Almost everyone knows the pain and pressing sensations in the throat, which cause a lot of discomfort during a sore throat. No wonder the very name of this infectious disease, “angio”, is translated from Latin as “strangle, squeeze”. And indeed, in acute tonsillitis, patients cannot normally eat, breathe, and even swallow saliva.
However, it compresses the throat not only with inflammation in the tonsils. A similar symptom sometimes occurs with some other pathologies. And if a person suffers from having a sore throat for a long time or something seems to interfere with him, then you should consult a doctor to determine the problem and to resolve it quickly.
Most patients who come to the doctor and complain that something seems to be bothering them in their throats almost always call the same signs that accompany this syndrome. Among them:
- sensation of a foreign body located in the larynx ;
- choking and constriction;
- unpleasant sensations, the localization of which is the neck and throat;
- difficulty swallowing food and breathing freely;
- feeling of dry mouth;
- a frequent desire to swallow saliva, but difficulties in implementing this process;
- a feeling of soreness and friction in the throat;
- feeling of a lump that moves inside the larynx.
If such symptoms occur, it is recommended to make an appointment with an ENT doctor. In the absence of pathologies in the nasopharynx, the doctor will give direction for further examination by narrow specialists, which will allow you to find out the true cause of the syndrome.
Why does the throat feel constricted?
Our body is a huge, quite complex and integral mechanism. That is why in the event of a malfunction of at least one of its parts, all this will certainly affect its entire functioning. In this regard, if something seems to bother a person in the throat, then he should not ignore such a symptom.
Feeling when it becomes difficult to breathe can occur due to the influence of various factors. Moreover, when it compresses the throat, the causes can be somatic or psychogenic. It is worth noting that factors in the first of these groups can be found much more often. Let's consider them in more detail.
Inflammatory processes
The cause of constricted throat and difficulty swallowing can be various ENT diseases. In the presence of foci of inflammation, tissue swelling occurs, which leads to the appearance of a pressing coma. This phenomenon can be either acute or chronic, confirming the development of pharyngitis or laryngitis. Sometimes the cause of a pressing sore throat is follicular tonsillitis.
If any of these diseases is detected by the otolaryngologist, it will be necessary to immediately begin treatment. The fact is that in the case of a prolonged infection of the larynx, there is a high probability of developing suppuration (abscess) in the area of ​​the tongue or epiglottis. What is this syndrome? An abscess is a complex and dangerous phenomenon, especially if its localization is in the throat. This syndrome is accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory process, in which pus formation occurs.
Abscesses often occur in people with a tendency to chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. If therapy is not carried out on time, then there is a high probability of suppuration of the epiglottis, which is very dangerous for human health and life. Such an abscess is rapidly increasing in size. In this case, a sensation of a coma appears in the throat and suffocation appears.
Sometimes the reason that a person compresses the throat is benign or malignant neoplasms. In the first case, as a rule, conservative methods of treatment allow eliminating the pathology. With malignant tumors, the situation is much more serious. That is why for the most successful treatment, you will need to undergo a course prescribed by a doctor at the first stages of the development of pathology. In some cases, sensations in which a lump is felt in the throat and it is difficult to breathe are the only symptom of a dangerous disease. However, sometimes additional signs of the disease may occur:
- difficulty swallowing;
- fatigue when talking;
- hoarseness in the voice;
- respiratory failure;
- the appearance of bloody veins in the sputum;
- shooting pain in the ear.
The location of such disorders is usually the area of ​​the larynx, oropharynx or trachea. In case of suspicion of the presence of tumors, it is urgent to consult a specialist.
Endocrine dysfunction
Why does it squeeze the throat? Sometimes this happens due to damage to the thyroid gland. One of them is goiter, or bazedova disease. With this pathology, the thyroid gland increases in size, which leads to a sensation of compression of the throat.
To identify such a pathology, an examination by an endocrinologist will be required. But in addition to visual signs, patients with a basic disease have a protrusion of the eyes, loss of appetite, as well as loss of body weight. In order to clarify this diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound and laboratory tests.
The feeling of suffocation in the throat is sometimes associated with other pathologies of the thyroid gland. This can be an inflammatory process or an increase in the production of thyroid hormones. With such pathologies, it compresses the throat under the Adam's apple, excessive sweating occurs, a feeling of heat and hoarseness appears.
Thus, the main causes of malfunctioning of the thyroid gland are hormonal disorders, a lack of iodine in the body and interruptions in metabolic processes.
Why does it press in the throat? The cause of this phenomenon sometimes becomes pathology of the spine. Can it compress the throat from cervical osteochondrosis? Yes, breathing difficulties sometimes occur due to the presence of an ailment in this area of ​​the spinal column. Cervical osteochondrosis occurs due to lack of movement, malnutrition, and the presence of bad habits in humans. This pathology is characterized by pain in the back, neck and head. In some cases, the disease can cause drops in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting. An accurate diagnosis is possible only when contacting a doctor.
