"Irunin": instructions for use, indications, release form, composition, analogues, reviews

Unfortunately or fortunately, our body is in close contact with other living organisms. Some of them can harm us by initiating destructive actions in our bodies. Among these parasites are fungi, which not only spoil the appearance of a person, but also cause him a lot of trouble and discomfort. Pills will help to cope with this problem. "Irunin" is an effective antifungal agent that has proven itself in the fight against various mycoses. Doctors all over the world have praised this medicine and are effectively using it in their practice of treating fungi.

Description of the drug

The main active ingredient of the drug is itraconazole, which is derived from triazole. It acts on the membrane of the fungus, from which it dies. This allows it to be used for a wide range of similar microorganisms.

irunin analogues

Irunin is available in the form of capsules and vaginal tablets. Yellow capsules contain microgranules with 0.1 g of active ingredient and additional ingredients (sucrose, poloxamer, starch and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose). One package may contain 6, 10 or 14 capsules.

Vaginal tablets are presented in the form of a specific white ring that contains 0.2 g of active ingredient. Additional components in the composition are:

  • starch;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone;
  • talc.

Instructions for use are also included in each package of Irunin so that patients can quickly familiarize themselves with the information they need.


The maximum bioavailability of itraconazole is seen after a heavy meal. Take the capsules no later than five minutes after the meal. The maximum plasma concentration is observed three to four hours after taking the medicine. The elimination half-life is 1-1.5 days.

The concentration of the drug in the skin exceeds the concentration in plasma four times. The process and duration of its removal depends on the rate of dermis regeneration. Traces of itraconazole in blood plasma seven days after cessation of administration are no longer detectable, while in the skin it remains four more weeks after a month's course of administration.

Itraconazole accumulates in the nails after a week of taking the drug and remains in them for at least six months after the cancellation of a three-month course of treatment.

The active ingredient "Irunina" is processed by the liver with the formation of a large number of metabolites. From 3 to 18% of the dose is excreted immediately through the digestive tract. Unprocessed itraconazole is practically not excreted by the kidneys, but in the form of metabolites, approximately 35% of the substance leaves the body with urine.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for Irunin, this drug can be used in case of infection with a fungus. But the need to use it in a particular case should be determined only by the attending physician.

So, "Irunin" is indicated in the presence of dermatomycosis, dermatophytosis, onychomycosis, which are caused by mold and yeast fungi. In this case, the drug is prescribed in combination with the local one. It is also worth noting that with such diagnoses, the tool is used only in extremely advanced cases.

Candidiasis in all its manifestations is also the reason for the appointment of "Irunin." It shows particular effectiveness in the development of fungal infections in the internal organs and mucous membranes. Multi-colored lichen and inguinal epidermophytosis also require taking this medicine.

Let's understand further what “Irunin” helps from. There are a number of deep mycoses that the drug copes with. These include:

  • sporotrichosis;
  • paracoccidiomycosis;
  • blastomycosis;
  • coccidiomycosis;
  • histoplasmosis;
  • chromomycosis;
  • penicillosis.

It is effective for foot mycetomas.

This medicine has also proven itself in the fight against systemic mycoses, such as histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, paracoccidioidomycosis and its other species. It is also used to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis, which is also confirmed by the instructions. Irunin is a rather effective remedy if applied strictly according to the doctor’s prescription without self-medication.


Like any other medicine, Irunin has contraindications. First of all, this is an individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug. Also, the drug is strictly prohibited during the first trimester of pregnancy. Regarding later dates, the doctor may prescribe his appointment, but only on condition that the benefit from it will be greater than the potential harm to the fetus.

irunin reviews

With special care and when absolutely necessary, prescribe a medicine in childhood, with severe heart failure, chronic renal failure and liver diseases.

Adverse reactions

Patients' reviews say about Irunin (as well as the instructions) that side effects from various organ systems are possible during its administration:

  • Gastrointestinal tract: dyspepsia, constipation and abdominal pain, nausea, increased activity of liver enzymes, hepatitis, anorexia, in very rare cases - acute liver failure with a fatal outcome.
  • CNS: dizziness, headache, fatigue, peripheral neuropathy.
  • Cardiovascular system: pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure.
  • Other organ systems: allergic manifestations, menstrual irregularities, Steven-Johnson syndrome, edema, discoloration of the urine, alopecia, hypercreatininemia, hypokalemia.

