that the magician, turning to a group of children, asks someone to lower his finger in a glass of water. Himself at this moment is removed from the room. Returning, I must guess. The distraction is the story of fingerprints. You can cheat and tell the children that prints are stored on the surface of the water. The secret of this trick is an agreement with one of the parents, under any pretext, to come up and stand next to the child who dropped his finger. Kids always enthusiastically accept this trick.
    how to do focus with fingers
  • "Focus with rope on fingers and knots." There are two knots on a rope about one meter long. The magician, slowly wrapping it around the brush of one hand, holds the other along the entire length. Swings a magic wand and quickly unwinds the rope. Viewers see the absence of one node. Then this procedure is repeated, and as a result, the second node disappears. The trick is that the knots are fake and are removed from the rope at the moment when the magician runs his second hand along the entire length of the rope. You need to prepare for this trick in advance and start the demonstration with knots already tied.
  • "Living pencil." With one hand, a pencil is clamped into a fist. Next, you need to turn this hand with your thumb down, and the rest - to the audience. The second hand must be pressed to the fingers of the first hand and carry out translational movements. As a result, viewers will see how the pencil begins to move, that is, come to life. The secret of this trick is quite simple. After the second hand closes the fist with the pencil gripped in it from the viewers, it is necessary to rest against the pencil shaft with the thumb located at the bottom and begin to slowly squeeze it out. The movements that are made with the second hand are distracting.

How to make focus with fingers

Based on the above examples, you can please your friends and relatives with simple and interesting tricks. The main condition for mastering these tricks is desire, some free time and patience.

How to improve magician skills

Hone skill is possible only with constant training. Even the simplest tricks with fingers can fail if you don't rehearse. Constant training and exercises help develop hand motor skills, which is an important stage for children not only in understanding the world around them, but also in the development of the thought process.

How to improve magician skills

focus with rope on fingers
Hone skill is possible only with constant training. Even the simplest tricks with fingers can fail if you don't rehearse. Constant training and exercises help to develop hand motor skills, which is an important stage for children not only in understanding the world around them, but also in the development of thought processes.

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