To eliminate the pathology, the patient will have to undergo a long course of complex treatment. In this case, therapeutic gymnastics, as well as massage procedures, will be quite effective. At the same time, the patient will need to monitor his posture. For those who have a sore throat at night, doctors recommend the use of an orthopedic mattress or pillow. In the most difficult situations, medications are connected to the treatment or surgery is performed.
What is the reason for squeezing the throat and chest? With such symptoms, the presence of esophagospasm, that is, problems in the work of the esophagus, can be suspected. Discomfort with this pathology occurs quite sharply, and at any time of the day. They are disturbing during physical exertion and after eating, and sometimes in a dream. In addition, perspiration is observed in the throat and burping occurs.
The esophagus passes not far from the heart, and therefore the sensations in this pathology resemble angina pectoris. In addition to the feeling of a pressing coma in the larynx, there is pain between the shoulder blades, as well as in the armpits.
Another disease that is characterized by such manifestations is a hernia of the esophagus. In this case, the symptoms described above are aggravated in the supine position and with tilts. With a hernia of the esophagus behind the sternum, burning pain can occur, as well as perspiration, belching and dry mouth.
If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and start taking a course of treatment to avoid various complications.
Gastrointestinal pathology
Sometimes it becomes difficult for a person to breathe in case of malfunctioning of the digestive tract. In this case, a lump sensation arises in the throat, which interferes with the normal swallowing of food.
Sometimes the cause of discomfort in the Adam's apple after eating is heartburn. A similar symptom is observed:
- with cholecystitis;
- gastritis;
- pancreatitis;
- enterocolitis;
- peptic ulcer disease;
- gastroduodenitis.
Sometimes uncomfortable sensations in the throat arise due to food poisoning or overeating. In this case, the person has no pain in it, but there is diarrhea and nausea, excessive gas formation and constipation. After poisoning, a person feels a sour taste in his mouth, experiencing pain and heaviness in the stomach.
Laryngeal tuberculosis
With this pathology, a person in addition to the sensation of a lump in the throat constantly hurts a little lower than the Adam's apple. The patient's voice disappears or changes, and ulcers appear in the area of ​​the pharyngeal lymphatic ring. Pain accompanies a person when talking, coughing and swallowing. It is difficult for the patient to breathe in connection with the resulting swelling of the mucous membranes and inflammatory processes that lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the airways.
Sometimes a sensation of a coma in the throat is observed in those patients who are overweight. How to explain the lack of air while breathing in obese people? The fact is that with excess weight, fat can be located not only in the subcutaneous layers, but also on any internal organs of a person. This can lead to a narrowing of the larynx. A similar phenomenon provokes suffocation and a sensation of coma.
Why is it difficult to breathe and compresses the throat? The cause of this phenomenon may be damage to the larynx or esophagus. This sometimes happens when eating rough food or with improperly performed gastroendoscopy. When eliminating the causes, such symptoms should disappear on their own within 7 days.
A pressure lump in the throat is sometimes a symptom of Quincke's edema. This condition is life threatening. The fact is that with Quincke's edema, a rapid increase in swelling occurs, leading to suffocation. In such situations, sometimes it takes seconds to assist the patient. To save life, a person will need to give antihistamines.
Other reasons
A sensation of pressure in the throat can cause:
- Helminthic invasion. According to popular belief, parasites live in the intestines. However, they can lay their eggs in other places. At the same time, the throat is no exception. The presence of helminthic invasion leads to a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in this area.
- Diseases of blood vessels and heart. Sometimes throat problems provoke this factor. This happens quite rarely, but it is completely impossible to exclude such ailments. An appeal to a cardiologist with other signs of vascular and heart pathologies, for example, with uncomfortable sensations in the sternum, is especially relevant.
- Inconvenient clothes. No matter how surprising it may be, but this factor often provokes discomfort in the throat. Tight ties and collars, as well as tightly tied scarves or jewelry tightly covering the neck, become a cause of circulatory disorders, while squeezing the nerve endings. With the constant wearing of such accessories, the discomfort in the throat will be felt stronger and stronger.
- Alien object. Sometimes when eating or inhaling air, a person begins to complain of compression in the throat and sensations of sharp pain. This happens due to the hit of a foreign object. This phenomenon is accompanied by a dry cough. This organism seeks to push a foreign object out of the larynx. If he succeeds, then the cough stops immediately. However, sometimes a foreign object only changes its position, while blocking access to air. In this case, you just can not do without operational assistance, as a person can suffocate.