Therefore, if at least some negative reactions occur while taking the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he monitors the patient's condition and makes an adjustment to the therapeutic course. After all, all these side effects of Irunin can be extremely dangerous to health.

Treatment regimens

Since the list of fungal infections that this drug copes with is quite large, but the patterns of its use are not so small. Therefore, it is imperative that, in a particular case, a doctor appoints her to treat a particular disease. Here, in the article, we will consider as an example only a few ways to use Irunin.

irunin contraindications

With candidiasis, the medicine is taken 100-200 mg (1-2 capsules) once a day. The course of treatment lasts from 7 days to 3 months, depending on the condition of the patient.

With onychomycosis in the hands, the drug is taken in 200 mg courses twice a day for a week, then a 7-day break is taken and the course is repeated. With damage to the toenails, doctors prescribe 3 such courses with weekly breaks. It is also possible to treat continuously 2 capsules of the drug for 3 months. What kind of scheme to choose, the dermatologist decides, depending on the condition of the patient and the neglect of the disease.

With pityriasis versicolor, the Irunin treatment regimen will be as follows: 200 mg of the substance once a day for a week. If necessary, the course may last another week.

Treatment of systemic mycoses is longer. The course of taking the drug can reach 6-7 months, and in some cases a year. In this case, the daily dosage will be 100-200 mg of the active substance. Sometimes in severe cases, the doctor can double the dose, it all depends on the nature of the course of the disease.

It should be noted that Irunin tablets should be taken only after eating.


This fact is not fully understood. Therefore, if you suspect an overdose, you need to do a gastric lavage and prescribe the intake of activated carbon or other sorbents. Then symptomatic treatment is necessary.

The active substance is not excreted through hemodialysis. Specific antidotes to it have not yet been developed. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the storage conditions of the drug away from children and strictly follow the instructions of the attending doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Before using any medicine, it is extremely important to read the instructions. Irunin is no exception, since it has a number of features in terms of interaction with other substances.

So, during the use of the drug, it is extremely undesirable to drink alcohol in any form and quantity.

irunin tablets

Rifampicin, rifabutin and phenytoin are itraconazole inhibitors. Therefore, their combined use is extremely undesirable, otherwise the negative effect of Irutin on the liver may increase significantly, causing its acute failure. Interaction with other similar drugs has not been studied. But there are prerequisites to believe that analogues of the above substances can have the same effect on the body along with itraconazole.

Also, Irunin is able to inhibit other drugs that are cleaved by the CYP3A4 enzyme. This leads not only to their longer action, but also makes longer manifestations of adverse reactions, which is also highly undesirable. Your doctor knows the entire list of such drugs. Therefore, if you are taking any medications, be sure to tell him about it.

Studies have shown that while taking Imipramine, Diazepam, Propranolol, Sulfadimidine, Indomethacin and other similar drugs with Irunin, there are no problems in the process of binding to plasma proteins. Therefore, their joint appointment is allowed if necessary. They will not compete with each other, enhancing or weakening the therapeutic effects of each other.

Patients who are being treated due to impaired immune system function may be shown to double the dose of itraconazole, since immunosuppressants seriously reduce its effectiveness.


Itraconazole is used as an active ingredient in many medicines. Therefore, in pharmacies analogues of "Irunin" are quite common. These include:

  • "Rumikoz".
  • Orunit.
  • "Itraconazole".
  • "Candidral."
  • Teknazole.
  • Orungal.
  • Itramikol.

This is not a complete list. We will consider some of these drugs below. But it is worth remembering that changing one drug to another without consulting a treating doctor is extremely dangerous to health.


In its composition and action, it is an almost complete analogue of Irunin. It is also available in capsules containing the active substance itraconazole - 100 mg. It is prescribed for the treatment of yeast, yeast-like and mold fungi. Treatment regimens are also similar: 200 mg 1-2 times a day after meals.