Psychogenic factors
Sometimes a lump in the throat is a consequence of depression or neurosis. Many people begin to feel similar discomfort in a state of shock, during overstrain, excitement and in a stressful situation. Moreover, this feeling appears in the throat almost instantly.
In the case of depression, a lump in the Adam's apple occurs due to spasm and constant tension of the cervical muscles. They begin to squeeze the throat, which causes a feeling of internal obstruction to breathing and swallowing.
For an accurate diagnosis, a sick person should contact a neurologist. A detailed examination of the patient should exclude the presence of somatic factors. In the case when it is precisely established that all internal organs are functioning normally, the doctor suggests a psychogenic problem. Such a patient has difficulty swallowing. In addition to constriction, soreness and scratching occur in the throat. In some cases, breathing is disturbed and there are problems with eating solid foods.
At the initial stage of development of a neurological disease, the above symptoms are mild. Moreover, in this state a person can be quite a long time. At this time, he may suspect the development of oncology or other serious diseases. As a result, anxiety increases, which leads to a worsening of the clinical picture.
A feeling of compression in the throat most often occurs in such people periodically. This is accompanied by panic attacks, increased pressure, palpitations and the fear of death. The sensation of suffocation, in which there is a lack of oxygen, further enhances anxiety. A similar situation provokes the development of depression, which confirms tearfulness, isolation and depression.
During a panic attack, sore throat is accompanied by increased heart rate and heart rate. At the same time, limbs may go numb, dizzy, pain may occur in the left side of the chest, and air deficiency can be felt. The onset of such attacks is quite acute, and their duration is approximately 30 minutes.
To identify the exact problems, the doctor will need to study the effect that psychoemotional factors have on the patient's condition. At the same time, complex and stressful situations at home and at work are considered.
If you have a sore throat, what to do in this situation? First of all, go to the doctor’s appointment. Based on the fact that such a symptom can be caused by a variety of diseases, a specialist will have to conduct a thorough diagnosis. And only after identifying the true causes of the pathological condition, the doctor will prescribe the necessary course of therapy. Consider the main methods of treatment for various ailments.
Respiratory disease
With such pathologies, the doctor must find out the reason that led to the defeat of the respiratory tract. And only after that an effective course of treatment can be prescribed. A lump in the throat will disappear on its own almost immediately after eliminating the infection that caused the development of the disease.
A quite effective remedy for respiratory diseases is a pill for sore throat for resorption. Such drugs quickly eliminate all the symptoms of the disease, and some of them even relieve inflammation, while slowing down the development of negative bacterial, viral and infectious processes.
The list of the most effective pills for sore throat for resorption includes:
- "Lizobakt";
- "Sobedin";
- "Falimint";
- "Decatylene";
- Grammidine
- "Faringosept";
- Septolete;
- Strepsils.
To eliminate inflammatory processes, it is also recommended to rinse the throat with infusions prepared from medicinal plants.
It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to let respiratory diseases drift. Indeed, ignoring the problem is fraught with the development of serious complications that threaten human life.
When diagnosing a pathology of the cervical spine, the doctor prescribes massage, as well as external anti-inflammatory drugs. To relax the neck muscles, special gymnastic exercises are recommended. Effective in eliminating a coma in the throat with cervical osteochondrosis is acupuncture and manual therapy.
Failures in the digestive tract
The main method of treatment in this case is the patient’s transition to proper and rational nutrition. Spicy and fatty foods, as well as fried foods and alcoholic beverages, are excluded from the daily diet. Especially for the patient, a specialist should choose a diet that would be suitable for the treatment of a certain digestive disease.
In case of failures in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract caused by pathogenic microorganisms, drugs and antibiotics are prescribed that contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora. , , , « », «», «» «».
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They include anti-inflammatory and antibiotic agents. With the development of an abscess, a surgical method replaces conservative treatment. During the operation, the surgeon removes the purulent mass accumulated in the cavity formed in the thyroid gland.
Laryngeal tuberculosis
With this disease, the doctor prescribes general and drug therapy. In the first case, the doctor directs the patient to procedures that contribute to the destruction of the infection. Sometimes there is a need for surgical intervention.
Inexpensive, but effective pills for the throat for pulmonary tuberculosis are:
- antibiotics - Cycloserine and Streptoimycin;
- glucocorticosteroid drugs - Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone.
In the treatment of this disease, the doctor will certainly advise his patient to carry out inhalation with the use of pain medication.
Neuropsychiatric disorders
With such pathologies, the doctor prescribes therapy, the purpose of which is to normalize the state of the nervous system. In this case, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed. In severe conditions, a course of psychotherapy will be required. Drinking tea based on valerian and lemon balm will contribute to relaxation and relief from anxiety.