Irunin testimony

Adverse reactions and contraindications are the same. How is he different from Irunin? There is a slight difference in the composition of excipients. Therefore, the replacement of the drug we are studying is justified if there is an allergy to any of the components, but it is absent in Rumikoz.

Also, this drug is available only in the form of capsules, while Irunin is also in the form of vaginal tablets.


This is another analogue of the drug we are describing. More precisely, it can be said that this is a practically pure active substance, which is part of Irunin. This drug contains a minimal variety of auxiliary components, which allows it to be selected for some patients with hypersensitivity to Irunin.

The mode of action of the drug is the same - the destruction of the membrane structure of most types of fungi. In the treatment of soft tissues, the therapeutic effect is noticeable after a week or two, but if the nail plates were affected, you will have to wait until they are completely updated. And this can take 6-7 months, depending on the severity and extent of the disease.

irunin composition

It is also worth noting that the drug can cause serious malfunctions in the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is extremely important for women of childbearing age to take care of topical contraception during its administration, or to completely abandon sex in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. It is also worth recalling that in the first trimester, the medicine adversely affects the embryo, and if you do not know about its presence and continue to take the drug, then there are great chances to harm both the unborn child and your health.

He has the same form as that of Irunin, the release form is capsules with microgranules inside. Therefore, you need to take it the same way - only after a meal, drinking plenty of clean water.

If you look at the pricing policy, then all three of the drugs described above are dispensed at about the same cost, which ranges from 300-500 rubles per package.


It makes sense to use this drug if you like to buy expensive drugs instead of cheap analogues. In its composition, it does not differ from the medicines described above (the active substance is itraconazole in a dosage of 0.1 g). But here the price for it ranges from 750-1100 rubles.

The treatment regimens, indications and contraindications are the same, so it makes no sense to describe this tool in more detail. But if your doctor decides you to appoint him instead of the same “Irunin”, check with him why pay more if there are cheap and equivalent analogues.

Patient opinions

On the network quite often you can find reviews about "Irunin". They note both positive and negative aspects. Therefore, it is worth considering who to trust more - an experienced doctor or ordinary consumers. It is up to you to decide, but we will give further generalized impressions, which most often leave those who took this drug.

irunin treatment regimen

Positive reviews say that taking the drug helped them quickly cope with fungal infections. Not all doctors attribute antimycotic drugs inside, so for people it was a discovery that tablets in tandem with local drugs give such a result.

Many patients do not complain of adverse reactions; they took courses of therapy easily and without any special changes in their usual way of life. Some noted that even with a side effect it was easy to cope, because it was not so strong.

For many patients, Irunin, which includes itraconazole, was the salvation after many years of fighting the fungus on the nails of the hands and feet, with which they had unsuccessfully fought for a long time.

Also, mothers note that their pediatricians prescribed the drug to their children, while developing individual gentle treatment regimens. This helped the kids cope with fungal infections painlessly for short periods of time.

Of the negative reviews, it is worth noting the complete inefficiency of the tool, since for a long time they did not notice any improvement. This may indicate that either the drug or the scheme was chosen incorrectly, or they were self-medicating, not knowing the exact diagnosis.

It did not suit some people due to sensitivity to the components of the drug or pronounced strong adverse reactions, which were quite difficult to cope with.

Among the reviews there are generally unusual ones. People have successfully treated Irunin with their pets for lichen or fungus. Of course, this is everyone’s business, but in this case it is better to seek help from a specialist, since the animal may suffer from an overdose of the active substance, which is designed in capsules for an adult.


In the fight against fungal infections, the Irunin medicine has proven itself. The dosage and treatment regimen, selected correctly, help to effectively get rid of fungi parasitizing on the human body.

But since this is a specific drug, it can be taken only as directed by a doctor. That is why it is available at prescription pharmacies. Its average cost is in the range of 450 rubles for 6 capsules.

It is necessary to store the medicine at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C, in a dark place inaccessible to children. Shelf life is two years from the date of issue. After that, taking it is strictly prohibited.

And the most important thing! Never self-medicate, because outwardly similar diseases can have completely different origins. Therefore, be sure to contact a doctor who will conduct a qualified diagnosis and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen.

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